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TBR Tribute to Keith Beck (OAC)

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Braves, May 16, 2009.

  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    There are many personalities on this board, but none like Keith. He was opinionated, funny, a pot stirrer and had a heart of gold. He would do anything for his friends and after you met him, you were added to his ever increasing list.

    Keith would poke fun at some of our members; usually to test if they believed what they posted. Other times he would laugh when some of the members would challenge him. But one thing no one could challenge was his sincere belief that coaching young men was a privilege. That living the experiences with all his players were the only rewards he sought.

    I pulled together some of Keith's posts over the years to give everybody a sample of what they will miss not having Keith Beck (OldAngelsCoach) on TBR.

    Keith posting about himself

    Began as a young paratrooper at Fort Bragg many years ago..
    Came out as a police officer then a city fireman for a couple years.
    Worked in safety and fire protection in the tobacco industry for 25 years until I was laid off.
    Now.. I am a Risk Manager with offices in Boston, Pawtucket, Richmond, Tampa, all over NC, VA, Alabama, Texas, Ohio.

    I actually have a client who posts here...

    Coached 20 years in Little League
    5 years of girls fast pitch in high school
    about 9 years of AAU/Showcase baseball

    Four kids.. 2 grand kids and another on the way...
    Oldest played at Montreat for some of the best 4 years of her life.. even played a month around Mexico with a group called Athletes In Action..

    OK. I am getting off subject.. as usual... but been pretty busy for a young man my age.. In the last 3 years, one heart attack and cancer three times.. Whew!! Been a busy life..

    This is him posting about his experience with travel ball and some of the players he coached

    I think over the last few years I have coached what some would consider the Dream Team. I started the Carolina Mariners when these boys were 8 years old and coached them until they were 11 years old and at 13 started up the Angels after taking a year off, this past year completing my last year with some of them. I see some of them mentioned here on other teams. I am not listing them to brag or take any credit for their successes but to understand myself just how much talent I have had the chance to coach over the years. I am absolutely positive I left somebody out and I humbly apologize but there have been so many. From the time they were 8 years old, we played in every single championship game, AAU, USSSA, whatever the venue, spring, summer and fall. We won some and finished second in some but nevertheless we were there. For that I thank the following ex Mariners and Angels players I have coached:

    Levi Michael
    Chaz Frank
    Nick McBride
    Mat Batts
    Zach Burkhart
    Brad Wrege
    Tanner Beck
    Tyler Coyle
    Dairio Little

    08's who were young enough to play with us:
    Trey McCraw
    Ethan Wilmoth
    Ryan Glover

    Give me all these boys back and we win the WORLD!!!!!
    Now that was only kids I coached. There were many others I think are super players. Some that come to mind are Wiggy, Bass, Rothlin, Himler, Rhoney and Lyerly to name a few. The old Heat team and Catawba Valley teams were loaded. Probably the best TEAM we ever played was the Richmond Braves at age 10. They were unbelievable. So there is my history and some of the best players in the state. Anybody disagree?
  2. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    A little more insight on his coaching experience

    Thanks for the support and the apologies are not necessary. I was fortunate enough to have a good enough bunch of boys who could compete but still play only .500 ball. I have only ever had local kids except for a couple exceptions and have enjoyed not only the training piece but the social aspects of my teams. I love my families and players like they are mine. I have made many friends and a few enemies along the way I suppose but I have never intended to do that. I have enjoyed coaching about as much as anything I have ever done from Little League back in the day, to High School to the Mariners and Angels. I even tried a little fast pitch softball along the way and loved it. Anyway, Showcases are not for the faint of heart! hahaha Braves junior can attest to that. I like to keep things exciting. My brand is only my brand, not necessarily for everyone. Thanks for the fun guys!! My Angels team will be doing other things this fall and trying other teams and playing other sports. Have a great fall!

    This is Keith replying to a poster that was apologizing for a remark

    hahahaha You don't know me very well. I am not getting run off. I meant my team, the Angels are not playing this fall. Some of the kids are running track, playing football and some are trying out for other teams. Some are simply recuperating from sports since January. I am pretty thick skinned and with my illness, it would take a lot at this point in my life to make me mad about much. I will most always offer my opinion as most old folks do.. Right Braves??

    In response to a kind remark about his Showcase team

    Thanks for the shout out. I have always meant well and tried to emphasize the important things in life. I worry about a lot of these kids and the roads they are taking by putting so much emphasis on baseball. OUCH! I felt that and heard the gasp! But very few will make a living playing baseball. I would like for someone with the time to put together a list of all these signed players for these big programs and see the % of who is still there after 4 years. It is a whole lot tougher than just playing the game. My daughter, who played 4 years used to say, put recruits on a bus for a week, schedule an exam on Friday. You can't go to class and the only time to study is under a map light while riding to the next game. Now keep those grades up!!

    a contiued response to why he coaches

    I have always tried to put like kids together and teach them a little. I think my strength has always been to find hidden talent out there. It has never been keeping them!! hahaha However, I am very proud of the boys (and girls) I have been blessed to coach. For the most part, as good as they are at baseball, they are much better people and for that I hope I had a small part. I am one of those "dads" who has coached over 20 years. My joys have come from the old guys coming by to visit with their kids. What great times reliving old teams and games

    He was mentioning some "old' players he coached

    Just a couple kids who were good from my area..Most of you won't know these boys but trust me, they could play!

    Willie Stewart- Now head coach at UNCA. Extremely hard worker.

    Jason Tuttle- Currently still playing I believe in the Independant League and played for a bit in Montreal's organization as a free agent. A fast lefty who hated me when at 12 years old told him he was no longer a shortstop and was moving to center field. Also played at Elon.

    Alec Zumwalt- Used to beat us up pretty regularly. Pitches now but in High School could hit the ball 2 miles...

    Brian Meadows- lesser known but what a competitor. Left handed pitcher who proved me wrong and never brings it up. Another hard worker from the Willie Stewart mold. Both were also wrestlers...Brian began at High Point and moved to UNCW.
  3. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Here are some responses to his old buddy, PlateDad

    Trust me.. I have known PD for many years and you will never out talk him! hahaha You may not understand a word he is saying but he will still say it! hahahaha
    Just don't call him for a ride to the hospital!! hahahahaha You had to be there!! He will get you there, it just may take a while...

    hahahahahaha That is so funny! You don't know how many times I have said that too!! Makes ya wanna say HUH??
    I am sorry PD! I had to edit.. I am still laughing!! I read it again...

    Dangit Plate Dad!! You are confusing sometimes.. You sure you ain't from Tennessee??

    And this is OAC mentioning PlateDad's son. Pay particular attention to the last sentence

    My vote is Trey McCraw, 08, Parkland High School in Winston-Salem. Small but strong and as tough as they come. I have seen several bigger players bounce off him when trying to nail him at the plate. Absolutely loves playing the game. Don't know exact pop times and all the numbers but have coached him since he was 8 years old. At Disney World for the 9U AAU National Tournament, Trey comes to me and says he wants to catch. "What do I need to do?" I squatted him at the outfield fence and started throwing tennis balls at him. I told him to learn to stop those and you can catch. He has been catching successfully since age 10. On top of that, most umpires will tell you he is VERY entertaining back there.

    His response to a very volatile thread

    Why is everyone so sensitive today..? Sheesh.. Most of us are coaches and or have coached.. Have a little fun!! In 5 or 10 years none of this will matter anyway.. Not to us at least.

    Response to Travel Teams and being unaware how young they were getting

    My daughter called me today to tell me some guy called wanting my 6 year old grandson to play on his 6U team!! Holy crap! I thought everyone was kidding about the young teams.

    Note to self: He CAN hit bombs

    Another observation about us old guys

    Wow Braves.. Me and you have been into some serious trouble lately! Where's the respect for old peoples opinions.. I suspect they think we should sit back and watch the young bulls run down the hill.. They probably don't know us very well.. Old bulls RULE

    Another OAC opinion about summer baseball

    This is an amazing thread and for those that know me realize I could only be quiet for so long! hahaha I suppose my problem with some of the elite programs and leagues is that they typically have nothing invested in the player through the years. It takes a lot of time and effort to teach, I believe Red Sox called them "marginal players" only to see them leave for the so called big time.

    I suppose it goes back to the old saying "there's no limit to what one can accomplish if one doesn't mind who get's the credit."

    Just an old guys opinion which in the end means nothing.
  4. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    A very good coach was addressing a prior post from OAC. I thought his answers revealed best his personality...humor, ascerbic, naiive and doesn't take himself too seriously

    Is it yours? Is it your decision to make?
    OAC you have mentioned many times about people stealing your players. In fact in your last post you say "Give me all my players back and I have the good program." Why did they leave you. Could it be that their parents decided to make a decision to do something else? Isnt that their job as parents? Or did you have a lifetime contract on them and they broke the contract? Did you file a lawsuit against those parents?

    No I did not file a lawsuit. A couple does not equate to many times. Most of them left because they disliked me. Some were recruited, money issues, had one leave to play soccer (imagine that! I really must have ruined baseball for him!)

    Since when do you or anyone else have the right to tell someone else what is best for their child? Please tell me I want to know.

    Must have been somewhere about 1955. Really dude.. How do I answer that?

    You are making assumptions based on the mere fact that a very few of the over 10,000 young men playing hs baseball tranfer each year. So you got out of coaching because players transfer?

    That wasn't the only reason but I wasn't going to recruit 15 year olds like they were some lifesaver to my program. And I got sick.

    Do you even know how many transfer each year? 10? 25? 50? Do you know why most of them transfer? Do you know what percentage transfer for certain reasons over other reasons? Can you name me 25 transfers this year? Again assumptions based on what?

    No. Uh, I dont know, No. No. and No.

    You took a stab at the young men now dont get upset when someone takes a stab back. But I am not making assumptions. Im stating facts. And the fact is the only people that are required to do what they feel is best for their child are the parents raising those kids. Not you. They are not your kids.

    Now, this is wrong. Ive never stabbed a kid and anyone who knows me wouldnt say that. I think a couple of them may be mine. not sure..They stay here alot and I have to feed them..

    Funny how this thread gets started right after the posts on TH transferring to ND. Do you know why he transferred? Or are you basing your post on assumptions? Are you responsible for making sure TH does what he feels is best for him and his parents feel what is best for him? Or could it be that these decisions are the parents to make?

    I don't know TH but have seen him play. He is a great player and appears to be a super kid. No I dont. Yes.

    Kids were transferring when I was in hs back in the mid 70's. They transfer for many reasons. But it is a family decision. Not mine and not yours to make. You can assume whatever you want to assume.

    I was in high school in the early 70's and never knew ANYONE who transferred for a sport. I am not assuming anything. There was a gay couple who they split up ion different schools but other than that, people moved.

    What happens when they get a job and dont like the boss or they have problems in their marriage? What are these parents teaching their children?

    People change jobs all the time for many reasons. People get divorced for many reasons. What happens when you find a better job? What happens when you feel you could flourish at a different location? What happens when you move into another job? What happens when the boss is making your life miserable and you have a better opportunity come along? So many scenarios but again whos decision is that to make? What happens if you catch your wife running around on you? What are we teaching these kids? I find that argument to be pathetic and intrusive. What are you teaching your kids? How does that feel?

    Wow.. I have never been called pathetic or intrusive before. Well, maybe my ex wife did back in the 70's but I think she was high?? If I catch my wife running around on me.. hmmm.. I will leave and live out the rest of my life at the beach looking at other peoples wives.

    Good luck to you. Sorry Braves!! I couldn't help it!

    Ya'll have a great day!

    The last post I will mention is the one to remember his grandkids. For you coaches out there, be sure to write down the grad dates

    My grandsons are 19's and 23's! I guarantee they will be absolutely SICK they will be so good. Write these names down.... Lucas and Jackson Snyder... I have another one on the way but hopefully this one will be a girl and I can spread my wisdom on the softball board as well

    This is how I will always remember my friend, Keith Beck. Although it was amazing that his son hit a dramatic HR to help defeat top ranked Ragsdale last night..it was not totally surprising. The fact that Keith passed away this week did not mean he was going to stop coaching. He lifted that ball Tanner hit into the air last night and planted it over the fence for platedad to get. It was an amazing feat....but not surprising
    Last edited: May 16, 2009
  5. OAC's daughter

    OAC's daughter Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 15, 2009
    Thank you

    I can not tell you how much I appreciate you posting this on your message board. I remember my Dad talking about getting on this board and all of the things that were discussed. I would go over to the house and he would be on TBR and would be "all fired up" about something...that was my Dad. As I read through these remarks, I can actually see him in my mind saying many of these things. Such as "somewhere around 1955" and "Now, this is wrong. Ive never stabbed a kid and anyone who knows me wouldnt say that. I think a couple of them may be mine. not sure..They stay here alot and I have to feed them"...classic Keith Beck!

    I particularly like the one where he mentioned his grandkids (my sons). It brought a smile to my face and tears to my eyes. He touched so many lives through baseball but the most important job he had here on this earth was being a Dad and Papa to us. It is almost beyond my comprehension that I can not get in my car and drive the short 5 minute drive to his house and see him. Or pick up the phone and call him. Or see him walking up to the Little League field to see my son's baseball games. I almost expect those things to happen.

    Through my grief there is a peace knowing that my Dad's cancer is finally defeated and he will have no more pain. There is a peace knowing that the moment he took his last breath that he was with our heavenly father and was relieved of his suffering. There is also a peace in knowing that his life was not lived without a divine purpose. His life meant something to not only his family and friends but also to many others throughout his brief 53 years on earth.

    Thank you to those who have offered up prayers over the last 3 years for my Dad. I will always be proud to have had him as my Dad and I am proud of the influence he had on so many.
  6. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

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    Jan 7, 2003
    It was very kind of you to respond. Your Dad's life touched so many people, including the TBR fraternity. He was one of a kind and breathed life into the mundane. I respectfully say that your dad was a character. He could be funny, sarcastic, opinionated and had a huge heart.

    He was one of the lucky one's that knew his priorities and what wasn't important. It was my pleasure in getting to meet your dad and to have established a relationship with him over the last 4-5 years. He was always gracious to me and to my son.

    Your father is not the type of man that people would forget...nor was he a man that you would want to. Thank you for sharing him with us over these years...it has been a rewarding one for us.

    God Bless you and your family; we look forward to reading about Lucas and Jackson in the future
    Last edited: May 19, 2009
  7. Stretchlon

    Stretchlon Stars

    Likes Received:
    Nov 15, 2006
    Rocky Mount
    Family Love

    You sound like a wonderful daughter. May the Lord bless your family.
  8. GloveSide

    GloveSide Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 19, 2007
    Cumberland County
    Memorial Day

    God needed another Paratrooper.


    Attached Files:

  9. jfagala

    jfagala Full Access Member

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    May 22, 2006
    Monroe, nc
    You have the memories

    OAC Daughter,
    I lost my mom last Christmas Day, and just wanted to tell you it does get easier, never easy though.

    She didn't get to my kids ball games (3 girls playing different sports) due to distance, but I had to call and report always....also discussed my Panthers and Wolfpack every time there was a game. She loved the Braves to, so, when you see his favorite teams or players playing, know that he is watching.

    The love of sport brings kids together, families together, and complete strangers together, as your dad would attest.

    My goal is for my kids to feel the same way about me that you feel about "OAC". :wings:

    God bless you all...
  10. tools

    tools Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 22, 2003
    Somewhere in the Triad
    We are very honored to have Tanner playing Legion baseball at Western Forsyth Post 522 this summer, What a great young man and what a ball player. :clap:

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