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What makes a good P.A. Announcer?

Discussion in 'Football Forum' started by VoiceintheCrowd, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. VoiceintheCrowd

    VoiceintheCrowd ND Announcer

    Likes Received:
    May 20, 2007
    Lexington, NC
    As football season rapidly approaches, I have been looking for ways to improve what I do as a public address announcer.

    Here's a chance for everyone to put in their 2 cents worth and tell me what you like or possibly dislike about announcers that you've heard...either at your home school or when visiting other stadiums. What do you want to hear? What could you do without? Don't hold anything back, but don't name names either!

    I am sure that I am not the only announcer that reads the posts on this board, and we might all be able to benifit from ideas from you...no matter if you are a coach, player, parent or a fan in the stands.

    Announcing games, whether its football, basketball, wrestling or baseball, has been a passion of mine for quite some time...and I want to make sure that I am doing the best job I can for our fans as well as our guests that visit our school.
  2. Trace

    Trace Premium Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 22, 2004
    Just the facts. No ebelllishment. Sometimes less is more. Sounds like a really cool job though.
  3. whspioneers

    whspioneers Full Access Member

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    Feb 8, 2006
    ND Announcer- I announced our entire mens and womens basketball season and I also did 3 football games on a fill in basis.

    Things I have been told, make sure your pronouncing words correctly, not sluring, and have enthusiam but not too much.

    Also mixed it up. For us Eric Breitenstein carryed the ball alot. Don't say Breitenstein on the carry, gain of 4, 2nd and 6 everytime.

    Change up and sometimes add the number, sometimes the first name. Find new words for carry.
  4. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina
    In my two years of calling youth league football, there's nothing worse than a parent giving you the evil-eye because you pronounced their children's name wrong.

    When you are calling a game you just gotta be yourself...if you try to be somebody that you're really not it dosen't go over well with the crowd.
  5. Trace

    Trace Premium Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 22, 2004
    sorry I couldn't resist.

  6. Village Idiot

    Village Idiot cloud of dust

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    Soggy Bottom
    good call

    i've called pee-wee and midget football since around '97, done some hs baseball and jv football as well as middle school football.. the absolute worst is the parent who thinks you pronounced their childs name wrong or missed a great play that he made. i've had them storm into the press box demanding that i correct these issues. lol. ive also had them call me a homer or "daddy" when they think im pulling against their kids team. lol again, i could care less who wins. my kids are grown and in college. i do this because i love it and volunteer my saturdays or whatever time they need me.

    to the guy who wants good advice. loosen up and be yourself like bigdan says.
  7. The Warden

    The Warden Full Access Member

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    Oct 21, 2003
    Creedmoor, NC
    I've been a PA announcer of a wide variety of sports for over 13 years and here's some things I've learned:

    1) Entertain and Inform: Ive heard alot of announcers that can inform but have no charisma whatsoever. Also, I've heard alot of announcers that has alot of charisma, but has no clue on what they're doing. If you can bring a medium of these two, you will be very succesful. An extreme in either direction can make you very overbearing or very boring.

    If you're announcing for your team, always promote your team. If it's between two schools and your team isn't playing, go neutral, but maintain that medium.

    2) Develop Your Own Style: They say imitation is the best form of flattery, but to me, imitation shows you're stealing other announcers' style. Yes learn from other announcers, but develop your own routine. In other words, be unique.

    3) Do Your Homework: If you have to, get copies of the rosters in advance and go over the names. If you can't pronounce a name, call the schools and ask for a clarification. They would be more than happy to help you in promoting their kids.

    BigDan and I have worked together for the past two years in youth football and he's right, the worst thing is a parent's evil-eye, them storming the press box, or yelling from the stands that you mispronounced their name. In the past 2 years we've ran into last names like Duyck (pronounced Dike), Owiesny (O-wis-ney), and we caught hell by the half acre from the parents.

    Also, do your homework on the teams' records, years a coach has been coaching with a certain team, and other little tidbits of information because people would like to know these things. As your screen name indicates, you are the Voice In The Crowd. Without you, they know nothing. They look to you for the information. If you're not prepared, they're still in the dark.

    I went to a Charlotte Hornets' game when I started PA Announcing (I was 14) and got to meet the guy they called Lucky, who was the PA Announcer. He gave me some valuable advice that I've always kept with me and it was this:

    "Announce each game as if it were the NBA Finals, the NCAA Final Four, the Super Bowl, etc.. Because to a player, especially a young player, each game is the NBA Finals, the NCAA Final Four, and the Super Bowl."

    Hope this helps you and good luck!
  8. billybobblockhead

    billybobblockhead Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 19, 2003
    around the block
    Things not to do, IMO: McDowell was playing at Crest when Crest was either in their 2nd or 3rd year in the NW4A. McDowell's quarterback was having a tough game (understatement) and missed badly on a pass attempt. I mean BADLY. The announcer said (and this is a direct quote, leaving the players name out): "_______'s pass is incomplete, no arm. The McDowell folks went nuts, and IMO rightfully so. So, what I'm saying is don't slam the players.

    I also don't think it is the annoucers job to implore the fans. In other words, none of this: "okay, it's fourth and short, let's make some noise for the defense." I think that is extremely bad taste and unfortunately is done too much. If they don't know to make noise on fourth and inches, they sure don't need you to tell them to.

    Have a friend that is your spotter. Let him/her watch one team while you watch the other, that way you don't have to be responsible for the ball carrier and the tackler. Let your spotter do it for you and relay it to you. Your job is hard enough as it is. Another story. One night the spotter at McDowell was out. The PA guy (who is very good) was spotting both teams. He mis-read a number on a McDowell player (say the number 4 instead of 40) and called out the player that wore number 4 as the tackler. Welllllll, number 40's mom was sitting in the upper section about 50 feet from the press box. She immediately turned around and started in on him, and it wasn't very nice (Good God o'mighty can't you see you stupid SOB? That was my son ____________, number 40 on that tackle not ____________ number 4. You need to have your vision checked.......and on, and on , and on.....). I was embarassed for her, and evidently so were a lot of others because they cleared out from her quickly.

    Anyway, in a round about way:
    1) Don't bust on the players
    2) Don't implore the fans
    3) Have a friend as a spotter
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2007
  9. footballfever181

    footballfever181 Full Access Member

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    May 12, 2007
    Keep it profesional! No crime in exciting the home crowd, but you know what you can say and what's too far. Keep it relaxed, exciting and fun to listen too, and be sure to know the names of the coaches, players and the stadium you're at!! Follow the advice of everyone above me. You'll be fine!
  10. Otis

    Otis Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 14, 2007
    Love it Baby!!!

    I can tell you already got this part down buddy!!! It is what matters most. :smile:

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