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What is your Excuse now?

Discussion in 'Baseball Clinics' started by x1athletics, Nov 12, 2012.

  1. x1athletics

    x1athletics Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 9, 2012
    [​IMG]Fall Baseball is over!!! What is your excuse now?

    Fall Baseball is over!!! What are you doing to improve yourself?..
    If you are not GETTING BETTER, you will be getting worse that is not THE best way to ensure Spring success!...
    "Training hurts but not as much as sitting on the bench!"
    God Bless
    Josh McClure MEd, CSCS

    Who: (ALL AGES) Players wanting to get better & improve athletic ability this winter in preparation for the most successful 2012-2013 baseball season.
    What: 6 week, 12 session XPE Sports speed & agility training program designed to improve mental & physical strength, focus & toughness
    When: Tuesday’s 6:00 – 7:15 pm and Thursday’s 6:00 – 7:15 pm. Program will begin Tuesday 11/13 and go thru Thursday 12/20.
    NOTE: Training groups will be LIMITED to the first 16 athletes to register and pay.
    Where: X1 Athletic Academy; speed station is located on the turf
    Why: The goal of winter X1 Academy training program is to give every Twins baseball student-athlete the opportunity to improve Speed, Strength, Agility, Explosion, Flexibility, Mobility & Muscle Recruitment. And to lay the groundwork for Spring training in January/February which will be a baseball specific XPE Sports speed/explosion program to fully prepare every Twin for school ball!
    Cost: $150/student-athlete for 12 sessions. Please sign up thru X1 Academy ON-LINE sign up and complete waiver. First 16 student-athletes to complete process will be signed up for this course.
    • Videos/testimonials available at facebook.com/mccluresports
    • Any questions/comments, please contact Josh McClure @ [email protected]

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