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What Makes A Good Coach?

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by softball4ever1987, Apr 14, 2007.

  1. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2005
    Okay, we have heard all about the players on the different programs, and the fields at the programs, let's find out about the coaches!
    You all have DD's that play for these coaches and you hear the talk! So let's tell the story of who the best ALL AROUND HS Coaches are? Who really covers all areas of coaching?
    (my ideal candidate would be someone who):
    Teaches, shares their wisdom and knowledge of the sport, Motivates, Knows their players weaknesses and strengths, Gives everyone a fair chance, Communicates well, Listens, Builds confidence, Knows how to constructively criticize, Is tough but fair, Teaches life skills, as well as sport skills, A player should feel comfortable to come to a coach with a problem outside of the sport, Teaches that there is a correct way to win and lose, Focuses on the team as a whole, does not focus on a few players (there is no I in team)!
    This is just an outline/example of what I think makes a good coach!
  2. BURN

    BURN Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 14, 2007

    a good coach is one who treats the girls on the bench the same way as his superstar.they work just as hard and deserve the same praise.when a game is won it takes the whole team.
  3. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2005
    Agree, BURN

    I agree everyone on the team should be treated EQUAL (players and Parents)!
  4. MyGirlsBiggestFan

    MyGirlsBiggestFan Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 12, 2006
    Good Coach/Bad Coach

    Something I like to see in a coach is a true interest in the players, not just the ones that will make him/her look good. Over the years, we have had some fantastic coaches that really cared for DD and love her still, even after parting ways. I have a huge amount of respect and appreciation for them. They made her feel good when she was 82 lbs. and threw 35 mph. We have also had a few that, when she was not so skilled and just not that good, didn't have much time for her. All of the girls out there are somebody's little girl and should be treated with respect, regardless of their softball skills. Now that mine is older and more skilled, she is treated well by her coaches but I will never forget the way she was treated when she was number 13 on a 12 man team.

    And, one of the most important things I look for in a coach is one that can be positive, trying to raise the girls up instead of tearing them down, especially after a loss. Everyone needs to know that sometimes you can play well and still lose a game. And, everybody has bad days and makes mistakes. And, win or lose, some played well and maybe some didn't. Sometimes one bad play, one missed ball, can lose a game. But, if that same girl made a great play two innings ago, it doesn't erase that great play when she drops that fly ball or lets that ball get by her in the outfield. She still made a great play and depending on what that coach says to her when she comes in the dugout, she'll either feel like crap for the rest of the day or shake it off and feel good about the play she did make earlier in the game. I wish someone could identify what it is that makes a kid want to do well for a coach. Somebody here on the board had the best sayng I have ever seen. Something like, "A boy needs to PLAY WELL, to feel good and a girl needs to FEEL GOOD to play well." Make 'em feel good and they will take a bullet for you!

    One last thing that should be mentioned here is that a coach needs to have the knowledge to coach. Sometimes we seem to get the baseball mentality and there are differences in the games as well as the players. There is no substitution for experience and maturity. Keep the emotion on the low side, use your poker face and don't blow your cool over every little thing.
  5. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 15, 2005
    JV too

    a good HS head coach in softball is one that makes the players (JV & varsity) feel they are part of something special, and expects maximum effort at all times through the good as well as the bad.
  6. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    someone who is a "do as i do guy" vs a "do as i say guy"
    someone who goes that extra mile to teach a girl the mental and physical portion of the game.
    someone who never gives up on their kids, and will never let them give up.
    someone with thick skin towards the parents and politics, but a heart of gold towards their players.
    someone who will never personally attack a current or former player, no matter what.
    someone who demands respect, but gives more than they demand.
    someone who plays the best talent, except senior night, when all seniors should at least start the game.

    am i close??
  7. beachmom

    beachmom Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 4, 2007
    dead on cheeze! to summarize; one who truly cares. teachers are the heat!
  8. HSFAN

    HSFAN Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 10, 2003
    AGREE not many out there that live up to this.
  9. reporter

    reporter Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2003
    Very good. But everyone is overlooking 2 very important traits needed. Knowledge of the game and the ability to teach this in all aspects of the game. And the ability to WIN!!
  10. softball4ever1987

    softball4ever1987 Proud Mama

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2005
    Agree MyGirlsBiggestFan

    Great post! I agree that if they are a part of the team, let them be a part of the team!
    On this tearing down a team subject, not just the coach not tearing the team down, but don't let the players on the team tear them down either! A lot of times a team isn't winners because a coach allows the team to have to much control! There should be only 1 head coach on a team! The team should have rules about how to treat other members of the team and the word team should mean, one unit working for each other, with each other! A lot of coaches have a big problem in this area. If you are going to be a leader, then LEAD! A lot coaches want to turn a deaf ear to little dramas within a team, but believe me when you do not address each little drama within a team, they turn into huge dramas within a team! This type behavior should be stopped at the very beginning! Just like everyone on TBR posts that parents should be on the outside of the fence! If you want a team to work together, you have to get them to think together, act together, play together. It is kinda like when a group goes to battle, each member of that squad must feel they have an important role and that someone has their back and in return they will have someone's back! You may not like "Sally" as a person off the field and away from the activities with this team, but when you are on the field an involved in activities with the team you will treat "Sally" with the same respect that you treat, "Mary", "Donna", "Louise" and "Jane" with! You are a family, a unit, a force! A building is not made up of 1 brick! It takes many bricks to make a building strong enough to stand!

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