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Discussion in 'Baseball' started by coachevans26, Dec 13, 2007.

  1. doctorbuzzy

    doctorbuzzy Full Access Member

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    Feb 13, 2007
    Get rid of Selig--start with the guy that oversaw all of this mess

    I for one won't read it, don't care too. It really doesn't offer anything we didn't at least suspect, and likely know about MLB (and other professional sports leagues for that matter, e.g., Olympic athletes (Jones), Tour de France, the list can go on and on).

    The way it is being handled is how things are done in these spectacles, i.e., hire someone "reputable" to expose the situation, then let those in charge take it from there. This way those in charge can say, "we will make sure this stops" then take action so that they look good in that they are now "dealing with the issue". Problem is MLB needs a commissioner (Selig is a stooge for the owners); had it had one, the situation likely would not have gotten to the point where it is now.

    So, if we are going to judge the players, we need to judge those in charge of the league as well. Selig should be fired as he is in charge during the time all of this was/is taking place. Accountability should start at the top! When they fire Selig for dereliction of duty, then I might take MLB and their efforts on this seriously. Until then, what the players did was condoned by the league. So as long as it was being allowed (i.e., went unpunished), were the players doing something illegal?
  2. BaseballMan

    BaseballMan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 18, 2005
    Oh, anybody notice that the wrestlers in WWF are shrinking at an alarming rate? See them occasionally while flipping channels and almost didn't recognize some the guys.
  3. ncsu82

    ncsu82 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 11, 2006

    ^^ What he said. And Donald Fehr needs to go too. I have a problem with the players union tellings its people not to cooperate with the investigation. Tells me they still have issues with this whole thing.

    And one other question.. How does Larry Bigbie go to the grocery store? I'd be scared to death I'd accidently run into Brian Roberts............fist.
  4. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

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    Nov 21, 2005
    I must really be in the minority here. I see the drug use as a serious problem. And I think it's naive to disregard it or act as if nothing has happened.
  5. mm77

    mm77 Junior Member

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    Jan 5, 2006
    Senator Mitchell

    Sen Mitchell has an impeccable reputation but since he was and will be again since his investigation is complete, a Board Member of the Red Sox, does it seem a little convenient for more Yankee players to be on this list than any other team? The only Red Sox players that are mentioned are no longer with the Red Sox. Does it seem convenient that the only trainers that would talk to him are from NY? Does it smell funny that Clemens took steroids when he was with Toronto and the Yankees but not while he was with Boston? I think he was the wrong person to do this investigation since he obviously has a conflict of interest. Why did it cost $44 million? The only thing he reported were rumors that a good sports reporter could have found in 30 days. His resources were criminals that are trying to save their own skin. Why did he mention all the names he did but left off others that have been rumored to have used steriods such as McGuire and Sosa. Why was Palmiero not mentioned. He FAILED the MLB drug test.

    This is a very sad day in baseball and for the players that were mentioned. Their reputation is ruined whether they are guilty or not. The players names should not have been released unless there was PROOF that they took steriods. If there had to be a list of names, every effort should have been made to identify ALL players that used.

    Some are questioning whether Roger Clemens should now be in the HOF. I say he should since so many of the hitters he faced were also juiced. In fact, I hate Barry Bonds and have always thought he shouldn't be allowed in the HOF. I now beleive he should also be in the HOF. How could you not have Clemens and Bonds in the HOF and another player in the same era be in? If the effort is not made to identify all the players, how do you know who and who did not do steriods.
  6. LegionPost46

    LegionPost46 Full Access Member

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    Jan 14, 2006
    there are so many yankees mentioned because mcnamee, one of only two people to give up information, was a yankee strength coach and personal trainer.

    i'm sure if the oakland a's trainer from the 80s and 90s had spoken with the mitchell investigation we would have had a bunch of oakland a's or former oakland a's on the list. or the braves, or pirates, etc....
  7. BaseballMan

    BaseballMan Full Access Member

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    Mar 18, 2005
    Clemens was asked to testify in front of the commission and declined. If he isn't lying, why would he refuse to testify. Now he looks like a fool just like MacGwire did when he pled the fifth in front of Congress.
  8. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

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    Nov 21, 2005
    Th report raises other questions. Talking with someone last night about it, how do you explain Brady Anderson going from hitting single digit home runs one year and 52 the next? Now take that a step further. Whose team was he on and who did he hang out with? None other than Cal Ripken Jr. Definitely not implying he took drugs but I wonder if he knew of people who did? A lot of people turned a blind eye to this.
  9. BaseballMan

    BaseballMan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 18, 2005
    There is not a single player in MLB over the last fifteen years that hasn't seen anybody take steroids.
  10. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 21, 2005
    Sad but I trust you. So that means that a lot of people have turned a blind eye to this.

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