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South Caldwell at AC Reynolds Running Thread

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by DownSouth, May 23, 2006.

  1. centerfeilder#8

    centerfeilder#8 Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 2, 2006

    I agree 100%, threw out my life I have hung around coach parham and played with him for 3 years now, and with out him and the other coaches I would probably be in jail or kicked out of school, because all i got is football and baseball and thats it. They are what has kept me out of trouble and focused on school, but our coaches have stuck with our team since we were 4 years old makeing us a better team and better young men.
  2. u-r-out

    u-r-out Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 26, 2005
    No you are MY HERO!! And by the way, you guys, had a really good game last night, but that was just what I expected. And I noticed that you do look down a little.
  3. wossa

    wossa Not a ********* any more

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    thanks for trying to put the fire out Braves

    I was thinking I might have to explain to these people what a "running GAME" thread was all about

    hey man you should scoot over to N Gaston and check out my Tigers this weekend - you need to see these guys play this year - plus the added benefit is - I won't be there - so thats one irritation out of the way :thud:
  4. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    No, no, no...if you ain't there, I ain't goin'
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I don't know Coach Parham, but my respectometer for him is climbing. Centerfielder #8, what you have said about your coach and his coaches have made their day. Thats the best compliment and reward any coach could ask for.
  6. wossa

    wossa Not a ********* any more

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    well then I guess you ain't goin' No way I can make it Thursday or Friday - I could maybe make a Saturday game but even thats kind of iffy.

    maybe we'll have to hook up for a state title game next weekend - hopefully in Greensboro (fingers crossed)
  7. parent

    parent Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 12, 2006
    player of the year in SW4A

    I believe bubba said that howell at acr is player of the year. where did you get this info? is it official?
  8. Carolina Man

    Carolina Man Caldwell County Post 29

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2005
    Granite Falls, NC
    Enough of this please, I know Jeff Parham fairly well. My son played for him two years ago and thinks the sun rises and shines in Jeff Parham. My son onced told me that Coach Parham was the only man that he has ever respected more than me. You know, that did not bother me one bit, it just told me what he means to his players. You never see or hear of Jeff drinking, running around acting foolish. I'll tell you one thing about Parham, he wants to WIN. Believe me, he will put his best players on the field. I also know Andrew, what a great kid. I've seen his name on this thread several times, lets quit embarrassing him by #25 and name. Best wishes South Caldwell. Jeff Parham .....Bring that Dang State Title Home

    Carolina Man......:banned:
  9. Carolina Man

    Carolina Man Caldwell County Post 29

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2005
    Granite Falls, NC


    Well said, and his players and most parents will line up behind Coach Parham. By the way Coach....Thanks for the role model that you set before my son and your ball players. Thats what I was thinking

    Carolina Man
  10. Chickos

    Chickos Junior Member

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    May 26, 2006
    As an ACR baseball parent for the last four years I have seen and heard alot of things. These message boards were never something I got into reading on a regular basis. After the South Caldwell game I heard some things so I decided to see what all the fuss was about. I knew after the game about the outfield incident and was deeply saddened for I knew this would put a black mark on ACR's remarkable season. None of the ACR parents or players, except one, thought this was acceptable. Whether the player meant to hit someone is irrelevant. The stick was thrown and a player was hurt. Centerfielder #8 you have won the class act award and thanks to our rocket player that apologized. I truly hope everyone can get past all this and see what two great teams ACR and South Caldwell became.
    As for the man questioning whether the right shortstop played for South Caldwell I feel sorry for you. It sounds like you missed watching a bunch of great kids play a game we all love. Hopefully your son has a better outlook on the situation. I often wondered why my son wanted to be part of a team that he didn't see much playing time. One day he told me that the most important thing was that he was a part of a team with a lot of great kids. He had no animosity toward any player on the team. He was happy when someone who didn't play often was awarded the opportunity. He was greatful to just be a part of a great team at ACR. I believe that neither team would have ended up where they did where it not for the coaching staff of each.
    Congratulations to both teams and best wishes for each and every player for this is only one chapter in your lives.
    Last edited: May 26, 2006

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