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Verbal committments

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by cheeze105, Sep 8, 2006.

  1. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 15, 2005

    will they/ should they ban "decision deadlines" by colleges?
  2. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 31, 2003

    No U have to be able to move on if U can't get an answer. In business, U give deadlines to accept jobs etc. U can't leave things open forever hoping that person will come. Hey, people have to be accountable for their decisions whether coach or player. Seems society keeps wanting to blame someone else for their problems or bad decisions. Do your homework, ask your questions, evaluate your options and make a decision! U still could be wrong but chances are if U make an educated decision, things will work out.
  3. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc

    I agree rodney. it's like this, your looking at two players for a position, one fits a little better than the other, but either one will work. you have to set a deadline for committment, or face the posibility of losing both. sound right??
  4. Dukedog4

    Dukedog4 Full Access Member

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    Jun 13, 2005
    Decision Deadlines are Necessary

    Given the fact that there is only a one week window in the fall to actually sign the NLI's it is necessary for college coaches to give players deadlines. The coaches can't afford to have too many 'unknowns' going into signing week. That said, if my DD was being recruited by several schools I would not appreciate deadlines that were set before the beginning of her senior year. The NCAA has designed a recruiting calendar trying to balance the needs of both the coaches and the student-athlete. The coaches are well aware of the reasons for the calendar and, in fact, have input into it. Asking for a "final decision" prior to beginning of school denies the student-athlete access to any official visits and thus to information that she might otherwise use to make her decision. This is poor business. I have no problem with a coach asking for decision during the week after the official visit. This may mean the player will eliminate or choose a school without having the benefit of all her visits. The player can even manage this to some extent since she can have some input into the order in which the visits occur.

    The most important thing is for the player and player's family to make it clear from first contact that she plans to take her visits. Say it over and over. This will buy time if the girl is a high priority recruit.

    Of course if there's only one school where the kid wants to go and is willing to go there regardless of the offer then the ethical thing to do is when that school offers close the process. Recognize, though, that "market forces" are in play. Coaches will usually try to get an athlete for as little as possible (at least when it comes to athletic $$). If you bleed Carolina Blue, State Red or ECU purple and the coaches know this they will save the $$ for the "pitcher from California". If you're OK with this then go ahead and commit anytime! Be aware, though, that the average cost of textbooks for a college freshman is over $500 per semester. Every dollar counts! It's nice to walk to the cashier at the bookstore and hear "no charge for you"!
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2006
  5. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc

    cost for freshman courses at queens was $720.00 for first semester, with buying two "used" books.

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