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TBR Interview---Ben Buchanan

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Braves, Dec 4, 2003.

  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Ben Buchanan, East Meck High, State Game pitcher. Ben has been one of the top pitchers in the Charlotte area...but what makes Ben unique is his "wanting" to pitch all the big games. His competitiveness along with his ability to "know how to pitch" is what separates Ben from the rest. You can usually find him at On Deck facilities when he is not at a game because Ben is one of the hardest workers in the game.

    Congratulations on your signing at UNC-Asheville. Tell us about it?

    There were many factors that influenced me I guess. First of all I felt that I needed to go somewhere where I could get a good education and I feel that Asheville was a good fit there. When I went on my visit I fell in love with the atmosphere, the coaches, pretty much everything. But I think talking to one of their senior pitchers Aaron Rembert, influenced me the most. From a pitching stand point I had many questions about the philosophy of the staff. He was very open and I felt that this would be a great place that fit me well. I also like the idea of hopefully, being able to contribute as a freshman.

    You played for the On Deck O's team this summer and fall. What was that experience like?

    The O's was awsome! First of all it was probably the hardest decision I've ever made. I was playing for the Mudcats, which in its own right was an incredible ball club, which accomplished alot. But I had to make a decision that would help me with my future and decided to play with the O's. The opportunities granted to me were beyond belief. Not only was I pushed harder than ever, but I was introduced to the best players from not only NC, but the world. It really opened my eyes to where I stacked up against everybody else. One thing that I really took away from the O's is the fact that you must take ownership of yourself. As a group from roughly the Charlotte area, we went down and came in 3rd in Jupiter. This shows a lot for what a group of guys like we were, could do through hard work.

    You pitched a near perfect game in the Jupiter tournament. Can you describe your feelings about that?

    Words can't describe Jupiter. Elliot Arrington tried to descirbe it, but like he said you'll just have to see it when you get there. When we walked up the first day we were in awe at the scouts, the players, the fields, everything. There has been no other experience in my life that even compares. The game I threw was in the pro stadium. When I looked up in the stands my adrenaline was pumpin, it was second to none.

    You play in one of the toughest conferences in the State. How do you think your HS team, East Meck Eagles, will do this year?

    Anything could happen this year. I dont think there's one team that can overpower another. Everyone lost key guys and everyone returns key guys. Last year Myers Park had a distinct pitching advantage and great leadership, that's why they did what they did. Honestly i gotta like our chances this year. We play the type of game that wins. We are going to have good pitching, but I think the thing that will help us the most will be defense. We have a catcher behind the plate in Savago who can block, he can throw, and he's a good leader; we'll have a speedy out field with McNichol and Davidson; and corner guys who will deliver key hits and make the plays with Gehringer and Teauge. Basically it comes down to who wants it bad enough. What's going to help us the most is the competition we'll have, there aren't many positions that are locked up when you graduate 6 seniors off last years roster. So its time for some underclassmen to step up. When we realize that we can play with anybody, we will.

    What advice would you give a young varsity pitcher?

    First of all you have to believe in yourself and your ability. Your worst enemy is yourself. Don't let your thoughts get in the way of what you are trying to do. In the beginning of the season last year I hit a rut where I was worried more about velocity than anything else. Coach Greeson and Coach Koppe sat me down and told me I have to get back to my strengths. That was right before the spring break tournament. After that I was back to my original form and got back to what had made me successful in the past. One major adjustment is the pace of the game, it's much faster. As a pitcher you dictate the pace and thus need to control the pace of the game for whatever is best for your team.

    Who influenced you the most in your baseball career?

    I would probably have to say my cousin. He was the first person I ever threw with, played in the first game I ever watched, and taught me pretty much the basics of the game. But that hasn't stopped, he pitches in the Red's organization and knows a lot about overcoming adversity. We have always worked out and thrown together, but he's taught me more about the mental aspect of pitching than anybody. I learned how to control a game, what pitches to call in what situation, and how to change speeds. But the main thing he taught me was how to maintain composure, which goes along with question #5. When I first started pitching he told me it doesn't matter if you are throwing a no-hitter, or getting blistered, always stay composed. This has stuck with me and has helped me in more situations on and off the field than any other piece of advice I've ever received.

    If you weren't playing baseball, what other sport would you be playing?

    I'm not any good at any other sports, but I do like to run.

    Favorite Food?

    Love grilled chicken

    What do you do when you have some free time?

    I wish I had some free time. School work is unbelievable right now. Since baseball is my therapy I can't take time away from that so by the time I do my workouts and homework, there's not a lot of time left.

    What are you most proud of in your accomplishments?

    Up to this point it's hard to say, probably signing with UNCA. Putting my name on the dotted line was a reward for all the work I put in to baseball. When I first started high school I wasn't sure if I was good enough to keep playing, but I persisted, and worked hard. Things fell into place, I continued to work hard, and Coach Greeson gave me the opportunity to prove myself. It was instant gratification when I signed, because I earned the opportunity.

    Thanks Ben for taking your time in answering a few questions. We at TBR have admired your performance and work ethic for many years.We would also like to acknowledge your parents, Pam and Steve for their wonderful job in raising a respectful, mature, talented young man.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2003
  2. drag bunt

    drag bunt Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 28, 2003
    Ben is first class all the way. I think so highly of him I had to check out Asheville for myself over the weekend. Ben, don't miss Boston Pizza; it's near campus and was the best pie I've had in a long time. The snow didn't even deter me from finding this place. You have to go the extra mile for a #1 pitcher like this. ;) I still haven't figured out how Steve got so lucky. Pam is without a doubt the best baseball Mom around.:mushy: Braves, good luck trying to strike up a conversation with Steve at a baseball game; he doesn't stay in one place for too long. See ya'll this spring.
  3. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I don't...I just mark a sign at each school that sez " This hole was made by Steve Buchanan". Forget trying to grow grass behind the fences...
  4. rcbbfan

    rcbbfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Salisbury, NC
    I saw Ben pitch in the State Games, so I knew that he is a quality pitcher that knew how to manage a game. What I learned from his interview is that he's also a quality young man. UNC-A is indeed fortunate to have corraled a pitcher of his caliber. Good luck to Ben this spring and with his college career. May all his starts be of the same quality as he is.
  5. Up and In

    Up and In Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Chapel Hill, N.C.
    Great interview. Cant believe this stuff is free. Thanks Braves!
  6. The "O"

    The "O" Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 1, 2003

    Doesn t necessarily throw it the "hardest" yet he has a great hammer as well as changeup ! Hands down I think he is the best pitcher in the SW4A! Obviously after reading the interview AND I as I suspected a quality and intelligent young man! CONGRATS!!!:D
  7. sugarjet

    sugarjet Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 29, 2003
    Playing with Ben I have seen that he can have just one pitch and still beat you. He can place his fastball on the end of a sewing neddle. He is a great guy and you love to be behind him in the field. Good Luck Ben!!
  8. Prepster

    Prepster Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Charlotte (formerly)
    Great person...great player...great family.

    It's going to be a lot of fun watching Ben succeed in so many ways over the years.
  9. niner_dad

    niner_dad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2003
    New Bern, NC
    Congratulations, Ben. I'm sure you will continue to work hard at your game. Looking forward to reading about your successes this year, and in the future at UNC-A.

    Braves - thanks for posting the interviews. First class all the way!
  10. Original

    Original Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 15, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    He's a great kid with a beautiful , warm smile! (mother's love it and I KNOW it doesn't mean one thing when he's pitching BUT he sure has a great smile and a wonderful , caring personality)

    He's also got a great family that is behind him all the way!


    You deserve the best!

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