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Top Ten HS Players you have seen this decade

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Braves, Aug 29, 2009.

  1. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Yeah, I couldn't place Chase on my list because he hasn't completed his senior year, but I can understand why some would list him now. Hamilton and Nixon were special, but they weren't in this decade. If I didn't qualify that, then "O" would start bringing up those "old guys" from Garinger, like Garry Hill--who may have been the best HS player. And don't forget our own, Olefty. He still holds the NC American Legion record for a pitcher @ 31-0. I don't think that will ever be topped.
  2. baseball411

    baseball411 Full Access Member

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    Apr 27, 2008
    Here is my list (Hamilton and Nixon have not been in the past decade by the way, although Powell graduated in 2000 I'm not counting him either.)

    1. Cameron Maybin - no doubt #1. Best player in NC since Hamilton, runs like a deer, great D, solid arm, power, and speed, 5 tool stud
    2. Alex White - superman on the mound, could have been a great college hitter
    3. Madison Bumgarner - total stud on the mound AND in the batter's box
    4. Chad Flack - pure power!!! great team leader great HS player
    5. David Mailman - hit for average and power, pretty dang good on the mound too
    6. Josh Horton - great energy, slick fielder, crazy contact at the plate with pop
    7. Lonnie Chisenhall - one of the sweetest swings I have ever seen
    8. Quincy Latimore - great power and speed combo, poor man's Maybin
    9. Justin Jackson - unbelievable D at SS and not bad at the plate either
    10. Tyler Hanover - true gamer who could do it all

    WOW - 5 first round/supplemental picks, 3 others drafted 2nd (Horton), 4th (Latimore), 7th (Mailman) rounds. Flack was a stud during Carolina run to the CWS and Hanover just won the title with LSU as a freshman and we'll be drafted down the road. I'll take on any state from the last decade with this team - I'm saying if we play all 49 other states we go 35-14 at worst!
  3. JM15

    JM15 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    May 11, 2003
    Old Cary, NC
    I hate doing this because he's not from this decade, but I can't imagine a better prep player than Hamilton.

    Dude was what, 6'4" 6'5", size 19 shoe, L/L, natural. Throwing 94 from the bump with a 91 slider. Bombs left and right. Hosing guys out at the plate.

    I know there have been some good ones, but I just can't see anyone that far advanced in high school more than Hamilton.

    Sam Brown also had one heck of a high school career at Millbrook.
  4. baseball411

    baseball411 Full Access Member

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    Apr 27, 2008
    Bottom line is that I think it would be impossible for anyone who has watched hs baseball in NC for the last 25 years (& probably much longer) can say they saw a better player than Hamilton, especially when you talk about hitting and pitching. There is a reason he was the #1 overall pick.

    Speaking of overall #1 picks, there are very few arguments I think can come close to Hamilton, unless you talk about a player that was a pitcher OR a hitter. Even then there are few in that discussion. Brien Taylor would then jump to mind - $1.55 million from the Yankees as the #1 overall pick. (Side note: before Taylor the average overall #1 pick was signed for around $350,000.) I've never seen a hs pitcher better than him when he was on, and I am not sure I ever will see a better one than him.
  5. drncvol

    drncvol Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 3, 2008
    Greenville, NC
    Hamilton and Nixon weren't in my top ten. I just added that they were the best high school hitters I have ever seen, regardless of time frame.
  6. drncvol

    drncvol Full Access Member

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    Jun 3, 2008
    Greenville, NC
    Some of the players in my list I only got to see play one time. I have been watching Chase off and on since he was nine. He is special. Since my boys are not playing baseball any longer, I asked Diesel if I could adopt Chase since he has a lot of baseball left. He said I could if I would help with his food bills. I had to decline! :astrosmiley2:
  7. baseball411

    baseball411 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 27, 2008
    I know, just putting it down in writing as I did my list. Saw others had those two down in the forum and I didn't want them to think I forgot them.
  8. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I know those guys were two of the best, but many new members haven't followed HS baseball that long. That's why I qualified it by saying this decade.
    Heck, for some, the past few years is their time reference, and that's okay, too.

    I have 10 more I could easily identify, but I don't want to hog the names.
  9. karlrocket

    karlrocket Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 4, 2008
    5 From The East!

    Garrett Davis (C.B. Aycock 2007) UNC
    John Wooten (Eastern Wayne 2009) ECU
    Tyler Joyner (Northern Nash 2009) ECU
    Pratt Maynard (South Granville 2008) N.C. State
    Brian Goodwin (Rocky Mount 2009) UNC
  10. diamondwatcher

    diamondwatcher Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    May 13, 2009
    How about Connor Narron and Walker Gourley?

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