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School Transfer Laws

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by NCNSNA2006, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. NCNSNA2006

    NCNSNA2006 Coach Crego

    Likes Received:
    Feb 24, 2006
    Monroe, NC
    States other than North Carolina have adopted student-athlete transfer laws set forth by local and state athletic associations. These state athletic associations permit one move per High School career accompanied with one year athletic ineligibility. Additional transfers deem the athlete ineligible for the remainder of their high school career. The exception to this rule is a move within a single school district. The move within a single district is permitted one time in a High School career without losing eligibility.

    Schools that redistrict due to the opening of a new facility are exempt from this transfer law. The purpose is to ensure students are making an appropriate academic adjustment prior to any athletic participation. Studies have shown that grades fall in the early stages after a transfer has occured. This study did not apply to all students, simply the majority. Single districts follow similiar policies and procedures, therefore this type of move showed students had fewer changes to their academic curriculum and routine. This type of law has also shown to significantly decrease transfers for athletic purpose only. North Carolina hasn't adopted these transfer laws yet.

    How do most people feel about the adoption of these athletic rules and regulations? I have heard several comments, i.e. "academics should be a priority", "prep sports aren't required for college participation", "this type of law is unfair to athletes whose families have to move for career purposes".

    I'm curious how most people feel about North Carolina adopting these rules and regulations. These are your children and your opinion is valuable.
  2. CanAmMan

    CanAmMan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 15, 2003
    There needs to be something written into it for the families that move because of work situations. It would piss me off if I was transfered to a different location and my kid was not allowed to play for a year and then if I got transfered again the next year she could not play again. I would definitely talk to a lawyer & see about a lawsuit. I can see a rule that stops a person from moving for sports reasons and not job related, but you can't punish a kid because the parents got transfered.

    I got another senerio for ya but I am going to be nice and not ask it.!!!!!!
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2007
  3. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I would hate to see CMS spend more money hiring investigators to "check out" rumors and gossips about a particular athlete's transfer to a school. We have much more pressing problems than worrying about who is going where.

    I just don't see this as a plague in the charlotte area. Does it happen? sure, but so what. I believe the biggest concern of transfers has to do with redistricting moreso than athletic transfers. Besides, many are transferring to private schools where NCHSAA has no bearing.

    It's a non-issue in my opinion
  4. NCNSNA2006

    NCNSNA2006 Coach Crego

    Likes Received:
    Feb 24, 2006
    Monroe, NC
    My Take

    I have coaching friends in other states that currently have these rules in place. My question arises out of curiosity and isn't related to anything relating to CMS or other districts in this area. I am simply looking for opinions relating to the law itself. I know of one state where these rules pertain to private schools AND public schools.
  5. Freedom Sball

    Freedom Sball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 27, 2006
    New Schools opening

    I would like some feedback, as some of you know Burke County is adding two new schools. One(Patton) will open this fall and take students from Freedom High School and another(Draughn) will take students from East Burke.

    Charlotte may be different and I'm not sure of the policy, but the board has drawn the lines and a lot of kids do not want to attend the new school. Some of those kids are softball players for me and basketball players for my wife. The majority of the girls have played varsity and started for two seasons and now are asked to change schools their junior year. They are not asking to transfer schools, just stay where they are currently at. The school board will let them stay , but have to sit out for a year. Our school board has never enforced the transfer policy to this point and now they want to do this.

    What are your thoughts and any suggestions?
  6. NCNSNA2006

    NCNSNA2006 Coach Crego

    Likes Received:
    Feb 24, 2006
    Monroe, NC
    Same Situation

    CMS had the same policy when Ardrey Kell opened. Union county will be experiencing the same policy with the opening of Marvin Ridge.
  7. Eighter

    Eighter Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 27, 2005
    New Schools

    How did Ardrey Kell effect the other schools? Did a lot of players go to new school or mostly JV players. Will Marvin Ridge effect the schools it is pulling from as well?
  8. bothsportsdad

    bothsportsdad Full Access Member

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    Aug 12, 2005
    a kid should be able to attend school where they want to. We live in a capitalist society. In other words, those that excell and are better are rewarded and those that dont fail... its isnt restricted to the business world. If you dont want kids transferring then work to get better; hire quality coaches; have reasonable facilities... I once said to our superintendent: "why can't we aspire to be the Stanford of the HS ranks?" In reality most in "the system" do not care if a kid transfers for athletic reasons... all they care is its one less body generating the per student revenue stipend from Raleigh and as we all know its always about the money.
  9. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 15, 2005
    what does that mean?

    sit out from sports? or stay out of school? that seems un-American, or maybe it's like the NCAA.
  10. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    My opinion is that States shouldn't make blanket rules that would govern each county or school district. It's my opinion that school districts should determine their own rules of transfer.

    The law that you have posted that the other states are following is faulty at best. One can not dismiss the different challenges one school district faces compared to others.

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