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Week 11 scores...

Discussion in 'Boys Basketball' started by bigdan, Jan 31, 2006.

  1. titan90

    titan90 titan90

    Likes Received:
    Jan 26, 2005
    Good win tonight for MHS. I thought we played one of our better games of the year tonight in Icard. Matt Evans was all over the court and Greene played excellent also. I was worried going into the 4th quarter because our 3 best players had 4 fouls each (greene-evans-hausley). The refs seem to go after Pete more than anyone else. 2 or 3 of the fouls on him should have been no calls. He plays good defense and does not commit stupid fouls. This happens every game. Twitty also done a good job of handling the ball. If we can win 2 of our next 3 games that should put us in 2nd place. We will have the tie breaker with Alexander because we beat them twice this year.
  2. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina
    You know, maybe its best to not always blame the coach.

    What exactly happened at the end of the game that made you come to the conclusion that it was the coaches fault?

    UABBLAZERBALLA Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 31, 2006
    sbmom...i know coach crisp from an fca camp i attended a few years back...very good christian man, don't think he would lose a game on purpose. isn't south pretty young this year? if they get rid of the coach, who would want the job...heard the coach before was a psyhco that had to be run off

    i agree dan with your comment. weren't there alot of people in marion screaming for coach church's head a few weeks ago? how is his approval rating now? amazing what a few "w's" will do for your image

    UABBLAZERBALLA Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 31, 2006
    btw...way to go coach conard and rockets...seen these guys a few times, always classie...

    imo...league is down this year, will anybody make it past the first or second round
  5. sbmom

    sbmom Banned From TBR

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    Sep 1, 2003
    U r right he is a very nice man. One of the kind the world needs more of. I have nothing but respect for him as a person and teacher but I'm sorry he is a terrible coach. He is not losing the games on purpose it's just that he honestly don't know what he is doing. If you watched all our games and knew our players you would understand what everyone else here does
  6. DownSouth

    DownSouth Full Access Member

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    Jan 31, 2003
    In the L.A.
    I am losing my hair way to fast to be pulling it out over cheapshoting backstabbing morons who don't have the guts to sign their name to their attacks.

    Let me tell you about the Freedom/SC game. It was a very hard played game by both teams. South got down by 17 in the first half came back to within 8 going into the fourth quarter. They went on a run and actually had a 4 point lead with about a minute to play.

    South missed 2 free throws that would have given them a 6 point lead and #10 caught the ball went down the floor and nailed easily a 25 footer with a SC kid in his grill, to get within one. South again missed FTs. Back down the floor, the Mack kid from Freedom caught the ball on the wing and plowed over Kyle Greer for South(iffy block/charge call). Mack got the block call, went to the line and sunk his freethrows to give Freedom a point lead. South threw away the inbounds when one kid zigged and the inbounder though he was going to zag. SC has to foul Freedom to give them a 3 point edge with 5 seconds to play. South had a three at the buzzer to tie that missed.

    You miss layups and freethrows, you lose.

    Now my soapbox goes like this. I am not an employee of South Caldwell, I don't get a dime from volenteering there so I feel I have a right to vent some anger. Coaches (not just South coaches, all coaches) work 8 hours to teach the kids of these schools. Coaches then go atleast two hour practices beyond school to teach these guys how to play basketball for a check that is peanuts. Their lives are on hold, they rarely get to see their children because its 9-10 on schoolnights they get home, not to mention traveling the NW4A schedule that sends them all over Western North Carolina. ANd if they have an open date, they are scout the crap out of everyone else in the conference, watch tapes of games over and over, and maybe just maybe REST before they get to do it all over again...

    So in closing, to Rob Bliss, Joey Davis, Lloyd Church, Rob Sanders, Jeff Conrad, Ed Wills, and most importantly Jeff Crisp... THANK YOU for giving you time and energy to these young men and good luck to you in the future. And until anyone on ThisBoardRocks has the time, energy, patience to do what I did and volenteer to help any of the programs... QUIT ATTACKING COACHES!
  7. jge1968

    jge1968 Premium Member

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    Dec 3, 2004
    West of the Atlantic

    It has to be the coaches fault that they missed those free throws at the end of the game since he was the one shooting them, oh wait, the coaches aren't actually on the floor and can't actually execute the game plan or shoot the free throws. Kids in high school can be a challenge to coach even in the best of times, so many things going on and it is not like basketball is the reason most of them are going to school. Believe you me, everytime that someone posts a comment downgrading a coach there are players reading it and believing it. This can have a way of undercutting a coaches authority and certain kids may not listen or do exactly what a coach says. Even if it just casts a shadow of doubt in a young persons mind it will affect the way that they play. I bet because of the way the SC coach looks, young, from the very get go people in the community were already speaking under their breath and the undercutting began. I could go on and on but I will stop now because I know that the above will fall on deaf ears for the ones it is intended for. It is kind of like doing this}:banginghe
  8. sbmom

    sbmom Banned From TBR

    Likes Received:
    Sep 1, 2003
    You made my point and don't even know it. The missed free throws at the end! Last night at the end of the game SC has the lead and the ball out of bounds. Freedom has to foul. Three of the players on the floor all good players, but were the three worst shooters of free throws on the team. Your best shooters were on the bench and even one on the bench was the leading scorer on the night. Freedom fouls one of the three I'm speaking of and he misses both. Freedom wins. Just one of many things. Almost everyone knows you have your best freethrow shooters in the game at this time. I also like the new play to end the game.used at Wat. and last night. With 6 seconds left down 3 throw the ball the length of the court out of bounds.
  9. jge1968

    jge1968 Premium Member

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    Dec 3, 2004
    West of the Atlantic
    An addendum to my earlier post: I believe that it will be difficult for SC to get a coach that they believe is a good one. I don't know how long the current coach has been the coach or how long he has been coaching but here is the thing; if he is not given the time to build the program, learn from mistakes, and establish himself because of pressure from the community then why would any experienced coach in their right mind ever want to take that job in that environment? They wouldn't most likely unless they came in with a ton of baggage and that would get the tongues wagging again from the get go. Vicious circle.
  10. tonync55

    tonync55 Full Access Member

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    Jan 16, 2004
    Western North Carolina
    I agree with you Bigdan. I bet sbmom had to stop her husband from following south caldwells coach to the parking lot to kick his a-- after this game. I admit I use to be down on coach Church a lot because of the play of our McDowell boys but I came to know that the coach can only do so much. He can't put the ball in the basket for the players. I watched the girls coach from watauga last week when they played mcdowell. As the game became a blowout I watched as this big guy would hug and encourage each and every player as they walked to the bench when taken out of the game. That is what a coach should be about. A teacher of the game,a friend to encourage, and most of all a person the players respect,win or lose.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2006

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