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Veritas Sports Academy Opening in Kernersville

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by triadbaseball, Aug 1, 2008.

  1. Plate Dad

    Plate Dad It is what it is!!!!

    Likes Received:
    Apr 24, 2007
    Southern W-S
    Will be

    interesting down the road. AP better start get Partins Preschool built. They stated that they intend to play the top teams in the state and country. So looks like the top players will be in more demand. Think two years will tell.
  2. BigRedMachine

    BigRedMachine Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 28, 2007
    It is crazy enough that it might just work

    According to info given at the parent meeting, students had to not only have the ability to make the school team but have exceptional grades to gain entrance. So, a player with tons of ability but poor grades would not be accepted. It will be interesting to see if they can get the players for the 4 sports they plan, without bending their academic requirements.

    After the parent meeting, I would have signed my kid up in a heartbeat. (If I could pry him away from his school) The presentation was great. You can't beat what they are offering.
  3. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003

    Outstanding! I'm glad to hear that.
  4. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 21, 2005
    I agree the intentions are very good. I had some interest myself but my son is in a good situation and no way he leaves where he is. Now my youngest, that's a different story.

    As to the presentation, it is a good one. However after spending a lifetime giving presenations I know full well that presenations and reality don't always meet. I think the school will do well. It appears to be a great idea for some kids. On the comment about exceptional grades, Their definition and my difinition of exceptional grades may differ a bit. Knowing a few kids that are either going or have been offered, I wouldn't call their grades exceptional.

    Plate Dad, I didn't mean that you are a skeptic in a bad way. Many people are skeptical about how this school will work. You asked about their JV programs. Starting out they may not have one. they may never have one. Who knows. But don't view it as the traditional school model. I have questions also. I understand they will have to travel a bunch for games. Who will play them? Someone said they have 40 football players. Since they don't plan on having a team until next year where are those 40 playing this year? Or do they have 40 commitments? Surely they are not taking a year off.

    The school has some good leadership and a strong financial backing. While there are a lot of questions that will get answered over time, it's a smart concept if the staff can deliver.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2008
  5. triadbaseball

    triadbaseball Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 26, 2007
    The school will carry 40 football players next year. As far as I know, football players are not attending this year. They made a decision to start the other programs this year and develop the football program next year.
  6. Back Seat Coach

    Back Seat Coach Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 20, 2007
    Triangle Area
    I will have to admit that I have only read this thread half interested and only luke warm to its mission. That was until I talked with a former teammate of mine yesterday that is leaving a very good position with a christian based private school in Wilmington to become the principal at this new school.

    This individual is first class ALL THE WAY. He was a great basketball player with limited athletic ability, coached at both the college and HS levels, a teacher, an administrator.....everything you would want. Most impressive to me is the character of this individual who has been a devout christian since his college days. For those of us that attended college campuses in the 1970's, we all know the temptations that most of us participated in.

    I guess I need to have a point in all of this. This individual would never leave a great situation for himself if he didn't believe in the concept and was assured that academics and faith were in the forefront in the school's mission. The school is lucky to get him.

    Good luck Dave Wolff, UNCW, class of 1979. He never reads this site, so I can mention his name and he will never know I posted here.
  7. deacpride

    deacpride Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 18, 2008
    School is legit

    Teachers reported two weeks ago and 40% have masters. Classes taught at an honors level, however all athletes will not perform at this level so they have 2 remedial teachers and 3 tutors. If you know anything about school accreditation, the school can not be accredited for 3 years in the state of NC, however, they will operate within the guidelines of NC public schools and all classes will count. this is not a diploma mill. School has already been picked as one of the top eight to play in the national basketball championship if nothing goes wrong. Baseball is going to be just as strong. Athletes are D1, D2 or D3 prospects. Many are already being recruited by big schools. Not another dumb jock prep academy. No dorms. No girls. grades 9-12. Top coaches. Terry Moffitt is one of best in the business dealing with school administration and running a school. Principal is top notch having coached Michael Jordan in HS. 2 Strength and conditioning coaches. Team doc and athletic training staff. AD was star quarterback at A&T and holds most of passing records. Students start Wednesday. New school just about ready to break ground. Hope this gives the nay-sayers enough info to realize this is a reality. Nike has a 3 year contract. Big press conference on Tuesday. Nothing negative about this school if you do your homework. Only bad thing is if you are on their schedule to play. First basketball game is Nov 15 at Christ School in Asheville.
  8. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 21, 2005
    Most everything I have heard directly also sounds pretty good. The only concern I noticed is the school does not have any AP classes yet. Honors classes are nice but we all know they have become watered down in the public school system. Hopefully their honors classes wil be better than what we see in public school. One of the things I am watching is if and when they plan to offer some AP classes. After visiting many colleges and universities this summer it was made clear that many are looking for some AP classes. Since you are comparing to public school, I don't think core classes (clases below honors) adequately prepare anyone for college. Obviously honors is better but not what it was. I would agree 100% with Deac that the school is definitely not a diploma mill. I definitely plan to look at it for my younger son, especially if AP classes become part of the academic offering and I have been told they plan to offer these classes. Thanks for posting the info Deac.
  9. One Putt

    One Putt Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 21, 2005
    BTW Deacpride, my comments are meant to be positive. I like the intentions of the school, like who is behind it, and how it is starting. I wish it had been around for consideration for my oldest son. While I try to be positive I can be skeptical at times however I think Veritas will be a winner. If I didn't I wouldn't consider it for my younger son.
  10. deacpride

    deacpride Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 18, 2008
    Thanks One Putt. The AP class thing has been addressed from what I understand. Kids that want to take AP will probably take some classes at local colleges so that it does count as a college credit. The honors thing is from a model program that elevates the expectations of the kids. It is intended to stretch them. Obviously some of the kids will need more stretching because they are already performing at this level.
    I too wish this had been available for my sons. They turned out really good, but I would have liked the athletic challenge for them. The other thing I like about the Veritas program is the sports medicine and sports management programs for non-athletes. Sorry to put One Putt in with the nay-sayers. I have heard so much negative about the school I am ready to hear some positive.

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