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Schedule for Adopt-a-Team Tournament in Rock Hill

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by fp135nc, Oct 17, 2009.

  1. The Hedgehog

    The Hedgehog Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 5, 2006
    Fort Mill SC

    Was this tournament NOT put on by a NC Organization?? I'm not affiliated with SC NSA or any NSA at all, but don't trash SC when all questions and game times were being answered/done by a NC fastpitch org.

    AND I'm not trashing him or his Org....THE WEATHER WAS OUT OF HIS HANDS....
  2. HIT-N-RUN

    HIT-N-RUN Full Access Member

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    Jun 18, 2007

    Yes , the weather did contribute and there's no controlling Mother Nature, However, it was brought to my attention that the main issues were the lack of organization dealing with the site director-NOT A CONTACT NUMBER-NOT AN EMAIL ANSWERED- NOT EVEN AS MUCH AS A COACHES MEETING . Alot of teams and umpires were left stranded in hotels clueless.
  3. HIT-N-RUN

    HIT-N-RUN Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 18, 2007
    That's a really good suggestion/idea....NSA,ASA,ETC..might want to run on that idea.
  4. SIFan

    SIFan Full Access Member

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    May 9, 2007
    Responsibility, isn't that what we try to teach the kids??

    The weather was out of his hands, no question and it was unfortunate that conditions at the field did not allow play on Saturday. BUT, when you take money from a team, they are paying for a service and that includes being updated when there are changes. The responsibility lies with the director to inform coaches of changes, especially when the entire day has been cancelled.

    I wonder how many people drove to Rock Hill AFTER the director knew that there would be no play Saturday? Our entire team did. It's unfortunate that we had to drive down and talk to other people before we knew anything. Our coach was not called and the response he got was "I can't call everyone". How about just one call per team??? IS that really too much to ask?
  5. BlazeCoach

    BlazeCoach Full Access Member

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    Oct 22, 2007
    I believe that the director and organization that put this tournament on isn't there first.They put on one of the biggest tournaments of the year(Mighty Casey) it's hard to believe that there isn't a contact number on file or even already in the director's cell phone.As a coach of a team you have to MAKE sure you know what is going on before you leave the ballfield especially if your from out of town that is a coaches responsibility.The umpire's are in the same boat they are all big boy's and need to find out what they are suppose to do and where to be.The only mix up we had was what fields we were playing on, but it all worked out in the end.
  6. Daddydobber*

    Daddydobber* Where Did He Go ???

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006
    This is right on the money here I haven't got a dog in this fight but have to agree with SIFAN also LBlues1 has the solution to the problems in the future !!!!! Just my :two-cents:
  7. FPCatchinMom

    FPCatchinMom Junior Member

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    Nov 2, 2008
    Mint Hill, NC
    You are correct!

    This is exactly my point. THIS IS NOT THE FIRST TIME HE HAS DONE THIS! And he DOESN'T answer his phone! Nor does he answer ANY emails!

    The Mighty Casey is the big, annual tournament that I was referring to in a previous post of mine, stating that this tournament was a HUGE Cluster 2 years in a row!
    Talk to ANYONE who played in this tournament 3 & 5 years ago, and the exact same thing happened.
    The games were rained out Saturday afternoon.
    It rained ALL night Saturday night, and we were supposed to be back in Rock Hill Sunday morning at 8. That is ME leaving MY house at 6:30 am.
    Our coach told us to come on, as he hadn't heard that it had been cancelled.....
    We arrived, the gates were locked, and there was several teams waiting to get in.
    The ONLY people that was there was the city of Rock Hill workers, who had no idea what was going on.
    We waited for 45 minutes, for one of the people standing at the gate to tell us that they had just received a call from the "director" and to tell us the tournament was cancelled.
    Nice! NEVER had a call from the director. NEVER.
    He left it up to the workers to come around and tell everyone.
    That tournament, there were NO trophy's, no "prizes", no refund, no NOTHING.
    We vowed to never play in a tournament put on by him again, and we were 12U.
    2 years after that, we were told that something similar happened with the very same tournament, same director.

    Sorry, but when you are a "director", it SHOULD be your job to advise all coaches and staff of the changes in play.
    There's enough people there working that each person could take a few names off a list and give them a call.

    And regardless of whether or not a coach has the director's phone number, it's HIS job to inform the coaches, and the coaches inform his team. NOT visa-versa.

    It was completely obvious that we weren't going to play, as we arrived at 9am, and the gates were locked. It's not like this rain had just started. Could he not have called and told everyone that the games would be delayed, and to be on call for cancellation? That way some people wouldn't have driven 135 miles (round trip)for NOTHING? They KNEW it was going to AT LEAST be a delay! The GATES WERE CLOSED with a guard directing people away!!

    Sure, the weather is out of his hands. If it's RAINING at 6am, in the morning at the tournament site, and the meterologist is stating that it's not going to clear up until lunch time, go ahead and MAKE THE CALL!

    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to read a doppler radar. This was not spuratic summer showers here. It had been raining for a week!

    The umpires were clueless...so were the college players. The coaches had no idea, and we waited for an hour in the parking lot for someone to make up their minds.......

    I'd say, he's at fault here.
    Not everyone can call him at the same time.
    And I'd say, this has put a bad taste in ALOT of people's mouths!
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2009
  8. Gator_Dad

    Gator_Dad Advanced Member

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    Oct 23, 2009
    it stunk

    We got to play 3 games on Sunday. One of which was at eagle park and then we were shipped off the cherry park with the other SC teams.

    Yes this was a SC NSA event but the director was from NC and was terrible to deal with. I heard him say (when asked for his cell number) " I am not giving my number out so that I have to answer a bunch of calls from coaches".

    This jerk doesnt deserve to host tournaments. The MC is also a crappy ran tournament.

    Like someone earlier stated....to solve this problem simply play ASA. you would never get this kind of screw up from Chad or David in one of their tournaments. Chad even post his phone number on the front of his web site so coaches can reach him at any time.

    We played 3 good games for $100.00 each. We won them all beating the xtreme, tarheels and the blast. On a side note...I could have set up 3 college scrimmages for free and got mroe out of it.

    Basically this tournament sucked from the word go.

    Also, the only reason we got the 3rd game was because we signed up for it before other people did. They didnt have but 2 games scheduled with some empty time slots later on. Had we not signed up....litterally written our team name on the bracket (as instructed by the umpire) we would not have gotten the game against the Blast.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2009
  9. 08Bulldog

    08Bulldog Member of the Dogpound!

    Likes Received:
    Jan 2, 2008
    Matthews, NC
    Thanks for sharing...just reinforces what most of us have been posting all along. Go ASA!!!
    And to the tournament director: :urfired:
  10. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    as i've said before, problems like this need to go directly to the state director or above. complaining on a local level will never solve this issue and it seems its been prevelant for quite some time.

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