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POST 262 News and Reviews!

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by phantom89, Jun 24, 2003.

  1. Chief

    Chief Braves Assistant

    Likes Received:
    Jun 23, 2003
    Well, that's more like it...that's the Braves I know. I hope everybody had their hands in their pockets as he was passing by.
  2. gonzo

    gonzo Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 10, 2003
    Wow, what a year. I have followed Post 262 for 4 years and this is the most mixed up line up I have seen from them. Wilson has played well, playing third, short and pitcher. He continues to come up with timely hits, and is still hitting the ball hard. Ben Kerr has played a very solid short, then moves to second with equal play. His bat is awake (no pressure from coaching staff, go figure) with several home runs to his credit. Michael Smith home from college after his unsuccesful walkon attempt at VT. It took a couple of games to get his swing timing back, but he canbe counted on for good hacks now. And he is still very fast, as he proves when he moves from second to center field. Burnham continues to play well. Early this year there were posters who did not give Craig much credit on his pitching. BUt he throws a great game and Charlotte is lucky to have him. Put him roaming in the outfield when he is not pitching and we are happy. :D
    Dover has come back from Pfeiffer ready to play. He has played first and third and pitched as well. His hitting is off a little, but he is starting to get his swing back in the groove, as evidenced by the line drive he hit over Joey Asis Monday night, to the base of the fence is straight away center field at "The Corral". He also has done a good job moving back to third base after an eighteen month absence. Tyler Collins is playing well. He has spent some time gone as he continues to visit colleges, trying to finalize his decision for next year. Jack Myers is a welcome addition to the squad. He truly is turning into a hitter, and covers much ground in the outfield. David Teague is also covering a lot of ground out in left. He has handled the move very well. Jelani is back, also after an unsuccessful walkon attempt and he is making up for lost time. Bowman continues to pitch well, and has really picked up his velocity from last year. Ramsey is home from Lenior Rhyne and is covering the dish like always. Craig Earls is getting lots of innings and is really doing well. The "side-arm wonder" continues to confound hitters. Throw in Will Rorie, Thomas Jasper, Craig Thomas, Scott Frye, and Chris Keane. I feel like I have left someone off the list, so if I have I apologize guys.

    Good luck to Post 262 in the playoffs.
  3. phantom89

    phantom89 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 29, 2003
    Thanks Gonzo! I can't get to all of the games, so it was great to read about everyone. Keep us posted on the play-off games.

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