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Realignment of the Realignment???

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by change-up2, Jan 26, 2008.

  1. Wildcat Fan

    Wildcat Fan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 30, 2008
    Draughn Principal

    Everyone in the Draughn community needs to come to the Board of Education on Friday at 2:00 to support the Nomination for our principal! They rejected the first nomination which was a disgrace by the board of ed., so lets don't let it happen again! Come out and make your voice heard.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2008
  2. softballmom35

    softballmom35 softball diva

    Likes Received:
    Mar 20, 2007
    Burke County...Cavalier Country!!
    one more thing

    Another point of interest Datadiva...
    There was discussion at one of the Burke BOE meetings about not having enough seniors for the 2008-2009 school year to warrant a senior class. I listened to the meetings online and they were to discuss whether or not they would even have a senior class at Draughn next year because they needed over 80 students to have one. This is due to them allowing seniors from EB to choose where they wanted to finish high school as they did with the Freedom/Patton seniors. Now my ? is, what will that do for your athletic programs? This is something that needs to be decided on and you are absolutely correct about needing a Principal to protect your interests. Everyone needs to attend the meetings if they can and let this board know what your wishes are.

    Sorry, off my soapbox..
  3. datadiva

    datadiva Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 8, 2007
    Right on

    They say power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely! That is exactly what's happening with the political power plays that are occurring with this newly elected BOE. They ran on a platform of being the voice of the people and promoting from within, but their actions don't support their words.

    In reference to softballmom35's comments about the senior class, you're exactly correct. The article in the paper concerning the realignment proposals also quoted the superintendent as saying he didn't think there would be varsity football. Again, it's not like the BOE didn't know this school was set to open in the fall, yet they've chose to drag their feet on naming a principal through the fall and now into second semester not affording Draughn the same opportunities as Patton in that they had a football coach in place to work with. The window of opportunity for Draughn varsity football has all but passed. What an injustice for the junior class to have suffer.
  4. Wildcat Fan

    Wildcat Fan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 30, 2008
    Draughn Football

    I feel that certain folks on the school board don't want Draughn to have much first year success due to what happen at Patton. If they would have hired the principal early on and hired the right coaches, I feel some Seniors would have come to Draughn.
  5. datadiva

    datadiva Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 8, 2007

    I agree totally. I know some of the seniors that would be in the Draughn district. They had talked of returning, but were waiting to see who the principal would be and who the football coach would be. There's a lot of community pride and spirit that resides in that area. It could have been an exciting time as Burke County returned to true community high schools. But... unfortunately, that's all but lost. I do believe that the BOE's lack of response to the community has set the stage for an unsuccessful opening at Draughn. I feel for the kids.

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