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Week #7 Scores / Results

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Dbacks20, Apr 8, 2007.

  1. WYLIE00

    WYLIE00 Junior Member

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    May 3, 2006

    Weddington 8
    Indy 4

    Wedd Fogleman 3-4 3b,hr Stickley 2-4 hr, Zupsic 2-4 2b

    Pilkington 6IP, 1R, 4H, 9K
    Hulland 1IP, 3R, 3H,2K

    Mckoy 2-4, Elkins, 2-4

    Elkins 4IP, 6R
  2. flotg

    flotg Full Access Member

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    Aug 16, 2005
    WTG Rockets - thats the way to play ROCKET BASEBALL! Congrats on keepin it in Big Green Country.

    heres an inning-by-inning recap from the AC-T blog:
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2007
  3. wossa

    wossa Not a ********* any more

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    Jan 7, 2003

    Jody Hackett started for Southeast and was full of balls. Ragsdale scored 5 in the first on 6 walks and a hit batter. Catlin Carter (6-2) picthed 3 and 1/3 for Ragsdale and was not his sharpest either. He gave up three hits, struck out four but walked six. His defense let him down too. Lots of errors by the Tigers tonight - all cost them runs. Freshman Bennett Hixon pitched the last 3 and 2/3 for Ragsdale - gave up six hits (or less, a few were probably scored errors), walked one and struck out six.

    Ragsdale put another five on the board in the second - this time on six hits. SE finally scratched in the third, scoring three on three walks a single and an error. Ragsdale put up another five runs in the third on four more hits, a walk and another hit batter.

    It looked like it might end in five but Ragsdale kept giving SEG base runners. SE chased Carter in the fourth, scoring four times on a walk three hits and an error. Ragsdale put up two more in their half of the fourth and with a 17-7 lead couldn't keep that last run off the board to end it early.

    Like I said it was a weird game. So many walks - the ump had a crazy strike zone both ways, lots of long, high fly balls got played with bad by the wind. I bet four home runs got held in by the wind. I don't have good batting stats for SEG because they batted out of order all night. Maness caught it once - had a long chat with the umps in the fifth but he caught it too late. He finally got it in the sixth when he brought it up again costing SEG a run. Ragsdale had the bases loaded in their half of the sixth with no outs but couldn't get a run in to end it early.

    For SE - Moyer went 2-2 with two doubles, two walks. Cockman was 3-4 with 3 RBIs. I may be wrong on those - batting out of order and so many errors messed up my score keeping.

    Ragsdale was led by Freshman Desean Anderson who was 3-4 with a DB and six RBIs. Soph Nate Cash was 3-3 with a walk a sac fly and five RBIs. Another freshman, Ben Fultz was 2-3, a 3B, 2 walks, 2 RBIs and 3 runs. Jason Wallace was 2-3, DB, 3B, 2 walks and 3 runs. Keith Matthews was 2-3, a walk and 2 RBIs and Brent O Berry was 2-4 with a walk and 3 runs.

    Good timely, extra base hitting by Ragsdale tonight. Just wish their defense had been there. 14-2 on the season, 5-2 in conference.

    Box score as I have it looks like this

    Ragsdale 555 200 X - 17 16 4
    SE Guilf 003 410 0 - 8 9 2
  4. Coach 27

    Coach 27 Full Access Member

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    Mar 12, 2006
    South Granville vs Cardinal Gibbons

    South Granville defeated Cardinal Gibbons 13-3. Nash Blackley got the start for SG and pitched 3 innings. Josh Darroach pitched the 4th and 5th and Justin Norwood pitched the 6th. Big day at the plate for Chris Luck for SG he was 4-5 with 2dbls and a triple. Jon Perry was 2-3 as well. Jeff May and Pratt Maynard were 1-2 with Dbls and several BB's between them. The game was ended by the 10 run rule after 6. Keith Goodwin and Josh Peyton continue to swing the bat as both of them collected base hits. These two teams will play again on Saturday at SG at 5pm. Tomorrow SG will visit Orange at 7pm. SG is now 14-3 5-0 on the year.
  5. pirates06

    pirates06 Full Access Member

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    Feb 20, 2006
    Vance High beat Phillip O'Berry 8-7. Dylan Martin was 2 for 5 with a triple and Homerun. Alex Hill was 3-4 with a Homerun and 3 rbi"s.
  6. baseballfan0509

    baseballfan0509 Baseballfan0509

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    May 20, 2006
    Ragsdale vs SEG Comments

    You mentioned the umpire behind the plate and I have to say that he was probably one of the most inconsistent umpires I have seen this year. The odd thing is he is the same guy that called behind the plate when Ragsdale and SEG played earlier this year. He had a rough night then but last night was worse. You would think in big games like this one, it would be possible to move umpires around and put the best in big games. This is my opinion and I am for Ragsdale and we won. Imagine what SEG thinks.

    As for SEG batting out of order I can understand once but to continue to do it makes me think it was on purpose. What I don't understand is why. Ragsdale was leading by 10 and skipping a batter wouldn't make them win the game. Wonder what the batter thought when he was asked not to bat? And not once but twice!
  7. RocketRide

    RocketRide Member

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    Mar 20, 2004
    Quote from Ashevillefan 80:
    Reynolds definitely proved to be the better team and capitalized on numerous Roberson errors and miscues in the first three innings to build a 5-1 lead; then cut to 5 - 3 lead. Numerous scouts were on hand to watch Sam Runion, who had some pretty nasty breaking stuff working at times. However, it did not appear that he was the sharp Sam Runion of last year tonight - at least I didn't see anything that resembled a low to mid-90's fast ball, and Roberson had spells in the game where hitters were making fairly good contact as they did in the first game between the two squads.

    Thanks for the congrats...can't let this go unchallenged as a lot of folks read this board. Sometimes our eyes can deceive. Sam was sitting around 92 with his fastball all night. I was in the pressbox with three scouts and their guns had him at 90 plus in the sixth. That may have varied 2-3 mph either way, but that is what I saw with my own eyes. Sam had 7 K's in 6 innings against a heck of a good hitting team. I believe the biggest difference between this game and game one, was the fact that Sam was able to bust it inside the way he likes to.
    As for the Rockets as a team, this was a huge win over the 24th ranked team in the nation according to SI, and the #1 ranked, undefeated 3A team in the state. After a relatively slow 7-4 start, the Rockets have ripped off 7 in a row and seem to have found their sticks. Hopefully we can carry this momentum until South Caldwell comes to Reynolds. Should be a classic.
  8. wfufan13

    wfufan13 Banned From TBR

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    Jul 13, 2006
    East Forsyth - 7
    Page - 3

    W - Zac Truesdale(4-1) 6 IP 4H 3K 1 W 0 ER
    L - Zack Klossform

    Tyler Hanover had an excellent game going 3-3 from the plate with a bomb and two ropes into left field for singles.

    EF : 12-4(7-0)
  9. Eagles 1313

    Eagles 1313 Full Access Member

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    Jun 24, 2003
    Thanks for posting WFUfan.....I would have but I had a game of my own last night that didn't start until 10:20 and didnt get back to the hotel until almost 3 am this morning....keep up the good work!
  10. nomarsdad

    nomarsdad Member

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    Nov 18, 2005

    I do not quite understand your comment.

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