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PREMIER GIRLS FASTPTICH comes to the Carolinas

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by PGF NC, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. PGF NC

    PGF NC Banned From TBR

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    Feb 15, 2013
    PREMIER GIRLS FASTPTICH comes to the Carolinas.

    PGF has become a well recognized organization that has events that provide some of the strongest competition in the US as well as has a strong college coach following.

    With PGF Nationals being held in Huntington Beach California every year, many travels teams have the opportunity to compete against all of the well known programs in the country.
    PGF this year has started a regional program also for those teams that want to play very strong competition but do not want to go to California to do it.

    So now you can play for a Championship in your Region.
    PGF Regional information and News

    NC is in Region 2 and will be hosting several events for the 12U and 14U division. This year the 16 and 18U division can register to play in the PGF Region Championships in Orlando. There will be qualifiers this fall for automatic spots for this event in 2014.

    PGF Region Qualifying Events in Myrtle Beach SC

    For those teams that want to travel Nationally, PGF is hosting a National Qualifier this summer for 12,14,16, and 18U teams. This event will have 2 berths available in each age group for the PGF Nationals in Huntington Beach California. One team in each age group will receive a paid berth to this event if there are 16 teams in the age bracket.
    6/14-6/16 National Qualifier Myrtle Beach SC

    Check out what's new in PGF and come test your skills against the best competition in your area.

    Also there will be a NC PGF website North Carolina
    It will be getting updated constantly with new info about all upcoming events.
    If you have any questions about any of the events, please contact me at [email protected].

    Lets show PGF that NC and SC are states to be recognized for its talent.

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