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Discussion in 'Football Forum' started by Otis, Sep 3, 2007.

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  1. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

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    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina
    Truth to be known McDowell's best long-range kicker may be freshmen Victor Hernandez who is playing JV ball. Fmrtitangreat is pretty close on Webb's potential, we would have to be inside the 15 before I would take a chance, that's no jab at Cameron on my part. If you ask the average high school coach they would want the ball down into that range as well for your best chance to score 3 points.
  2. dookman32

    dookman32 Full Access Member

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    Apr 3, 2006
    Cam has hit for a long of 41 in practice.
  3. fmrtitangreat

    fmrtitangreat mcdowell titans

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    Aug 22, 2007
    just because he hit one in practice doesnt make him a solid kicker from 41 yards. i can hit a half court shot blind folded once but that doesnt mean that if my life was on the line and i got to pick a shot to shoot id go the half court line and close my eyes and fling it. im not bashing any of the titan players i love them, but being a sure thing from more than 20-25 isnt realistic. why are we talking about the kicker on kincaids page anyway? whats the prediction on kincaids efforts this week against freedom?
  4. dookman32

    dookman32 Full Access Member

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    Apr 3, 2006

    I believe the question was about the kicker's range. I was just throwing out some information to add to the discussion. I doubt anyone that is a fan of the Titans would want to depend on a 40+ yard field goal to win a game anyway.

    Anyway-I think that 30 yards would be the max distance that Coach Haynie would allow Cam to kick from in a game.
  5. tonync55

    tonync55 Full Access Member

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    Jan 16, 2004
    Western North Carolina
    A gentleman from Durham NC wrote a letter to the editor that was published in todays McDowell news. He says he made the trip to south caldwell last week to watch "BUGGY". In his letter he has nothing but praise for buggy but man does he slam the McDowell coaching staff. I wish I could copy and paste the letter but you can't pull it up on their web site. If anyone on the board has access to the paper let us know what you think about his comments.
  6. dookman32

    dookman32 Full Access Member

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    Apr 3, 2006

    Can you paraphrase the letter?
  7. tonync55

    tonync55 Full Access Member

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    Jan 16, 2004
    Western North Carolina

    I’ll try. This guy started the letter by saying someone had told him he needed to see this
    kid “Buggy”. So he said he drove from Durham to South Caldwell to see him and was so
    impressed. He said it was great to see a kid like Kincaid who had so much athletic talent.
    Then he started commenting on the play calling of the McDowell coaching staff. He said
    every play was the same. He said by the 4th quarter Kincaid was so exhausted even the
    Spartan players were helping him up after each play. He then wondered why no one on
    the coaching staff cared about what the future will hold for Buggy after this year. I don’t
    know who this guy was or how much he knows about Kincaid’s home life but he made a
    lot of accusations in the letter. He seemed to think that all the coaches care about is him
    getting the State record for rushing . It was a strong letter that really makes one think
    when you read it. I’m sure they’ll be some rebuttals sent in from fans and coaches. Maybe
    BigDan can give us some more insight on this since he works for the News.
  8. dookman32

    dookman32 Full Access Member

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    Apr 3, 2006

    I can understand the concern for Kincaid's future, but I can tell you that IMO the coaches don't care one bit about him setting the state rushing record. Last year Buggy had 383 yards rushing midway through the third quarter against East Rutherford and could have easily set the state record for rushing in a game, but instead was sat down for the rest of the game to try and save his legs.

    Buggy is a great kid and he has a lot of heart- he IS the entire Mcdowell offense. They are running him 40 times a game because it is what they have to do to compete. People say the same thing about Urban Meyer with Tim Tebow running the ball 20+ times a game, but unfortunately it is about winning and people are going to do what it takes to get the W. I'm sure Haynie wishes he could spread it out and throw the ball some, but with the struggles that the line has up front, it is impossible to do that.

    Let's put it this way, if Mcdowell was 2-4 and Kincaid was NOT being run 30+ times a game there would be a bunch of parrots talking about how Haynie isn't using his stud RB enough in the offense. You just can't please all of the people all of the time.
  9. TitanFanForever

    TitanFanForever Full Access Member

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    Mar 8, 2007
    It's been a known fact for a long time at McDowell that the coaching staff does not go out of their way to help athletes further their education. If you look at the number of outstanding athletes that have played at McDowell very few have gone on to play at a college level. Yes alot of this has to do with academics but there are also coaches that have taken students out of classes because they feared that athlete wouldn't be allowed to play because of failing grades. At McDowell you ar either a student or an athlete.
    We keep our fingers crossed that someday we'll see a change..

    Boy would it be nice to have the like of John McGuire around again..
  10. dookman32

    dookman32 Full Access Member

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    Apr 3, 2006

    Look, there were over 15 scouts at Mcdowell High last year looking at Buggy-the coaches have done their job in getting his name and stats to the right people. I'm not sure what you would like the coaches to do if a kid is failing. They can keep the kid in harder classes where he has no chance of passing, or they can put a player in the best position possible to graduate. Plenty of kids make it to the next level by going to junior college, which is likely what Kincaid will have to do if his grades are not where they should be.

    If you let a kid who is a player fail and they can't play sports then it really doesn't help anyone. The coaches lose a player and the player loses any incentive they once had to make the grades.
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