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Travel Ball, Rec, High School Coaches

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Softball Guru, Oct 23, 2009.

  1. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    honestly allan, i watched a lot of rec ball games this summer, and with the exception of two teams, most of the coaches didnt even know what was going on. in one night, i witnessed four games where the pitchers didnt even warm up. to me, one of the most important qualities is knowledge of the game and how you convey it to your players.....that is really missing around here in rec ball. jmho buddy.....and i honestly dont know of one girl who has skipped middle school ball to play travel ball.....its possible,but since it doesnt conflict with tb, i havent witnessed it yet. almost 200 girls have gone through our system in eight years, and all played middle school ball. this was discussed some time ago on the board, and proven to be a not so true statement and assumption. middle school ball, in most cases is the beginning of sportsmanship in the hs system....a chance to play with your friends who dont play tb...i think someone is pulling your leg on this one my friend.....

  2. NCLadyNitro

    NCLadyNitro Member

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    Sep 20, 2009
    Wouldn't be the first time.I know of some good middle school coaches,and wasn't meaning all.Not to get anyone upset,but I mean Gaston County as A whole.just picked up A really good pitcher from west lincoln,and through conversation.I guess every county has the same situations as we do.I believe the last couple of years.FastPitch in this area is starting to become A Sport that is getting their due.I believe mostly in part.alot of people moving in to the area are getting involved.We have A ways to go,but are making strides.
  3. BallCoach

    BallCoach Junior Member

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    Oct 25, 2009
    I am new to the board but have been around Gaston County Rec Softball ball for over 7 years. (Have never heard of a girl skipping MS ball. That would be shame if it ever happens.)

    The problem with rec ball in Gaston County is one little rec team actively recruits the best players from all over the county (and other counties) rather than developing players from their community. So they win the rec titles but the middle school in their area is one of the worst in the county. This discourages alot of rec players and coaches because you are not competing on a level playing field.

    Learn a lesson from Belmont and Chavis. Teach your girls to play. It hurts your community and MS softball when you spend all your time working with girls from all over the county so you can win a rec title.

    (Holbrook has started to have their girls play rec ball together and they should be one of the better teams next year)

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2009
  4. BallCoach

    BallCoach Junior Member

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    Oct 25, 2009
    thats because the rec coach in your area spends all his time teaching girls he has recruited from other areas. He wins the rec title every year with girls that don't live the community. Some live almost 30 minutes away and some in SC.
    You have a great rec coach in your community, if he would concentrate on teaching girls in your community it would make your job easier and raise the talent level across the county.

  5. Stanlysoftball

    Stanlysoftball Full Access Member

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    Feb 16, 2009
    Stanly County
    Piedmont MS ball

    Was taking to a friend of mine at a recent TB tourney, said that Piedmont MS in Union Co. runs the MS team through the REC league. I don't understand how that happens only that the MS it-self does not support the program. He tried to explain. So players don't really get the "true" MS experience. Friend said that coaches are dads from Rec league and can change yearly with only basic knowledge of fastpitch softball having never been to any clinics or involved with any MS or HS or TB and gaining valuable knowledge from ASA/NSA/AAU and could even "UNDO" the positive things that some of the TB girls have learned for years from TB. Friend said that Piedmont MS team could not compete with rest of Union Co teams the last few years. Parents must pay 500.00 out the pocket to just field a team and only get 10 or 15 games at the most and then there are rain outs not made up. So many parents choose to stay with the TB seen in the Piedmont area. Granted that Piedmont HS has normally fielded very good teams in the past few years as those girls that played TB then move to HS and there are a few from the MS/REC team that will move up too. The HS program is very good. Good coaching and support. I told my friend that for his DD, he will need to make some type of choice on what he does with his DD. Pay $500 for TB and play 40 to 60 games in the spring/summer or $500 for MS and get 10 or 15 or $1000.00 and get both. He said DD is a very good player and I know she is, there is no guarantee to make the MS team with politics involved for not being playing in the REC league.

    So on this situation I give a score:::

    REC 1 politics 2 for trying to help total 3
    MS 1 for not supporting the program at all.

  6. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    i've coached at the rec level in the past, actually in the kings mtn area. i know of who you are speaking of and just to play devil's advocate here, i'm curious about one point......is it illegal to recruit players for a rec team????? we had players from gaston county, cleveland county and sc playing up in kings mtn because the competition was awesome at that time. the only issue i remember was the dixie youth playoffs had restrictions as to how far you could live from your home field......i think we will all agree that most players will look for the better teams to be part of their success. in other words, better players seek better coaches, so eventually, this coach in my area would of accumulated the better players in time anyway, based upon his success. recruiting in rec ball is a pretty common thing i believe. talent has been slim in gaston for some time now, maybe recruiting was just the answer to a better team???

    ps: i am not associated with this organization or any other rec organization, though i do know of who you speak. (i dont want to hear that one again)

  7. Stanlysoftball

    Stanlysoftball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 16, 2009
    Stanly County
    dixie and beyond

    I remember Dixie in Stanly Co. My oldest played in it. It folded. District Rep showed out a few times and made a lot of statements and parents up set. He said "I have the power, I can just shut down teams or do what ever I want in the org". A lot of I's there aren't there. Must say parents showed him, power of the pocket book. That next year, Dixie did not exist in Stanly Co. And now there is no Rec in Stanly Co. only TB. I miss Rec in a way. Because of the competitiveness for the kids from the local communities and getting to know a lot of parents from around the county. But when the org. changes at the top and attitudes are given like those above, then bring on TB. It's only up to the TB team from there. There are many teams out there now with plenty of chances to play and have fun. Org like Blues Cardinals Blaze CV storm Diamond Crushers .....ect. and AAU, NSA ASA IFA have given even more DD a chance to play. We played in Concord this past weekend and when you begin to see a lot of the same teams and parents and coaches. NSA and ASA the same way. Relationships are formed and soon kids will be kids and will start hanging out with kids from other teams. TB will then cross MS and HS boundaries. Our team has players from Stanly Union Cabarrus Rowan and Meck Counties. I think 7 different public or private schools. Sometimes we play great and then the bad news bears show up.

  8. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    dixie was fun when it was around, especially for a 10-12 year old team. i have fond memories of those days. your statement about tb teams crossing boundries is right on the spot.

    my daughters 14u tb team had 13 girls on it from 8 different schools and her 18u team had 14 girls on it from 14 different schools.

    currently my hs team has 5 tb players from 4 different teams and yes, they trash talk each other constantly, but will meld together for hs ball,,,i hope.

    the friends my dd and i made over they years will last a lifetime and we still keep in contact with many, many families, remembering birthdays, celebrating college graduation and marriages.

    nothing better in life than to share and create good memories with another family.
  9. NCLadyNitro

    NCLadyNitro Member

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    Sep 20, 2009
    I know of the coach being spoken of.Their organization is our top competition.We took A team that was treated like crap in Lowell.Worked with them and beat them to win last summers rec league.I coach girls that feed from brookside,and lowell,and then feed into the holbrook team.I don't recruit because kids come to us,but recruiting does happen in rec.I took a group of girls in rec and slowly chipped away at teams all season and beat a Allstar lake wylie team for the championship this summer.
    TB Team I have started is recruited players,but I have made it a rule that they support thier rec program and get some playing practice when rec league starts,because i won't leave the lesser talented girls left out to dry.i enjoy all of them.But to come to the defense of the coach in question.I have literally seen kids come to him after playing thim and ask if they could play for him.
  10. BallCoach

    BallCoach Junior Member

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    Oct 25, 2009
    I know that happens, but I also know he recruits because he tried to get my daughter. Two or three times.

    Anyways...my point is the quality of Gaston County softball would improve if the focus in that area would be to develop girls in the neighboorhood of the rec team.
    Not just winning a rec championship. There are some tremendous athletes at those schools. The middle schools teams would improve, and then the high school teams. Better competition = Better softball county wide.

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