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Preseason thought and thanks....

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by scal, Jan 30, 2010.

  1. scal

    scal Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 28, 2008
    the forbidden zone...
    I just wanted to pause for a moment and publicly give thanks to some very important folks. Three years ago my DD got started in softball. Getting started late at the age of 13 we really had no clue, but she found the game. After three long and grueling injury plagued and inexperienced years she finds herself experienced, and healthy both of body and mind, and despite her struggle said recently she would not have changed a thing.

    So big thanks to her hitting instructor since we got started in 2007, Charlie Dobbins, Coach EL "SoftballPhreak" Burnette for his direction and support, her HS coach at Leesville Road Suzanne Tadlock and the 2009 team for taking her under their wing, Coach Navas for her hitting clinics, Coach Papa and Coach J for the camps and lessons, the 14U Fuquay Bombs who got her started playing the OF, The NC Dominators 14U for allowing us to stick around and rehab a knee, her surgeon at Duke Dr. Alison Toth (Director of Women's Duke Sports Med), Rec Ball Coaches John Brueck and Ray Green, the teams who let her guest play this past Summer and continue to develop, and everyone who allows us to come to a practice and get some work even though we did not stay, all the friends we've met at the workouts and batting cages and conditioning programs who always had a kind work to say, and everyone on TBR for the thought provoking rants and raves.

    Three long years. We are SOOOOOO looking forward to this season. Good luck to you all and hope to see you out there.!!!
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2010

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