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Veritas Sports Academy Opening in Kernersville

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by triadbaseball, Aug 1, 2008.

  1. BaseballMan

    BaseballMan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 18, 2005
    "The dollar drives a lot of things in this world but sometimes you'll find someone just trying to do something good. It's not always about the dollar."

    I admit to being cynical and yes, I have found that usually you have to follow the money trail to fully understand things. If your friend is putting his money into this simply because he is a philanthropist and a sports fan, then I am amazed and inspired. But NIKE was mentioned, and don't think those guys put their money out there out of the goodness of their hearts. If they did, then these educations would be offered to non-athletes as well.

    FOUL BALL Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 22, 2008
    There are no hidden agendas here. Not by Veritas, Nike nor any of it's other sponsors. Mizunp is sponsoring the baseball team. There are other Veritas academies across the US but this is the very first Veritas Sports Academy in the nation. Let's all give it our support and stand behind these boys brave enough to walk away from their "comfortable" environment which they were in, in order to give this a go. If the kids BELEIVE and Gary Newell is offering them this great opportunity, who are we to shatter their dreams?
  3. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 21, 2005
    I understand. Just may not be the case in this situation. I know Mizuno is involved in some way. maybe they want to help out. Maybe they get a tax deduction (probably), maybe they get to young athletes and get them using Mizuno products. I don't know and don't care. The big picture is this guy and others are trying to help people and do something good. That's good enough for me. BTW, I did not say he was my friend. I know him but we are not friends. Our boys know each other.

    FOUL BALL Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 22, 2008
    Nike sponsors the basketball team and Mizuno sponsors the base ball team. As for what they get...They get what all sponsors get, their name on the product and publicity whenever/wherever the teams play. The teams are only allowed to participate in their respective sponsors uniforms and use their sponsors products/equipment when traveling and playing or being photographed as a rep of their team. It's a win win situation for all involved.
  5. PrepsBooster

    PrepsBooster Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 19, 2007
    I think all of us that know any of the players and their families that have transferred to Veritas wish them well. However, I think it is wrong to point fingers at the public high school coaches that lost some of these players and make it sound as though that's the reason that the players left to go to Veritas.

    Specifically, of the four players that Northwest "lost" one is a freshman that has never played for NW. Another is a sophomore that played JV last year (and played a lot, by the way). A third player was on the varsity team but didn't start. The fourth player lost by NW split time with jv and varisty as a freshman, was nominated by his varsity coach as an all-conference and all-area player his sophomore year, was nominated as all-conference his junior year, was nominated for State Games his sophomore and junior year and was given numerous team awards by his coach during his time at NW.

    So when looking at the snapshot of Northwest, I find it hard to think that the players left there because they weren't appreciated. Maybe it's the other way around...maybe THEY didn't appreciate their coaching staff.

    But for whatever the reason, many families made the decision that Veritas is a better fit for their son. And, again, we wish them well. The respective high schools they left, including Northwest Guilford, will move on without them and will continue to do well.
  6. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Very good points!
  7. sportsmom

    sportsmom Full Access Member

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    Sep 10, 2007
    Thank you for this post. Very well said. I had this discussion last week with a friend of mine who reads this board about some of the things you mentioned. Neither us have children that play at NW (only observed the situation), just know many that do and we were thinking the same things that you posted.

    I too wish Veritas well and those who attend.
  8. Plate Dad

    Plate Dad It is what it is!!!!

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2007
    Southern W-S
    This is a private school deal. So a kid gets a free ride? Anyone with talent and the grades can do it. I say what the hec. It's America.
  9. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 12, 2006
    I will tell you what is sad

    You can go to some public schools in NC and see a beautiful school building. Outstanding sports facilities. The list goes on and on. Then you can drive down the road in the same state. Sometimes in the same county. And see a school that looks like it needs to be torn down. Trash all over the school grounds. The sports facilities are a joke. The list goes on and on. Why? If a county is poor like for instance Halifax County. Why do the schools have to suffer? Why should those kids have less than others in our state? If some of you could see some of what I have seen over the years as far as public schools and what these kids are subjected to you would be shocked. I am not just talking about sports. The poor counties can not pay what other counties can pay. The better teachers migrate to the better paying jobs. Many teachers come back home to teach. Then they can not live on what they are paid in their home county. So they move to a better paying school district. Tell me why a teacher in say Halifax County should be paid less for educating a child than a teacher in any other public school?

    If a child lives in a poor school district where outside funds are just not present. The school board is not willing or is not capable of funding a legitimate sports program. The education is not up to par with many of the other public school ditricts. Why should that student not get the same as all the other kids in our state? Why should they suffer for where they were born? My point is every student in our state should get the same quality education. Every student deserves the very best we can get them.

    If a parent wants to move their kid to a what they feel is a better place for an education. A better place for athletics. A christian environment. Then that is their right to do so. I wish these kids the best and hope it works out for them. Its a shame that our public school system does not offer the same quality education and athletic support system to all its students. Its a shame that we pay our teachers based on where they teach instead of paying them a quality salary across the board regardless of where they teach.

    When you have counties in this state that are poverty ridden and the kids education suffers because of where they are born and live its a shame. If you think that kids from these areas get the same opportunities as others you are wrong. It sure would be nice to see someone step up and offer these kids just the same thing alot of other kids are getting right now. Muchless an opportunity like Veritas.

    Our public school system is pathetic. Push them through and pass those standardized tests. The public school system is not designed to prepare kids for college. Its designed to get them a piece of paper and move on to the next group. The kids that are prepared for college have done so on their own with a lot of help from home. What happens to the kids that do not have that support system at home? They are pushed through this "system" and written off and they move on to the next group. Absolutely pathetic is what it is.

    "The kids that need the most get the least." If you do not believe that I will be glad to drive you to some of these schools so you can see it for yourself.
  10. Diesel1

    Diesel1 Stay Strong, Uncle Sam.

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2008
    ... whew ...

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