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Tribute to Coach B!

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Luvinthegame, Nov 18, 2009.

  1. Luvinthegame

    Luvinthegame Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 8, 2008
    Congratulations to Bradley M.S. Head Softball Coach Cheryl Burwell!

    She expressed at the begining of the season this most likely will be her last seaon coaching. Coach B has wore many hats with her time in CMS. From coach to AD. We would like to thank her for dedication over these years and priceless time she has spent with our daughters.

    The parents and Bradley M.S. has petitioned CMS to name the Bradley Softball Field in Coach Burwell's honor.

    If this indeed is Coach Burwells last season the softball community will surely miss someone with the passion for the game and someone that always had the girls best interest at heart, always!



    Congratulations to the Lady Mavericks Softball Team who finished the season undefeated to win the Northern League Conference. We are so proud of the ladies success both in the classroom and on the field. Thank you for all of your hard work. The Bradley Athletic Department would also like to congratulate Coach Burwell for her 3rd straight undefeated season.



    "The Lady Mavericks softball team ended the season undefeated for the third year. The team was blessed with an excellent pitching roster of Josie W., Patricia T., Shelby W., Angela H., Anna R., and Nancy A., and two outstanding catchers, Collen C. and Shelby T. Casey B., Grace A., Anna D., Ada T., Danielle M., and Rachel A. rounded out the infield and outfield. The team also demonstrated outstanding hitting in key situations during close games giving them the balance needed to have the successful season they had. Coach Burwell would like to thank all the student athletes and their parents. A special thanks goes out to my assistant coach, Lindsey R., for all that she did for the girls and me this year. I would also like to thank Ralph Cicci for lining the field each home game and to Susie Adams for being our team mom and for keeping the scorebook." Coach Burwell



    [​IMG] [​IMG]




    Coach: Cheryl Burwell

    Congratulations to the following students who made the
    2009 Bradley Mavericks Softball Team:

    Grace A. (Q.C. Spirit)
    Rachel A. (Charlotte Starz)
    Nancy A. (Q.C. Spirit)
    Casey B. (Blaze)
    Colleen C. (So. Storm)
    Anna D. (Blue Magic)
    Angela H. (Q.C. Spirit)
    Danielle M. (Hurricanes)
    Anna R. (Extreme)
    Ada T. (Q.C. Spirit)
    Patricia T. (Blue Magic)
    Shelby T. (Hurricanes)
    Josie W. (So. Storm)
    Shelby W. (Knights)

    Last edited: Nov 18, 2009

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