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Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by maggie, Sep 22, 2006.

  1. maggie

    maggie Junior Member

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    May 10, 2006
    My DD's team just started on the showcases this fall.I noticed some of the same teams from Florence, are in same pools as Fusion .From what I see it looks like the same teams play on field 1.Do the Cards, Curve, Flames, CC Challengers always play each other ? Is it a buddy system, politics, or do you play your way to that point. I have heard you pay your dues is it true ?
  2. CardCoach2

    CardCoach2 Full Access Member

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    Jun 29, 2005
    When we schedule games in our tournaments we try to base the brackets on strength.
    It's not very beneficial to a team, in a showcase, to go out and get killed by a team 10 times stronger than you are. I personally have asked for those type games at tournaments and they do make you better, but, everybody has to buy into that philosophy. We went 1-4 in our 1st tournament of the season against the LBs, Curve, Ray's Cards, SC Flame and got spanked 4 games. We grew from that but it didn't fell so good at the time. I don't know anyone who plays to their potential when they just got a 10 spot put on them in the 1st inning.
    I think ranking teams in brackets, based on strength, is vital for some teams to showcase their girls properly. On the other hand, you only get better by playing better competition. JMO
  3. HSFAN

    HSFAN Full Access Member

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    Feb 10, 2003
    All of the teams that were named above are long established programs with a history of having Good Coaching,and quality players.These teams are at these tournaments year after year and deserve to be in the better brackets.In other words they have a track record of several years and their coaches are honest about where they need to be placed and sometimes they are not placed together. JMO
  4. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

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    Jul 31, 2003

    I ask for the toughest bracket for our Elite and A teams. The Elite team always gets that bracket because we have earned it over four years of playing the very best tournaments, playing the Nationals and qualifiers. The Cardinals do the same thing and the Challengers played in the NAtionals this year. Your comment, "do they earn it" is correct, I think these teams do earn it. If U go to Plantation Fla for Rising Star, Colorado, and Dynamites, U see totally different brackets with certain teams always on the top fields. The Blues have been close but never on the top three fields in Planatation, My point, it takes time to earn the top spot. Lastly, college coaches want to see the best teams play each other so U have to put them together to get a good group of college coaches to attend the Showcase. Year end and year out the top organizations will and should get the best or toughest bracket. The teams mentioned plus the NC Flames,Curve and Bandits and others earned their stripes.
  5. softball_56

    softball_56 Full Access Member

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    Jun 6, 2006
    I agree 100% of what you say about 99% of these teams. I do know that one of these teams actively recruited our top pitcher and catcher while we were playing in a showcase tournament. This coach builds his team by proselyting other teams players. Has nothing to do with good coaching but good marketing done in an unprofessional manner. These players were already top-notch and had nothing to do with this guys coaching ability. I personaly don't think this particular coach has earned anything. This is also known by several college coaches on this particular coach. You can figure it out.
  6. crybabies

    crybabies Full Access Member

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    Apr 15, 2006
    If you say you put the best teams together then do so. Don't just say it. Tell everybody its politics. It dont matter who your team is or how many teams you have in your organization, or how long your organization has been around. It is about the team you have right NOW.
    I have sit back all summer wondering why my DD team is never on the field with the best. (POLITICS!!!!!) But then I thought well the CARDS(chandler) LBLUES(mony) CC CHALLENGERS(still around but lost alot) had a lot of seniors, understandable. But all those teams are gone. So put the best teams in the same pool.
    The Carolina Cobras have won every pool they have been in, except the dynamite but finished in the top sixteen there, and finished third in the state tournament. When do these girls get to play the best teams. These girls deserve to play the best they have worked hard for it.
    LBlues1 stated that college coaches want to see the best teams play. Well they get cheated everytime they come to a tounament.
    The COBRAS deserve to play the best if we get beat by some of these top teams we will chalk it up as a learning experience. LOOK AT OUR RECORD!!!!!
    GIVE THE GIRLS A CHANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. onedogfan

    onedogfan Junior Member

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    Aug 25, 2006

    Maggie you started a loaded thread,all the time trying to bring out why the Central Cobra's are not playing on the main fields.When they have been around a few years playing in the best tournaments you will get the chance to play,until then you probably will not ,and the reputation of the Cobras is not exactly the best around so that issue will have to be adressed as well.
  8. lady falcons

    lady falcons Junior Member

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    Apr 1, 2006

    Talk about crybabies, everyone remembers how the cobras act when they do lose, nobody wants to see the parents of the cobras going after the umps just because they made a bad call. You've earned your reputation now take your medicine and quit crying. The only reason you've won all your pools is because instead of using the girls that you have, you bring in girls that have already played a year of college. Stop whinning, the world doesn't revolve around the Cobras.:gaga:
  9. Softball_Crazy

    Softball_Crazy Full Access Member

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    Aug 25, 2006
    Lady Falcons here is the truth about the Carolina Cobras:

    We did not pick up pitchers to replace the ones we have, the two we have are great. We had to pick up pitchers because both girls were hurt at the same time. Anyway it takes a team to win or lose a game, it does not matter if the pitcher is in college or high school. I don't understand why you hate us so bad. We would never get on this board and insult a team like you have done. Our girls have worked very hard on and off the field to achieve what they have this year; winning every pool but one against some tough teams. Our coaches only want the best for our girls and playing better teams only make you better. But we know that we have to pay our dues this year and that is what we have done.

    Remember players do read TBR!!!! :mad:
  10. crybabies

    crybabies Full Access Member

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    Apr 15, 2006
    Why bring up things in the past. You probably don't even know the truth just what you heard. So that is the end of that. If we get beat by someone that is better than us we chalk it up as an experience. But if a ump makes a bad call or blows the game, I will do my share of raising hell, just like any other coach would. we all do it and if you say different then you are full of ****. Just because everyone wants to beat us that is why we stand out so much. Quit hating lady falcons. Come clean and tell everyone who you are and quit hiding behind the computer.
    And about the college players, that was one showcase. You can't tell me everyone else didnt do it. The curve used the same player one weekend. The Cards(Chandler) brought back one from WESTERN. So get off that boat.
    If you want to get the rest of your facts straight, PM me or come by and see me at the field. Just look for the biggest guy around the COBRAS.

    And for you onedog fan this ain't about CENTRAL or the COBRAS it is about the girls trying to be seen by the best coaches possible. Who cares about the rest of it. It's about the girls right.

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