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What has been your greatest memory so far

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Braves, Oct 26, 2007.

  1. SIFan

    SIFan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 9, 2007
    all of them

    all of them................watching DD make new friends on many different teams over the years, line dancing in the parking lot waiting for a storm to pass, riding the carousel at the mall between games, buying the whole team matching tiaras, celebrating birthdays at tournaments with birthday cake, huddling in the pouring rain in Rock Hill, getting that first win against the team that always beats us, running around on rain covered fields, trophies, getting sunburn on Sat. and then having snow on Sunday, the "silly" picture that goes along with the trophy shot, pin trading at the World Series(4), watching movies in the hallway of the hotel, the undefeated season in middle school ball, hotel pools, beautiful parks, water fights, DD's first Varsity game pitched, first varsity no-hitter and first varsity game ball, first trip to State, earning her Varsity letter as a Freshman, giving and getting all the nick-names, hitting the laundrymat between rain games, so many dinners out with the team, the cheers I'll never forget. I could go on and on. This is what softball is all about, the good times, and even the bad. It's all life lessons and it's why I wanted my DD to play, because I played and I remember it still. I remember the fun stuff, not so much if we won or lost.
  2. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2005
    Can I get a BIG AMEN....

    AMEN...that may be one of the best and true, posts I have ever read on TBR! You summed it up so amazingly well! That is exactly why we love the sport! I agree it is really hard to pick just one memory!
  3. bucketdad3

    bucketdad3 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 14, 2007
    Just Kidding:13:
  4. softball nut

    softball nut Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 12, 2004

    Hit it on the head. It is really hard to pinpoint. It has been such a fun ride, espicially with the Cobras. Charlie B's coaching style makes every game fun to watch, oh yea can't forget Scottie F. I kinda have to put more favor on their accomplishments as they get older, cause some of the comp you run into, is very intense, & the game itself gets harder, & faster with no room for mistakes. This yr was the 1st yr our team won a qualifier, & made it to the nationals. I had always heard how exciting & competitive it was, & finally was able to experience the tournament. Even with all the great times with the Cobras, this has to rank at the top. Don't want to keep harping bout the Cobras, but 08 will probably be their last season with most of the girls off to college at the end of next summer. It has been one heckuva ride, & I just hate the thought of it coming to an end. This would have to be my advice to the younger aged parents: To Enjoy "Every" game whether good or bad, because it will all be over before you know it. Todd Peeler
  5. Crazecoach

    Crazecoach For HIS Glory...

    Likes Received:
    Sep 7, 2006
    Newton, NC
    my memory 2 cents:

    I have two stories that actually just happened this past weekend. There was no flashing lights, sirens, or bi-planes doing flybies, but still great. After the Carolina Craze Gold 14u folded in 06 I tried to take my DD to teams that would help make her better. We found a team this spring and unfortunatly they folded after the State tournament. I have coached my DD every year until this year and just wanted to "leave her alone and let her play". This weekend she was playing with a team we all love as a family and actually agree on for once....LOL. Her coach had a couple girls out of town along with his assistants so he asked me to coach 3rd base for him. I said sure, but didn't know how the family would react because I said I was done with coaching. The first game was bad, I had 2 hits to work with and had one girl steal at the same time a girl hit a line drive. Yep, you guessed it, double play. I was so frustrated after the game because I let the team down. My moment came after the game when the GIRLS, not the coaches or parents asked to go to the cage and hit some balls to get better. WOW! Instead of blaming me for what I did, they took it themselves to work harder instead of "playing around" between games. The next game I knew for sure the coach would ask another parent to do bases so I grabbed my chair from the car and sit with my wife. The coach comes over to me to ask what I'm doing. He said the girls want you back out there, you made them confident. The next game my DD (who was in a little slump) hit a shot off the fence and got a triple off of it. We went out there and won the next 2 games and all the girls did their best. It felt good to see a girl come up with bases loaded, 2 outs, she has 2 strikes, I tell her she can do it and the little rascal smiled and relax. I am so proud of our girls after this weekend, they played with heart.

    The next memory also happened this weekend. I saw a lot of faces that I used to coach and faces of girls that my DD plays school ball with. It made my day to have the former players and parents come out and support our team and cheer us on. We returned the favor and watched them play instead of going home to be warm. To have a kid walk up to you, give you a hug, tell you she misses you and your daughter meant the world to me! She is with a solid team and fits in great. Dads and coaches please remember, it's about the girls! It's not business when their OFF the field. These girls can play for same schools, rival schools, or TB teams, but we all share a common bond and crave the fellowship of others with the same passion. It feels good when teams can bond together after games and tailgate to pass the time.

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