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Things that irk you

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by JavelinCatcher, Apr 18, 2008.

  1. nccoach32

    nccoach32 Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 27, 2008
    Sanford, North Carolina
    My squad may not win a game this season but I will have awards. They won't be the typical awards but the girls that have stood through thick and thin and doing their job no matter the score WILL BE RECOGNIZED.

    I love my seniors in which only 1 has been through 4 years of **** as a reserve and now playing 1st base along with a .430 batting average. My other two are either first year player or transfer.

    I have a soph. that will def. earn an award and one junior that will as well.

    Progress has been 10 fold since the beginning of our season with my program but has been regressing the last 2 weeks. 5 games left and playing for pride but it's my job to get them to play 100% and I'm going to use this last 2 plus weeks on judging character.

    The ones that don't show it, won't be here next year as we have nine 8th graders coming up. Build a foundation, take away the broken bricks and start building your house!
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2008
  2. Crazecoach

    Crazecoach For HIS Glory...

    Likes Received:
    Sep 7, 2006
    Newton, NC
    I probably shouldn't, but.....

    **I am sure I will get bashed over this, but it bothers me to have a coach belittle lesser talented teams. Come onto the field with swagger, get the job done, go home. No need to taunt while you do it. **

    I deleted my post. If I originally named you, I apologize. But I did not name anyone in a negative way. I bothers me when people judge or "fire back" when not knowing ALL the facts. It bothers me that players get judged as "team hoppers" when the public does not know that the team has folded. I bothers me when players get labeled "team hoppers" just because they are seen on the field with another team playing a different sanction(perfectly legal). It bothers me that players are concidered "team hoppers" for playing on different teams in the fall( once again still legal in most sanctions) due to coaches going hunting. And finally, it bothers me that a player is judged "team hopper" because a 200 mile round trip with gas over $3 per gallon is too much to spend 2-3 times a week plus tournaments on the weekends and they decide to play closer to home.??? Not everybody plays for a "name". It irks me when I feel like I have to delete something just to "be nice" while others make silly comments with no reguard.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2008
  3. fastpitchndad

    fastpitchndad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 29, 2008
    Cape Carteret, NC
    IRKS me

    Third base coach telling batter where catcher sets up....
  4. tigerfan

    tigerfan Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 19, 2006

    First off...the game against Bandys was 2 years ago...and the word FAT never came out of the coaches mouth...someone misunderstood and told you wrong...because you didnt hear that! I dont know why you would want to bring up somthing thats 2 years old NOW!

    Second off...the Newton Conover game was a joke with the umpires....you know it yourself sitting there watching it! We were not trying to belittle anyone...just trying to win and get out of the ball park as quickly as we could!

    Now things that IRK me....players that jump teams...that are on 5 or 6 different teams in 2 years...seems like their is a problem...if you cant get your way...try starting your own team, maybe even find you a highschool coaching job! Fred T. Foard plays with class everytime that they are on the field...they work hard all year long to be the players that they are...the players dont get the credit they deserve due to people like you bashing teams and players! If you have somthing to say about an adult that is different...but we can tell you have no class when you start talking about other peoples kids....leave the kids out of it! Now this subject is over!!
  5. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    happens on most teams, how about a head coach, in the dug out, yelling to the batter where the catcher is setting up???? i just had my catcher move around at random, the yelling soon stopped........
  6. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County

    Also a good catcher can setup at the last minute, now don't go out there and say that the Guru said you aren't a great catcher if you can't do it this way...it's just a statement of FACT !!!

    [​IMG] Guru
  7. nctiger

    nctiger Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 21, 2007
    On some of the better teams, if you have base runners, they will signal to the batter where the catcher is setting up, but once you realize this is being done, it actually can be of use to the defense,
    You know, the ole set up one place, throw to another,,,,
    we try to have our catcher move at the last moment, to late for the coach or base runner to signal.....
  8. donsettles

    donsettles DonSettles

    Likes Received:
    Jan 22, 2008
    Reidsville, NC
    what irks me is....

    making a "deal" with the city to let our high school girls team use the city fields....which by the way have 300' fences, which they refuse to put up any temp fences because it takes to much time.

    then they come to us and say we have to be off the fields by 6:00 because of adult mens practicesand on days the adult mens softball teams play, we cannot practice on the infield at all.

    softball is infield, if you can't play the samll game, you can't play softball.

    also, we are the only school in our county that doesn't have its own softball field. I think we have a title 9 here also!!!
  9. stickwolf

    stickwolf Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 26, 2003
    Statesville/stony point NC
    under .100 hitters littering a lineup with NO consequences.

    Upperclassman playing over freshman and sophomores just because they ARE upperclassman..... (Best 9 play regardless IMO )

    Coaches in over their head that REFUSE any help.


    "Coaches" that don't teach.....Just roll the ball out and call it a SB practice.

    High schools that regard softball in the same light as checkers or chess..(Hey we can HIRE ANYBODY to watch them)

    Players running back and forth to flirt with baseball players while the OTHER team is warming up getting ready to kick their A## (Which they did)

    No fight in a team, no Fire, no embarassement from getting crushed. NO ENTHUSIASM

    Kids (A junior) asking "How much longer is practice" when they are at their first practice in 3 weeks.

    Kids that don't sense any urgency.."Oh well I made an error or passed ball everybody does it" ........Nevermind you just gave a hoss pitcher 4 runs and you now have NO CHANCE to win.

    "Pet" ball....variation of "daddy ball" ....Same basic priniciple, but this time used with teachers pets......

    Walking on and off the field

    Walking during drills at practice when RUNNING is required...

    Oh Turning off the scoreboard during a rout. Let them see whats going on and see if they feel it...

    Burping and cutting up in the dugout when you are down 14-0...

    Just a few I could go ON and On and On and on and on and.........................................................But I won't I will now just :sign0090: Better go take my meds........
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2008
  10. Softball Guru

    Softball Guru Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Mar 15, 2006
    Union County
    I Hear You !!!

    Man we need to pray for you, I have some anxiety pills at home if you have faced all that !!!! No Bueno !!!


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