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Unethical travel practice? Advice

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Rballer, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. justsoftball

    justsoftball Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 3, 2010
    Personally, I think it is time to put the name of this team out there - for one and all to see. If it saves ONE other child and family from experiencing this unethical nonsense, then it is well worth blasting their name.

    There are many really wonderful teams out there. Find the right home for your daughter, and she will continue to grow and be successful.

    As for me? I would find the time to file that small courts claim. The clauses in that contract will not bear up to legal scrutiny as: 1) It promises goods in exchange for fees charged which allow you a method of minimizing some of your losses, post separation, should those goods be sold back to the organization; 2) It notes "ALL tournament fees prior to your child leaving the organization are non-refundable". The law would support this, if your child had the benefit of equal participation in these events that she attended. Which clearly, she did not. Even more so, there is an argument to be made about the "cost per" player at each of these events. Let's say each of these tournaments equaled $500 a piece. With 14 rostered players that is equivalent to 35 bucks a player, or $105, leaving the organization with $545 of your money in excess of what can be attributed as "use" of your daughters; 3) "All tournaments budgeted by not yet played"... well that is a straight out load of hooey. First off, they choose to sever with your child, which means you are not liable for "future" costs. Secondly, this is the equivalent of a dentist saying "I plan to do root canals on 4 teeth for $5000. If I decide you do not need those root canals, you must pay for those preplanned root canals." You cannot charge a player for failure to participate in future games when the organization made the decision for her not to play in future games. Finally, I want you to keep in mind that they have violated a "good faith" clause inherent in any contract. You contracted with them in "good faith" that your daughter would be provided with playing time equivalent to other members on the team, that she would benefit from practices and events, that she would receive certain material goods in exchange for your money. None of these things happened. Thus, you may want to consider suing for an additional amount over and above the $545 specified above (while keeping it a) sane, and b) below the maximum for small claims) by requesting punitive damages as your daughter has essentially tossed away the main portion of this year's showcase season based on promises made, which is the basis of that contract you signed, that were not honored and past events suggest the organization never planned to honor.

    Too many organizations forget the most important aspect of travel ball: IT IS MEANT TO BENEFIT THE GIRLS, not harm and NOT be a way in which to rip people off.
  2. softballphreak

    softballphreak Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 20, 2006
  3. razedadon

    razedadon razedadon

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    Mar 4, 2010
    It's hard to pull away after committing to a new team. I had a terrible experience with a team where it was Dad and Dghtr pitcher. Paid $450 upfront, then we played two tournaments. On the third tournament, our team got kicked out due to the fee check bouncing. The officials wanted cash. I pulled out $100, another parent had $50, couple people had 20's. $250 in all and total needed $300. Coach didn't have the rest and when finally got the last part, time was up while the parents sat there talking about the whole incident.
    Playing time isn't guaranteed so try to pick a team at your daughter skill level if you what to see her play. The Trinity League is a nice starting point for 8U-14U here in Charlotte. Wait for ASA and NSA till get a nice recommendation. Good Luck
  4. Rballer

    Rballer Junior Member

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    May 11, 2013
    Thanks - I have already read through that and will be filing next week.

    I will not post the name of the team but will tell anyone who wants to know and spread the word by mouth - just PM me.

    There is so much more I can tell about the level of "daddy ball" on this team and unbelievable actions by the coaches.

    A player on my daughter's high school team - a left handed 5' 11'' all conference/player of the year first baseman who cannot play 1b on this team because it is the only position the head coaches daughter plays.
    The daughter of the assistant coach is changing High Schools before her upcoming senior year because her dad through a fit and had to be escorted off campus when he had a run in with the school coach because his daughter lost her SS position to a better player.

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