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Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by cheeze105, Mar 19, 2005.

  1. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    Umpires seem to fall into one of three catagories. You have the ump's that do it for the love of the game, know the rules, and follow them as they were written (these seem to be rare), you have the ump's that do it for the money and seem to only have limited knowledge of the rules, and then.... you have the ump's that do it for the power trip, you know, the ump that is going to have at least one "off the wall call" that makes no sense, and doesnt care about the rule book, and is going to be right no matter what.
    I'm sure that every conference has these kind of umpires, and we all face the same problems every week. The thing that irks me the most is that we have no recourse to eliminate these umpires from our games. We seem to not have the ability to say anything negative about the bad umpires, and if we complain, we face the rath of the other umpires in our conference.
    I, for one, am tired of facing the same substandard umpiring every year. But, what do we do?
    My questions are these: Does anyone have the ability to critique their umpires after a game, or after the season? Could this be a good source of positive feedback in an effort to improve officiating? How would we go about effecting this? and last, Does anyone else think that this would be a good idea? Please list your pro's and con's.

  2. Dawgfan

    Dawgfan Full Access Member

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    Jan 29, 2003
    Mint Hill NC
    We had an ump that was really bad a few years ago, and after the second game called for us the AD called the booking agent and requested that the ump no longer call our home or away games. that seemed to work as we never had the ump again. I think the vast majority of umps are in it for the love of the game. just like coaches and (hopefully) players. They have bad days make mistakes and foul up just like the rest of us. But for the most part they do a pretty good job, one that I would never do.
    Playing devils advocate for a bit here. WHat quality ump would want to take the abuse that comes from some coaches and most spectators after almost every call? At best the good ones can only please half of the crowd, you can spot the really bad ones when the have both sides mad at them on the same call. :imagestor
  3. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    Dawgfan, I agree with you that most of our umpires are in it for the love of it, and this also isn't a job that I would want to do. We also have the option to ask that a particular umpire not be on our field, and we opted for this two years ago and paid for it all year by the other umpires. But my question really is do you think that rating an umpire after a game, by both coaches, would be a good thing or a waste of time?
  4. Bmac1

    Bmac1 Full Access Member

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    Aug 21, 2004
    I have had years of experience from both sides of the fence, 15 years as an umpire (some college ball) and 12 years as a coach.

    Most umpires try to bring ther best every day as do most coaches and players. But as noted earlier we all have a bad day and we will make mistakes. However the problem comes when the umpire or coach for some reason begin to think THEY are the reason the game is being played, rather than for the players. Some umpires get into trouble because they can't wait to show or tell someone how much they know about the game. Some umpires get into trouble because they get lazy and are never in proper position to make a call. Some are just loud and obnoxsious. One of the worst things an umpire can do is to be running as he makes a call on the bases. You see that way too much. Also many umps will make their call too quickly and not let the play finish. That to will get them into trouble. One thing an umpire should NEVER do is to have a conversation with someone in the stands who has been yelling at him, unless to give that person a warning or eject them.

    Umpiring is not easy, if it were more people would be doing it. Every year new umpires are learning the ropes of the games. Things such as being in the proper position, rotating, and communication with the other umpire take time to learn and mistakes will be made. Hopefully there is not such an umpire shotage in your area where the booking agent must put an inexperienced ump in a high school game. But that does happen.

    Another part to this is how some coaches treat the umpires. For the most part, coaches give the umpires their respect and vice versa, but sometimes there can be a personality conflict or a open wound from a game with that coach and ump from years ago the coach or ump will not let go of. If that's the case, then both the coach and ump need to grow up. It's still a game. 98% of coaches and umpires conduct themselves professionally and love the game. However it is that 2% that make life hard on the rest of us.

    As for evaluating an umpire afer a game, I'm not so sure after the game is the best time to do that. However ALL umpires and coaches need to be evaluated at some point. (most everyone else is evaluated in some way on their job or in school!)

    I've always said, and it has been said on TBR many times before, the best umpires are the ones that after the game, you can't remember what they looked like.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2005
  5. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc

    well put, says it all Ben, especially the last paragraph. But when would it be a good time to evaluate an umpire??? After some games, I don't want to see the umpire, much less think about his performance??? Ideas???
  6. Bmac1

    Bmac1 Full Access Member

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    Aug 21, 2004
    That's a good question...when IS the best time to evaluate an umpire? After the season for sure, but umpires need evaluating more frequently than once after the season. In HS and college basketball, the officials are evaluated periodically by the senior officials in the association, and most of the time the officials being evaluated don't know anyone is watching them. I wonder if this type of evaluation is occurring in HS softball? When I umpired around Charlotte years ago, we were evaluated that way.

    As for the coaches evaluating the umpires, I really don't know what would be fair to both sides so that the emotions of a game would not be involved. I don't know, maybe an evaluation form could be mailed on a weekly basis to the coaches by the head of the association and the coaches could complete the forms and return them. I also feel those results should be shared with the NCHSAA. Maybe the NCHSAA board members should make it out to a high school softball. Maybe they do now, I don't know.
  7. mountainball

    mountainball Full Access Member

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    Mar 14, 2003
    Mountains of NC
    I umpired for 13 years. Our local association had supervisors that would go out and evaluate umpires. However, we policed ourselves. We had a marvelous group. We were brutely honest with each other. If I had a bad day, I wanted my partner to tell me so and we would discuss how to defuse that. Many times I would talk with a partner and if they told me I had a good game (when I knew I could have done better), I would call their bluff. Really made our group much stronger. I haven't called in years so I have no clue what they do now.

    I wish more umpires would do what we did though.

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