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Questionable tactics

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by prklandsoftballdad, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. prklandsoftballdad

    prklandsoftballdad Set my brother FREE!!

    Likes Received:
    May 25, 2004
    Ok first off let me put my disclaimer first:
    I do not know any of the people on this team and have never seen them previously to this past weekend. From my understanding there is a very talented pitcher names Mitchell that is about 6'2" with good movement that there are a lot of D1s looking at. Also let me say that there are some VERY talented kids on this team, however i saw some questionable things going on that were either taught by the coach or could be just real aggesiveness. So let me throw these things out and get you guys opinions on legality and morality.

    First: i noticed was all the kids were way up the baseline to make tags whether it was at second or third or home. Now morally or legally there is nothing wrong with that as long as you have the ball. But, my problem was that our girls were not expecting it (that far up the line) which caused some unexpected collisions (also expected). But the other team acted like we were trying to purposely collide with them. Hyper aggresiveness or playing with a chip on your shoulder???

    Second: Line drive to second baseman, girl on first caught off and tries to dive back. First baseman catches ball, diving player reaches into glove and tries to pull the ball out of her glove. Now as soon as the ball goes into the first basemans control with a part of her body on the base, the runner is out so what was the point of this. Will to win or trying to embarass???

    Again, i don't know any of these ladies and i may have been the only one who even noticed or cared. But my first thought was that they kind of crossed the line between aggressive/mean spirited, confident/cocky. Maybe just me i'm sure that someone has seen one of mine and thought cocky, but i've always tried to teach them to do things the right way. Looking for opinions on this especially from Coach Dobbins, Coach Johnston or some of the other college coaches on whether this is the type of behavior that look for. Or is there even such a thing as TOO aggresive or cocky.

    There ya go Marlinfan old bud and are you happening to come out for the NC State/Elon games at Elon next month if so we'll have to get together.

  2. marlinfan1

    marlinfan1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 25, 2007
    Wannabe intimidators....

    ....is what I'm hearing pal. CONGRATS to Ashley going to play for Elon. Also good luck to Morgan this year!
  3. prklandsoftballdad

    prklandsoftballdad Set my brother FREE!!

    Likes Received:
    May 25, 2004
    Might have a hit out on me now

    Yea must be some of that shhh...."Jersey blood". Lot of girls with Italian sounding last names lol. thanks and please keep us posted on how Landon is doing.
  4. CanAmMan

    CanAmMan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 15, 2003
    I say nothing wrong with either thing. Why wait till the runner gets to the bag to make the tag and give the umpire to make a close call against. Make the tag as soon as you can. If I am the runner and I see they are in my way then I would run them over (not throwing any elbows or anything just run them over).

    As far as trying to dislodge the ball out of the glove, been there done that. Still got called out but always tried to dislodge the ball.
  5. WndMillR

    WndMillR Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005
    Raleigh NC

    Teams take on the persona of the coach. There are all types. Some are loud, almost to the point of a distraction. Others go about their business, but clearly with a plan.

    The swagger or body language of an aggressive player or team can be viewed as cocky by some and confident by others.
    Best way to attack that type of player or team, is to use their aggressiveness against them.

    I have no problem with any of the above mentioned " tactics " as long as there is not an intent to injure.

    You need to assume that the umpiring crew will police all that goes on.

    Everyone should be looking for an advantage. Taking a throw up the line on defense is the same as a base runner looking for contact (obstruction)
    while running the bases.

    My suggestion is to use this as a learning experience.
  6. Throwing Heat

    Throwing Heat and Catching Heat

    Likes Received:
    Oct 25, 2007
    Former College Player

    I am a former college player, who grew up and played in NJ and now lives in the wonderful state of NC. I coached a few years of HS in NJ, but now coach travel in NC. You have to teach the girls the next level of 'aggressiveness' to play in college. It is not being dirty, mean, or unsportsmanlike....it is the game at the next level.

    I was taught by some of the best fastpitch coaches at the time, and they all taught aggressive tactics...a few examples...offensively - running through someone if they are up the line and in your way, sliding in fast and hard(not shoulder down) and trying to kick the ball out of the glove; defensively - tag girls up the line if possible in order to make the next play quicker, and not have a close play at the base/plate, fielder waiting behind the baseline and stepping in front of a runner to try and field the ball to get the interference call.

    Now with all that said, Sportsmanship is always number one. There were times when I was catching that I got bowled over by an aggressive baserunner or two, some done with malice, others just being aggressive. It were the ones that gave you a certain look, helped you up or came over later and patted you on the back that were true sportsmans.
  7. Throwing Heat

    Throwing Heat and Catching Heat

    Likes Received:
    Oct 25, 2007
    Former Aggressive College Player

    I am a former college player, who grew up and played in NJ and now lives in the wonderful state of NC. I coached a few years of HS in NJ, but now coach travel in NC. You have to teach the girls the next level of 'aggressiveness' to play in college. It is not being dirty, mean, or unsportsmanlike....it is the game at the next level.

    I was taught by some of the best fastpitch coaches at the time, and they all taught aggressive tactics...a few examples...offensively - running through someone if they are up the line and in your way, sliding in fast and hard(not shoulder down) and trying to kick the ball out of the glove; defensively - tag girls up the line if possible in order to make the next play quicker, and not have a close play at the base/plate, fielder waiting behind the baseline and stepping in front of a runner to try and field the ball to get the interference call.

    Now with all that said, Sportsmanship is always number one. There were times when I was catching that I got bowled over by an aggressive baserunner or two, some done with malice, others just being aggressive. It were the ones that gave you a certain look, helped you up or came over later and patted you on the back that were true sportsmans.
  8. Abbey fan

    Abbey fan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 12, 2006

    Good post with good points.
  9. chachacha

    chachacha Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 14, 2006
    If the umpires know what is going on they can stop it. It is oK to be up the line, but you have to have the ball to be in the line. It is also against the rules to attempt to dislodge the ball from a player with any type of motion other than the normal sliding or running motion. If an umpire sees a runner actually kick at a ball they should be out.
  10. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2005
    Sounds like STREET BALL....

    Sounds like the old, win at any cost, type thing to me! If everyone played ball this way some people would most certainly get injured. Sounds kinda like tackle softball or rugby softball or something. Street ball at its finest! Hopefully no one will pull out their blade, to dislodge a ball or anything!Maybe there should be a league specially for that kind of games.
    Aggressive play at older ages, YES! Steal bases, even try to get by with blocking line or bases and sliding in hard, sure!
    Games with no limits, no sportsmanship or morals, NO! There is just no need for it!

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