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Super Scrimmage Day

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Trojan Skipper, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. Trojan Skipper

    Trojan Skipper Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 5, 2010
    Baseball is around the corner- 46 days til Saturday scrimmage.

    There will be a scrimmage of Pine Forest, New Bern, Green Hope, and Pinecrest on February 20th at Pine Forest HS.

    This was a very good scrimmage day last year with PF, NB, and GH. This year Pinecrest was added in.

    Any thoughts on the teams involved??

    Any other quality scrimmages going on??

  2. JM15

    JM15 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    May 11, 2003
    Old Cary, NC
    Green Hope can pitch... And hit... And run... And play defense...

    Eric Brady and Nolan Poythress graduated but they return:
    Grant Shambley (CF, 2B) -- Wake Forest recruit, one of the fastest kids in the state but not even on his own team (see below), .412 as a junior with 7 SBs.
    Joe Pistacchio (RHP, UTL) -- App State recruit, bulldog on the mound, has some pop at the plate
    Adam Boghosian (RHP, OF) -- UNCG recruit, throws some heat, can hit the long ball
    David Josam -- One of the fastest kids in the state, Could have a "Breakout" year kind of like Grudee.
    AC Colantino -- junior, has to be one of the best defensive catchers in the county/if not state. Offense is coming around.
    Max Povse -- 6'8" junior. Going to be a stud on the mound this spring.
    Jon Grudee -- junior IF. Has some wheels and can hit the baseball. Could be one of those "Breakout Players" in the area this spring.
    There's also Yoder and Sondag that could have good seasons. Tyler Jones (OF) is a sophomore, I believe, and he is going to be good.

    Green Hope is a favorite to win the Tri-9 4A Conference.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2010
  3. edp102

    edp102 Cary Resident

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    Jan 21, 2008
    It was a very good day last year - sunny and warm for that time of year, and some good baseball played for a first scrimage !!! Adding Pinecrest will be fantastic - just hope the weather is the same !!!

    As already stated, Green Hope will be a top team this year, would love to hear about the outlooks for these other teams. Here are some Green Hope memories from last year scrimages -

    For me the highlight was the following event. Besides the teams playing, several umpires were there to start their season - looked like some "rookie" umps mixed in with verteran umps. Anyway, during a Green Hope game, the first base ump stops the game to come over to the GH bench to chastise the GH bench. The fans were wondering what was going on, as the game was "friendly", didn't think the GH players were acting badly ??? The ump went on to chastise one GH player for standing on the protective fence in front of the dugout - a "safety concern". It was "priceless" watching GH's coach Mike Miragliuolo, who is not a tall guy, calmly explain that the player was not standing on the fence, but simply is a 6'8" 15 year old HS sophomore named Max Povse, who is a foot taller than everyone else he is standing next to.

    So as the "red faced" ump moved back to his position, the fans were able to get in some very well phrased shout outs - i.e. "bad call blue !!!", "you missed another call !!!", "need glasses", etc. The season had truely begun !!!!

    PS - I like your web site, concise and to the point, may have to look doing something similar.

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