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State Games Registration/ HS Softball

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Pop Rivers, Feb 13, 2008.

  1. pirates1

    pirates1 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 22, 2008
    Thanks for the welcome. I do not take offense to your remarks. As I stated earlier this is almost a religious discussion. First I did not have a dog in the fight, but I have a lot of friends on both sides of the fence. The post was made from my observations and from discussions with parents, coaches and players on both sides. Strangely the fence is not even well defined on this topic. I had players that participated and play tell me it was a waste of time and I had others that did not participate state that they wish they had tried out. It is kind of like nailing Jello to the wall when determining which side some people will take on the issue. To me and I may be wrong, it is oblivious the side that on which you stand with your DD participating. You hated the State Games(LOL). Seriously, I hope she had a great time and I also believe you should support her with all your heart as you are doing. But at the same time, there are a lot of people that feel as strong as you do setting on the other side. As far as having facts or knowledge of the situation, I probably am closer and have more knowledge than you realize, I just refuse to name names or exact places that could incriminate players, parents or coaches. I am looking for a solution not to crucify. When I am speaking about players, this does not mean they were cut or did not play. I have heard from some of the best players in the state (some participated and some did not) that have issues with having to make decision and peer pressure that was being placed on them by TB teams and State game coaches. I have heard TB coaches talk about missing a showcase could cause you to miss an opportunity and I have also heard a state game coach tell a player that the state games were the most important event in the summer. Neither one are accurate. Another issue that arises out of this is the concept of team unity. Most TBs have to have their schedule and teams picked early in the year. The state games selection comes later. This can cause a conflict that can affect multiple players besides the state game players. This also brings up another point about being loyal to your team and coaches. I believe this is a major issue in TB on both sides. Coaches need to be loyal to players they select by training and developing them and not try to pick up new players all the time, but players also need to be loyal to the coaches and TB teams. I know there are exceptions to the rule, but this also does not need to be the norm. As another poster has posted several times. “Choose wisely”. Life lessons can be learned on this topic. Jumping around or constantly changing a roster is not good for the sport. Away from the side bar, I go back to what I originally stated, that decisions should not be made in a vacuum. The state games are new and a great idea, but they have caused a lot controversy in the softball community. Instead of butting heads with the TB showcases why not try to work around the issues. I had a wise person ask me, is this another battle line between high school coaches and TB. I hope not, but by not working as a group opens the door for speculation and the Lord knows that parents sitting outside the fence love to speculate.. I have meet the best coaches in the world sitting outside the fence. I am surprised some are not asked to coach at a major college level or write a book. Watch out Mike Candrea. By the way on that issue, I did see daddy ball issues at the state games, but I also see it in travel ball. That is another topic for another day. Communication is important for the sport to move forward. With the IQs of several interested parties in this state, there has to be a way to reduce the conflicts and not make young players make decisions between the TB teams and state games. This topic can impact all the players, not just a small subset. That is what makes this a religious discussion.
  2. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    After reading this discussion, I must say the disagreements have been handled well (for the most part). There are many good points brought forth from both camps.

    On the boys side, the State Games are the single biggest showcase event this state produces. It is attended by every college coach in the southeast region, as well as every major league organization. It is an honor to be selected to this event, yet as in all things, it is ripe for second guessing the selections and cries of foul in the selection process. But the players participating wouldn't trade the experience for any other Showcase event. Someone mentioned college coaches coaching the teams......sorry, can't happen; against NCAA rules.

    This event is supported by every "Showcase" team and their coaches in NC; they understand the importance of this event. But I, also, understand the reluctance from the softball TB teams and organizers. This event is scheduled at the same time as a Major showcase event...that can't happen: not if you are wanting to grow a new event.

    Obviously, the major problem is schedule conflict. The simple solution is a more accomodating date, but I realize nothing is simple.

    I wish Pops the best in his noble efforts to organize the State Games. It can become the place to play. When Pops will know they have arrived in when the parents start complaining about "politics" in the selection process.

    Pops, I do have one suggestion for you to contemplate. The Senior State Games are changing from a East-West showdown to a NC vs SC Challenge. The interest in that series has been magnified to a point that ALL seniors hope they are selected to that event and the rivalry has produced the obvious intensity
  3. softball nut

    softball nut Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 12, 2004

    Why does the event have to be held during state games ? As big as it is couldn't it be held most anytime ? Why not have it Memorial Day weekend ? Then you may get ALL the top players, not having to make the decision of which.
  4. prklandsoftballdad

    prklandsoftballdad Set my brother FREE!!

    Likes Received:
    May 25, 2004
    If scheduling is the major conflict with this event i will state as i have before. This WILL happen and they tried to get it done this year but could not because of the stuff going on at uncg. As far as Braves idea on NC/SC my initial thought on this is that I feel that the more kids involved the better and this would cut down on that # since you will have only 1 team vs. 2. In my opinion you should have 15-20 kids on each team. Let everyone play even if it's just an inning or two. As far as the cost. Come on guys, do you think umpires, field workers, and uniforms come free. 45.00 for a uniform and a day of ball, sounds like a good deal to me. I pay more for 1 trip out to eat for my family. If the fees bother you that much, step up and sponser or find a sponser for this. Come on BB&T High School State Softball Games sounds good with a $50 scholarship for each member of the winning team Cha-Ching. How's that for some incentive. I'm sure they would even take Bill's Taco stand and Taxidermy service. :twocents:
  5. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    i thought that they closed Bill's taco stand down after the last epidemic raged for two weeks?????:jester:
  6. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003

    What the State Games has found is that the majority of the elite seniors have already signed, so they were declining to attend. When those same players realized they were playing for the state of NC vs the best of SC..well, think about this :civilwar: The best of the best. They seem to love the idea.

    Quite frankly, the excitement of the senior's game was waning because the scouts were leaving after the junior event. This way they believe they will not only retain the interest of the scouts, but can grow the event into a Shrine Bowl type interest.
  7. Crazecoach

    Crazecoach For HIS Glory...

    Likes Received:
    Sep 7, 2006
    Newton, NC
    Underclassman team

    Do freshmen have a shot at making the underclassman team? Just curious, I know the coaches for our region and am curious how it all works.
  8. Freedom Sball

    Freedom Sball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 27, 2006
    If she can play she has a chance. Try-out, what does it hurt...
  9. Crazecoach

    Crazecoach For HIS Glory...

    Likes Received:
    Sep 7, 2006
    Newton, NC

    I think it will be a great opportunity if she is chosen or not. I think if she is not, then we know what she needs to work on. If she is, then good play ball.
  10. Panther29D

    Panther29D Member

    Likes Received:
    May 10, 2007
    OK...... Just wanted to put my two cents worth in.
    My DD tried out at made one of the underclassmen teams last year. And though there was not as many college coaches that showed up, the biggest reward that she expressed to me, was the opportunity to play alongside some of the best players in the state. And also, to play with one of the premier coaches in the state as well. The way it was expressed to me was, this was not only a choice, but a privelege. Thanks for the opportunity Coach P.
    It was an hour to play with a coach from a "rival" school.
    Look forward to playing with Coach L. this year in the senior games.
    Watch out for the team coming at you from Wallburg this year.
    With seven seniors and a host of underclassmen talent, we are ending our HS career with a bang !!
    Good luck everyone this year.

    I agree with most of the posts and sincerely believe, "Keep it all about the girls"

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