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To my good friend braves..you're a class act!

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by ncsu82, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. ncsu82

    ncsu82 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 11, 2006
    A good read for all parents. Actually brought a tear to my eye.

    Subject: Perspective
    It pays to be in the game, Moms and Dads

    You see athletes large, small and in between. Some are gifted and know it,
    so they coast. Others are not and know it, so they work like crazy. A select
    few are gifted and work like crazy.There is a place for all of them in
    youth, junior high and high school sports.

    There also is a place for their parents _ so many places. You find them
    behind the wheel, in dugouts, on benches, in lawn chairs, at concession
    stands, in hotel lobbies.

    They work ahead or work split shifts or work into the wee hours, all in an
    attempt to be there when the boy or girl they welcomed into the world digs
    in with the bases loaded or drives to the basket.

    Occasionally, they look in the mirror or at the bank statement and wonder,
    "Is it worth it? Is all of this really worth it?"


    It is absolutely worth it.
    The wins and losses fade. Trophies collect dust in an attic. Stat sheets
    wind up in a recycle bin.

    None of them matter.

    You realize it years later. Like the day you wake up and your youngest is
    graduating from college.

    You hear her talk about a semester-long project that involved building a
    city - designing the water system, infrastructure, etc. - and the mind
    drifts to softball diamonds here and in other cities, other states.

    It was a group project requiring strategy, planning, execution and, more
    than anything, teamwork. Sports introduced her to all of it.
    They taught her and her sister that life isn't always fair. Line drives get
    caught. Bloopers fall in. Umpires miss calls. Players drop balls.

    Deal with it. Learn from it. Move on.

    Sports strengthened their resolve, toughened their skin. So when an irate
    boss openly voices his/her displeasure, they can tell a concerned co-worker:
    "It's OK. I've had coaches yell at me."
    Doesn't mean they like it, doesn't make it right. But they can handle it.

    Sports prepare them to manage success and disappointment, deal with
    adversity. Remember that the next time you drive six hours to a sweltering
    summer tournament, or shiver under a blanket at a spring doubleheader.
    It's worth it.

    Just be sure to occasionally take a breath, take a step back and take a
    second to enjoy the moment. It doesn't last much beyond that.

    Games turn to seasons and seasons to years, faster than you can say, "Do you
    have everything in your bat bag?"

    Squeeze what you can from the long rides, the overnight stays. You never get
    those back. Be a shame to waste them listening to an iPod or dwelling on a

    Encourage them to succeed but allow them to fail. They learn from both.
    Be there either way. It's all they will remember.

    Experience the journey with them, not through them. You had your time. This
    is theirs, no matter how many hours you contribute.

    Keep in mind, the key is not whether they make or miss the winning shot, but
    accept responsibility for taking it. If they can do that, they won't shy
    away from much at work, in school, in life.

    Hold them accountable beyond the court/field. Remind them playing sports is
    like any privilege. It can be taken away.

    Finally, continue to give them love and support, win or lose. Stay in the

    It's worth it.

  2. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    What a great surprise to have D posting again. Very poignant article (not sure what poignant is, but the word sounded nice.)

    Glad to have you back and looking forward to see Bryan more this summer (although he didn't have to go 2-3 against the Owls.) By the way, I miss your avatars, too! :math:
  3. ecu78

    ecu78 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 22, 2008
    Great post ncsu72. I also agree with you about Braves. He sees the whole picture.
  4. ncsu82

    ncsu82 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 11, 2006
    Well when you've been around as long as he has.....

    ...you know what they say about a blind hog! :laugh1:

    No, seriously, the man will never get the credit he deserves for promoting the game, educating parents, and supporting players from little league to the bigs. The man is truly a walking encyclopedia when it comes to all things baseball in and around the state of North Carolina.

    I found this website about 5 years ago and I can't tell you how much it enlightened me and help answer so many questions throughout our "process". Someone once said " nothing ever changes on TBR, just the names". Parents and players come and go throughout the years but the one constant has been Braves, to enlighten, coach, teach, suggest and mentor. All because he simply loves the game and the kids. He is not anti legion or showcase or little league or pro Dirtbags or Panthers or anything. He simply understands how it all ties together and the opportunities that are out there for all individuals big an small. And he volunteers his time and knowledge all the while dealing with all the personal things that we all do as people and individuals. Braves, keep doing what you do. This world and this game needs more people like you!

    Again, Braves you are the man. And I hope I see Montana on Sportscenter in about 10 years! And if it doesn't work for him, I hear you got another one warming in the bullpen...grandpa!

    PS Go Gamecocks!
  5. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Dang Danny...that brought a tear to my eye. The nicest compliment I have ever received....Thank you, my friend!
  6. Prepster

    Prepster Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Charlotte (formerly)
    For the very reasons so very well stated by ncsu82, no one has contributed more to the betterment and advancement of baseball players in the region over the last 10 years.

    ...and, for him, it's ALL about the kids.

    Bravo, Braves!

    :clap: :clap: :clap:
  7. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006
    Thanks for posting

    this ncsu82. There is not a better person around the game of baseball, period. There are so many players that Braves has helped along the way and many will never even know what he did for them. I am very thankful that I know Braves and have had the pleasure of spending some time with him at games over the years. I have learned a great deal from him and cherish his friendship greatly. No one I know has done more for so many and never asked or expected anything in return. He is simply a great person.

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