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Signing Day

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by GoingYard, Apr 13, 2004.

  1. GoingYard

    GoingYard Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 16, 2003
    Is coming up! Post any news you hear right here!!
  2. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Congratulations to the following players:

    Ryan Cook, Myers Park ---first, I apologize for not posting this sooner. Although I had heard this, I had not had a chance to confirm this with Ryan. Ryan has signed and will be roomies with Carl Krimminger at Brevard.

    David Desilva, Waddell High-- the hard hitting 3rd Baseman has signed with Mars Hill

    Kevin Dietrich , Providence-- has narrowed his choices between 3 schools...Pheiffer, Wingate and Spartanburg Methodist.
  3. Dynasty07

    Dynasty07 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 16, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    Michael Najaka (RHP) of Charlotte Christian has signed to play Winthrop University next year.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2004
  4. bbfan123@hotmail.com

    [email protected] Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 19, 2003
    How can anyone (especially from Charlotte) be considering going to Spartanburg-Methodist (or Louisburg) over juco programs like Surry and Blue Ridge. First of all, they are BETTER (if you dont believe me, check out the lastest poll-Surry at # 5 in the NATION! Second of all, have you seen Spartanburg's field compared to Surry and Blue Ridge. Surry and Blue Ridge look more like Camden Yards, while Spartanburg looks like crap. Third, Blue Ridge and Surry cost about 1/5 of what it cost to go to Spartanburg ($14,000) or Louisburg ($ 14,000), but of course they will tell you you are getting a full ride, when the truth is that most of it is STUDENT LOANS that you have to pay back. C'mon Dietrich, wake up. I'm not sure if you have been contacted by either Surry or Blue Ridge, but I would check them out if they are interested in you.
  5. 44Magnum

    44Magnum Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 1, 2003
    North Carolina
    Dang bballfan, that was right blunt!!! But, I have to agree with you on this one. Surry's field is one of the top fields in the country I would have to believe. I haven't seen many fields outside of NC, but if there are many fields nicer than theirs I would be extremely surprised. The pictures on the webpage of their dugout is nice too. That locker room they built at Surry has to be very nice as a player to be able to use. Blue Ridge has a nice field too, but I wouldn't want to be a hitter in that park. That is definitely a pitchers park. As far as Louisburg and Spartanburg's field, they aren't very nice to be polite. I guess they spend their money on something other than their field, because both of them are run down and old. The last time I saw Spartanburg's field it had a huge lip around the dirt. I don't see how an infielder fields a ball on it. I would recommend anyone to visit Surry if they are interested in the JUCO option. I've followed them pretty closely the last few years and their team seems to keep getting better. #5 in the nation should indicate that. Anyone else seen any nice JUCO fields?
  6. Gambit

    Gambit Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 31, 2003
    So what. A kid should go wherever he feels he'll be the most comfortable and of course have a chance of playing. Just because their field is nicer doesn't mean he has to go there. If a player can find a place where he likes the coaches and will feel most comfortable is where he should go.
  7. gatorfan

    gatorfan Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2003
    What about academics? That seems like a lot bigger factor to consider than what their baseball field looks like. What school has the stongest program in the major you want? Get that nailed down, then go see baseball field.
  8. wolfpac

    wolfpac Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 27, 2003
    bbfan, couple of things. 1) A player should go where they feel most comfortable. 2) I would think historically Louisburg is a better program than either Surry or Blue Ridge. Surry may be better this year but in the long run, I would take my chances with Louisburg. 9 NJCAA College World Series visits since '71 isn't too shabby!

    In the end, the decision is up to the kid. Just because you think (for what that's worth) those schools are better doesn't mean that Dietrich or anyone else should. Each kid needs to make his own decision based on his personal preferences and if he makes the best decision for him, we should be happy for the kid not questioning why he didn't go to place A over place B.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2004
  9. 44Magnum

    44Magnum Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 1, 2003
    North Carolina
    Ok, I agree with some of the things said about the kid going to a place where he feels comfortable. I really agree with that. But I am also a big believer in a kid visiting all his options before signing. If a team wants a kid to come visit, what does he have to lose? Me, personally, I would consider the field and facility as an indicator as to who is serious about their baseball program. I also agree that academics play a big part in choosing schools, but when choosing between junior or community colleges they all teach the same classes. My advice to ANY player is to do your homework on the school and the program. If every kid decided on what academic school they should attend then decided where to play baseball, Duke would never lose a game or a recruit for that matter (unless Harvard came calling). So, as a recruit you should find out the things you are most interested in. Ask about academics of course. And make sure you ask how many players a year they lose to grades (Flunking out of school and thus being ineligible.) Ask how many transfer on to four year schools (when considering JUCO) then check up on what they have told you to see if they are being honest. A sad fact is some coaches lie to players to get them to attend their school. Talk to people who have played at that particular school to see if they are happy about going there. Also, don't depend too much on reputation. Sure, Louisburg went to the World Series 9 times. How many times have they been in the last 10 years? Once? Would you invest in stock on a company that may have seen its prime in the 70s, or earlier? Would you buy RC Cola stock or Pepsi stock? I think most of us would buy the Pepsi stock because it is the strongest now and has the most potential in the future. Point of the matter being I would choose the one that is the strongest now and be a part of that rather than be a part of a team that was good in the past. And sure, Louisburg and Spartanburg have good programs. I don't mean to pretend like they don't, I just personally believe that Surry and Blue Ridge have more potential to be good now and down the road. You will only be at a JUCO for two years, not for the next 20 years, so choose what is right for you right now. But, most importantly, be thankful that anyone is recruiting you because a majority of players that play high school baseball will never be recruited, much less have the opportunity to play college baseball. It is quite an honor for all of you to be blessed with the ability to play beyond high school baseball and I congratulate you for doing so, no matter where you attend next year!
  10. BudMan

    BudMan Its about that time again

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Surry does have a beautiful field and wonderful facilities, but there are a lot of good arms that are seeing something in Louisburg. Their recruiting class, especially pitchers for next year would rival a lot of DI programs. I don't think you could go wrong w/ either one or in Dietrich's case, with Wingate or Pfeiffer either.

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