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Showcase or Travel Baseball

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Stretchlon, Oct 13, 2008.

  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I have no problem with the concept. I have a hard time understanding why people complain about it. With all the many opportunities players have to play baseball, if one doesn't like showcase, no one is telling you to do that. Go play somewhere else.

    I find all of this crazy. First, people were complaining that Impact didn't recruit statewide. Then Impact didn't promote players outside of their program. Impact started holding individual camps throughout the state and identifying players that did well in the camps. People started complaining that he was getting players across the state.

    I found that people are going to whine and complain about anything that doesn't serve their interest.....and shoot arrows at someone that came up with a great idea before they did.

    There is a member of this board that was one of the biggest snot throwers of Impact and showcase baseball and its accomplishments. Every chance he got, he would throw out that favorite phrase, "he is only in it for the money". The last few years this same guy has formed a team and bilked the parents of their money by stating how his connections and experience would get their son to college. What a hypocrite? And he is what gives people that are involved in showcase ball a bad name. When I asked a college coach friend of mine what his thoughts were about this coach, he said, "He's a joke!"
  2. Plate Dad

    Plate Dad It is what it is!!!!

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2007
    Southern W-S
    For a minute

    I thought that was me till I read snot thrower or shoot arrows. I got roks (SC term).
  3. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

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    Mar 12, 2006
    Great Post Braves

    You know when I see a kid have some good things happen for him I am happy for that kid and his family. Many are like that. But then there are people that if its not their kid they have a case of sour grapes. The bottom line is too many sour grapes , too many people with their nose in other peoples business and too much jealousy.

    If your spending your time taking care of your own business you dont have time to be in other peoples business. It always kills me to see all these experts on showcase and their kid has never played it , they have never coached it and they have never been a part of it. When you talk to the parents of the players that have come through these programs all they say is what a great experience it was for their kid. And the players talk about it being some of the most fun times they have ever had.

    I have read so many posts from people over the years talking about how this showcase program is **** and this one is **** and then I see them at a tryout. Or I have seen them at many tryouts. What changed their opinion? The bottom line is it sucks if your not invited to play and its the greatest thing in the world if you are. Hmmmmm........ whats up with that one?

    Its no different than the Perfect Game rankings. If your kid goes and gets a poor ranking - the rankings are **** they dont mean anything. But if he gets a good one "boy it amazes me how accurate their ranking system is!"

    Its just too obvious folks.

    Why do you even care if your kid doesn't do it? Oh, I see you care so much about the sport. So how many teams have you coached over the years you didnt have a son playing on? How many games have you attended your son was not playing in? How many kids have you helped getting them instruction or just working with them that didnt have your last name? What - None? But you care so much about the game?

    Call it whatever you want to call it but the fact is there are too many folks that are jealous of others and worried someone is going to get a leg up on their sweet lil boy Johnny. So if they are not part of it - they run it down.

    If you have not been there then you dont have a clue what you are talking about. Some will say this post is too harsh. I could careless. If the show fits wear it. If it doesnt, it shouldnt bother you should it? I dont coach anything or play anything I am not trying like hell to win. Period , no one wants to win anymore than me , no one. The guys I coach with are the same way. And so are the players.

    They invest way more than many will ever know into being the best they can be and helping their team win. But then again people that have never been a part of it know way more than the ones that have been.
  4. gkg

    gkg Full Access Member

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    Jan 28, 2008
    Youth baseball is still evolving

    Showcase or travel - All youth baseball (high school travel and younger) has been changing over the past years and will continue to change. I still remember with older son having to place in Kinston AAU regionals (no USSSA or other at the time) in order to play in state and then place in state to play in nationals - obviously not any more.

    There are a lot of people out there that make money off the game but I don't think you can call out the coaches like has been done at this site.

    Have to give Andy Partin and crew an "at a boy" for what they do in not only promoting DB kids but also attending many HS games and other. Wonder what would have happened with the Alan Webster kid if Andy had not seen him at a high school game. Definitely do not remember his name being mentioned for any college recruiting but Andy sees this kid pitch and makes some calls. Believe he is now in the Dodger organization and how much money did Andy make on this? 0

    There are many others like Stretch who are willing to spend so much time in coaching, umpiring and organizing events that give kids an opportunity to play. I am glad my youngest son is getting the chance to play for Ken Shuey this fall. Ken has been doing fall showcase since circa 1990 and always focuses on teaching in addition to playing on the weekends. There are several coaches helping Ken at the multiple practices each week including Paul Shuey - kids have all the practices and weekend games for only $175 for the fall. By the way, Braves I believe there are many who would like a career path like Paul - play in the majors and follow it up being sponsored on the pro bass tour.

    This past weekend at USA complex, saw many of the same faces such as Freddy Suggs, Chroniger of Mid Atlantic Rookies and others who have been at it for a while. This weekend will have a chance to see other coaches who have been at it for a while at USA complex.

    So I tip my hat to all these coaches who are willing to sacrifice weekdays and weekends for the kids. To those with sour grapes, everyone has to hang up the cleats sometime - some earlier than others. My son will be in that latter segment as well but the experience is great.

    As far as showcase, travel, legion, high school summer leagues, etc. , youth baseball will continue to evolve. Just wait and see what's next- then make your choices from there as what fits best for you.
  5. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

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    Nov 21, 2005
    To Braves point, I don't think anyone can dispute the value that AP has brought to prep baseball. Now AP is not by himself. He wasn't even first. You had guys like Freddy, On Deck and others. It is often said the best form of flatery is imitation. You could make a case that a lot of people have tried to imitate AP and others. Personally I think this is good. More kids get opportunities. Some complain that AP makes money at this. As long as he delivers what he says to his customers and helps kids I say more power to him and everyone else that has similar programs.
  6. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

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    Nov 21, 2005
    Back to the topic. A couple of posts yesterday raised some questions for me.

    Last week a new poster came obn here and asked what to do about his HS coach playing his son what he thought was out of position. He asked what should he do. Everyone politely replied that in HS ball you should do whatever you are asked to do to help the team win, do what your coach tells you to do and not worry about your individual needs. Everyone said there were other times and venues to worry about individual achievement such as team showcae events, individual showcases and such.

    Yesterday some say that Showcase is about team and not individual. So last week we said one thing, this week another. My question is, Ok, which is it?

    Before you answer, I think one person may have taken my post yesterday out of context. Winning matters at all levels, albeit, some more than others. Sorry if my post led you to believe otherwise. My son is much happier when his showcase wins vs. loses. Nobody likes to lose or wants to lose. What was it Lombardi (I think it was Lombardi)said, "Show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser." That might be extreme but you see my point. However winning with his HS team means much more to him. Winning the conference regular season. Winning the conference tourney. And the ultimate prize, winning a state championship. Maybe he and I are wrong but those are the wins that mean more to both of us.
  7. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Outside of AP, what other names have been brought up? I'm usually on alert if a coach's name is brought up in a negative way. There are quite a few knuckleheads involved in the showcase scene in both baseball and softball. Their interest is self interest, but I still will not allow their names to be posted on the board. That's for people to do their homework. But I do find it ironic that a member trashes the showcase concept and states that people involved do it for the money (that if you are good enough the scouts will come watch), then years later he forms his own showcase team and makes promises he can't keep.

    But I do have to admit a bit of jealousy over Paul Shuey's situation. Play ML ball, then the pro bass circuit?...he is living a dream!!!!!
  8. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    I believe what others, including myself, were saying is the summer and fall provides opportunities to showcase one's talent through the many individual Showcase ID camps, workouts and select Showcase tournaments where players are formed into teams for that weekend only. It provides them an opportunity to play the position they feel is in their best interest and do it before others to watch.

    EDIT: By the way, allow me to plug the Belmont Abbey Showcase coming up. This is a very good camp for one to display their skills at a very modest price. Last year's Showcase camp was well attended and I expect this year to be even greater in it's attendance. I believe last year they had 85 players to attend. They may try to limit those numbers or stay the same this year, so sign up early before they are full.

    I would be surprised if any player felt differently. Playing with an all star bunch of teammates and winning a trophy is one experience, but it will never be matched emotionally by his HS team winning their conference rival games, their conference championship or their experience of playing in a championship game. Those memories are far more lasting.

    There is also something to be said being involved in helping turnaround a poor HS baseball program. To be a part of that and doing whatever is needed to help is just as gratifying.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2008
  9. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 21, 2005
    Gotcha. I just thought I was hearing 2 stories. Couldn't agree with your above post any more.
  10. observer

    observer Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 4, 2003
    Of note

    In speaking with a coach from a major D1 baseball powerhouse, he said the showcases are good because they provide a venue for college coaches to scout talent in their off season, but he acknowledges that most of them are in the business to make money - which is OK - this is America. And if you love baseball, it's a great career. However, when he sees a kid that has potential to be a part of his program, he ALWAYS speaks to the high school coach. That is where he finds answers as to what type of player the kid is and if he will be a good fit as far as character, work ethic, coachability and attitude. I strongly believe that a good high school coach will develop a player far better than any showcase experience because they have an opportunity to spend many hours with them on and off the field.

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