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TBR Interview---Kyle Shelton

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Braves, Dec 10, 2003.

  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Kyle Shelton, South Mecklenburg High, State Games participant is a unique player. Of all the great HS shortstops participating in Jupiter, Kyle was considered by many of the Pro and College scouts as the“ the slickest fielder “. But what makes him unique is he can play the corner with equal adeptness. Kyle has a Major League arm with unbelievable footwork that one does not often see at the HS level. I was able to pull him away from the batting cages at On Deck long enough to answer a few questions.

    Congratulations on signing with North Carolina. What made you decide to sign with the Tar Heels?

    I have always loved North Carolina. Ever since I was a little kid, I have dreamed of going there. It’s a great school and that was a big part in my choice. The coaching staff is great and they keep producing great players and teams.

    You played with the East Cobb Astro’s AAU National Champions last year. This year you played with the On Deck O’s. What was your experience with both of them?

    The Astro’s were great because it got my name out there. It was really based on the team though. The rings and things were great but I didn’t feel I was getting any better. The On Deck O’s were great because it was a team and all about the team. We practiced and worked hard at everything we did. We were always the underdog and I loved that role. We would always come up from behind because they would look right by us to someone bigger.

    You are playing in one of the toughest conferences in the State. How do you think your team will do this year?

    Our team at South should be good this year. We will need some younger guys to step up. It’s always a dogfight in this conference no matter if you’re good or bad. It’s the people in the middle of the standings you have to watch out for.

    What advice would you give to an undergraduate with aspirations of playing in college?

    Jimmy V. said “ Don’t give up, don’t ever give up”. You can’t give up on anything you want. Play hard at all times. You have to run out every ground ball hard! Don’t be afraid to get dirty, you don’t know who is watching. It could be a college scout, a pro scout or a little kid that looks up to you.

    Who influenced you the most in your baseball career?

    My parents have influenced me to be the best that I can be. They are great. When I played at East Cobb, they went a month without seeing each other. Coach Shildt has helped me a ton as well. He is always there for me to talk to him about anyone, anything or get extra work.

    The best player that you have played with?

    The best “player” that I have ever played with was Chris Nelson, the AFLAC MVP. But the best “team player” that I have played with is Elliott Arrington. We know each others swings, how each other plays and he is a great team leader.

    Favorite Food?

    Chick-Fil-A chicken salad sandwich

    Favorite Movies?

    Remember the Titans and The Junction Boys

    You had a terrific performance at the Perfect Game Jupiter Tournament. What memories will you carry with you?

    I will take the look of shock on all the faces of the opponents as we walked by after we had won another big game. The way the team came together was amazing. If someone was hot, then went cold there was always someone right there with a hot stick to pick them up. In the Baseball America game, you couldn’t see any grass behind the plate because of all the scouts. I thought, “ It is going to be a blowout. Why is anyone here?” That let me know we put a statement out right when we got there. That was such a great group of guys. I wish I had another year to go back down there with them. I loved everyone of them.

    Thanks Kyle in participating in our TBR interview. For those who have never seen Kyle play, he plays it the right way. Always hustling, looking for any advantage to beat you. Either by his arm, legs, glove or bat…he is always looking for an edge. He is a special player that reminds one of the good ol’ days…where teamwork, hustle and getting “dirty” was commonplace.

    I would also like to thank Linda and Terry Shelton, both ex-coaches, for raising such a fine young man and based on his pick for favorite food…I’d say he was smart too :D
  2. sugarjet

    sugarjet Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 29, 2003
    I would like to say how proud Terry and I are of Kyle and all the hard work he has put forth up til now. Since Kyle was 11 he has sacrificed Christmas breaks, summers, and many week-ends playing travel ball, going to clinics and camps when many of his friends were taking ski trips and hanging our with their buddies in the summers. I will say it was Kyle's choice to do this, not something he was forced to do. Some players like to play, others love to play, but I can honestly say that Kyle is passionate about playing. I also wanted to say thank-you to all his past coaches that helped him become who is today. Starting with his dad who would come home from a long day at work and first thing he did was pick up a glove and ball (at two years old) and play catch with Kyle or get his Fisher Price plastic T and bat and play for hours with him in our den! Also we cannot forget Coach Jim Berger who coached him at MARA and the Charlotte Lightning, Coach Ratledge, Coach Simmons at CCS, and the great coaches at South Meck especially Coach Bagwell. To Coach Bagwell I want to say that Kyle paid you the highest compliment that a player can give a coach. He said he wanted to coach baseball, and when I mentioned possibly coaching college level he adamently so no, he wanted to coach high school ball like Coach Bagwell. Also, thanks to Braves and all the great parents that we have had the opportunity to be associated with over the years. We have some great friendshiips through baseball.
  3. drag bunt

    drag bunt Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 28, 2003
    Kyle, I hope you realize that you have earned the respect of many players, coaches and fans who have ever seen you play the game. You go about it the right way. I wish I could bottle up your energy. There are many plays that you make look routine and others should be on a highlight reel, but two that stand out in my mind are the two double plays you started from third base at the state games this past summer. Simply spectacular! I know you will keep up the hard work. The heels are lucky to have you. Terry, Linda and Kyle = Success. You are all very good people. Thanks Braves.
  4. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    another great interview and its exciting to see these young men heading the right direction :D
  5. coachevans26

    coachevans26 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 3, 2003
    My hat's off to a class player and a class program!!!!!
  6. Prepster

    Prepster Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Charlotte (formerly)
    A lot of players claim to be passionate about the game. Many fewer take the steps necessary to translate the passion into the dedication of hard work and continuous hustle. Kyle's a standout within that smaller group.

    Best of luck to you!
  7. Original

    Original Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 15, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    Congratulations to Kyle! He is an AWESOME player to watch! His energy is contagious on the field. You can feel the electricity when he's out there . Tons of fun to watch! Best of luck to Kyle and his great parents as he moves through one of the best times of his life!:xyzthumbs
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2003
  8. NC-dad

    NC-dad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 8, 2003
    There are alot of players out there that you hear are really good. Then you go see them play and are left wondering about the hype. I have Kyle seen play several times and was impressed each and every time! He lives up to the hype!

    Man I Love these interviews!:D
  9. rcbbfan

    rcbbfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Salisbury, NC
    Congratulations to an exceptionaly talented player. I've only seen Kyle play a few times, but it doesn't take many times to realize that he really has fun and loves to pay the game.

    I'll have to agree with drag bunt, the double plays he started in the State Games from 3rd base did a great job of showcasing his talent, but the play that stands out in my mind was the time he had to dodge a broken bat and still made the play. Way to go Kyle !!!

    Congrats again and good luck at UNC.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 14, 2003
  10. SouthLoop

    SouthLoop S.Charlotte BB Researcher

    Likes Received:
    Jan 14, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    Sorry that I missed this interview when it first came out as I have been away from the TBR boards for a while. Congratulations to Kyle Shelton and all of his hard work through baseball that has gotten him his dream to attend UNC! Hope to be able to travel to UNC next year to catch a few of the UNC baseball games. Would love to see Kyle Shelton with all the other Charlotte area boys already at UNC and going to UNC next year playing on the UNC baseball field!!! Keep up the dedicated work ethics that you have showed thus far in baseball. Hope you also get to go to the “Big Show” one day!!!

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