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Queen of Diamonds

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by niteowl, Sep 1, 2006.

  1. nc2aump

    nc2aump Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    It is part of a recruiting service

    Jack Thomas was formally with NSR, left them to form his own service. His prices start at $250 if he just supplies you with the means to contact the schools yourself or $550 if he gets directly involved.
  2. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc

    250.00 to supply you with contact info that you can get off the internet??? i'm in the wrong business!
  3. Homer3

    Homer3 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 20, 2004
    It is part of a recruiting service
    NC2AUMP-"Jack Thomas was formally with NSR, left them to form his own service. His prices start at $250 if he just supplies you with the means to contact the schools yourself or $550 if he gets directly involved."

    What a cheap and unsuspecting way to get kids and their parents to pay for something that is free. This guy charged one young lady's parents almost $3000 for a "package" the family could have done on their own.

    I wonder what kind of cut the promoter get from "services" this Thomas guy sells?

    Having all these young ladies and parents who all have dreams of playing ball in college in one place must be like shooting fish in a barrell to these guys.

    I bet most of the guys who were coaching didn't have an idea the recruiting service would be there or they wouldn't have participated.

    IMO, this would have been a great event except for the way the promoter tried to slide the recruiting service in on these girls and parents.
  4. screwball_1

    screwball_1 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 3, 2006
    DD attended the QDSS this past weekend. Alot of college coaches there, I was told around 81. I seen about 30 myself, when I had time to look (Alot of D1 and D2 colleges). Very well run tournament! Seen alot of awesome players and some average players from the northeast and southeast. Players paid an entry fee of $150 and were given tips on letter writing and videos, they were also supplied with a list of every (softball) college in the U.S. and the coaches email address. A profile of each player is on the website, that coaches can access. It was up to each girl to write to college coaches and invite them to the QDSS, to watch them play. We were told that Jack Thomas would be there, IF we were interested in a recruiting service. I've met Jack Thomas several times, very nice man, and not once has he tried to sell his recruiting services to us. If we decide to use a recruiting service, would contact him in a heart beat. The whole point of this past weekend was to show these athletes how to market themselves. Judging from the turnout of college coaches, it worked. IMO
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2006
  5. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC

    Great post... I wish I had said it

    Reminds of an old west snake oil saleman......
  6. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    $3000.00 is the exact average that a softball player could receive in North Carolina. So, lets see, you spent $3000.00 to get $3000.00, i may be old school, but it dont add up. the group of college coaches that I know would rather have a hand written letter from you on a personal level, than a form letter from a recruiting service. jmo. . . .
  7. Freedom Sball

    Freedom Sball Full Access Member

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    Apr 27, 2006
    Besides the Recruiting service

    I coached in the QDS this weekend and it was the best "showcase" event I've ever attented. There were 81 college coaches there from all over, the level of play was outstanding, the staff of QDS were all very helpful. Kirt Whiteside does an amazing job of geting these kids prepared, by helping them through the process of how to send letters to coaches, e-mails, etc...
    I saw Mr. Thomas there and to my knowledge he did not approach any of my kids from the high school or the team I coached. So his service is out there, but didn't seem too pushy.

    As for my team I coached this weekend, those were some of the best kids I've ever been around (next to my high school team). They played very hard and really cared if we won or lost. I never heard a word of out of a parent or player, unlike this year in travel ball...
    I had a couple D-1 prospects, and a lot of D-2 good prospects.

    If you didn't apply to the QDS this year, you better apply for next year! Parents it's well worth the money.
  8. RobMill

    RobMill Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 10, 2006
    Rockwell, NC
    I AGREE!!

    This was our first experience at a "showcase" tournament and we could not be more pleased with how the weekend turned out. The game format was great (1 hour time limit with a 1 and 1 count on the batter) so we played and saw a lot of ball this weekend. Had a parent comment that there were more college coaches there this weekend than at most of the travel ball sho9wcase tournaments!

    I loved the fact that there was a room setup for the college coaches to come browse through player brochures and videos to take with them (got a lot of ideas from the creative minds that cam up with some of those).
    The had food for the college coaches in the room where the bios were located.

    We used this weekend as a measuring stick for our dd to see where her abilities were compared to most of the older girls as she is a freshman this year. We were certainly excited after our experience this weekend that this dream of softball in college is definetely attainable.

    We will attend this event next year for sure!!
  9. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    thanks for sharing.
  10. sftblgrl2008

    sftblgrl2008 Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 23, 2005
    My DD attended the QDSS this weekend also. It was a great expierence for her. She said she had an awesome time. I thought all the teams played extremely well for most of them to have only been together for 1 hour before they started to play. There was no push from the start about using a recruiting service to me it was more like a you can do this yourself if you have the time kind of thing. My daughters coach for the weekend told them at the end "Now you see that you can play with different girls from all over, not just your high school teams and travel teams, this is what it will be like when you go off to college." It was a great expierence and we look forward to attending again maybe even the QDSN.

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