1. This Board Rocks has been split into two separate forums.

    The Preps Forum section was moved here to stand on its own. All member accounts are the same here as they were at ThisBoardRocks.

    The rest of ThisBoardRocks is located at: CarolinaPanthersForum.com

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Post Your Scores to NCSCA Website

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by NCSCA Webmaster, Mar 1, 2014.

  1. NCSCA Webmaster

    NCSCA Webmaster Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 31, 2009
    For the convenience of fans and coaches, the North Carolina Softball Coaches Association maintains a scoreboard that serves as a simple and easy to use record of game results for high school softball. Once posted, your scores will remain viewable for the remainder of the season. Anyone may post scores, but please coordinate with your coach so duplicate submissions will not be made. Thanks for your support of fastpitch softball.

    To Post:
    North Carolina Softball Coaches Association -- Submit Scores

    To View:
    North Carolina Softball Coaches Association -- Scoreboard

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