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where's the upperclassmen?

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by EastOfRaleigh, Jun 11, 2006.

  1. MadisonDadofTayTot28

    MadisonDadofTayTot28 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 3, 2006
    Marshall, North Carolina
    I appreciate the feedback. Personally, I hope that she doesn't quit. I was actually proud of the way she adapted to the OF this year. She had several nice running catches (I don't think she had a Mays/Edmonds catch though! HA). She had several assists also. She had a couple or three errors though.
    We do have pretty dominant pitching. Our pitchers season era was below 1.00! We have a solid little team and I think we can go far. We finished up the regular season at 16-4 but we lost to Pisgah in the 1st round.
    We are young. Next season we will have 2 seniors, 7 juniors and two sophomores, if I have my headcount right.
    Also, you are right cheeze. Ya can't knock any girl who made all-conference. They were very deserving.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2006
  2. Mama Duck

    Mama Duck Bless your heart.

    Likes Received:
    Aug 30, 2005
    Down from High Point
    OF players, not what they used to be!!

    For the longest time, I was really disappointed when my DD would be placed in the OF, but after several seasons, I came to realize that being in the OF was not what it used to be. She continues to work on her pitching skills, can catch and play the corners as well. But I have had several people who I truly respect in our community say that no matter what else she can do, they would not put her anywhere else other than the OF because she is so effective there.

    These days, IMO it takes a great player to be placed in the OF. Our travel club has three GREAT players that I would place anywhere on the field, but they are the most effective by being in the OF because of their speed and the ability to read the ball well. In HS ball, this may be different because the skill level of all players on the team may not be equal, but maybe the coach put your daughter there so that she would be the most effective defense he could have knowing that he had 2 weaker girls with her.

    As for quitting the HS program, :banginghe just know that eventually her time will come. We faced the same situation with our program last year with IMO players who were just as good or better than the Varsity players being kept on the JV team because we had 8 seniors on the Varsity team. I kept encouraging the JV girls to hang in and continue playing for themselves and to have fun whatever or whenever they play.

    The other part of that would be that it would be nice to have some post-season play or recognition for the JV teams also. BTW, our JV went 15-1 and should do just fine stepping up to Varsity next year.
  3. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

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    Jun 15, 2005
    how many?

    cheeze, how many girls total were named to your all-conf. team? how many teams in your conf.?
  4. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

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    Jun 15, 2005
    no stigma in OF

    I don't think there's a stigma to play OF in HS ball. Yes it's true for youth ball like age 12 & younger but not for older levels.
    When our 2 pitchers this year were not pitching, they alternated in CF. all the OF'ers were fast, quick athletes.

    question, girls that play OF in college, were they OF'ers in HS & TB or did they play IF mostly?

    anyway, MadisonDad......... I know it's a tough spot for you about how much to get involved as a parent with decisions your child has to make.
    good luck; in the end the best is normally to go with your heart; you'll know if it feels right or not.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2006
  5. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 15, 2005

    a little surprised on this. thought is that some college coaches may view this ( quitting HS ball to only play TB ) as a lack of commitment during the tough times.
  6. CFBall

    CFBall Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 25, 2003
    Western NC
    OFers are definitely valuable and normally great allround players....Kayla Vinson, Kelly Davis, LaRhonda McClain presently but doesnt anyone else remember Tiffany Lindemann, UNC-W(career HR leader), Wingate asst. coach, caught early on, played 3d Base in HS, OF/3B in Travel Ball and C/OF in college...but ultimately an All-Conference "plussomeOUTFIELDER!!" i love OFers!!!!

    actually .........looking for the next TL collegiate type OFer for '07????!!!!!!!

    KD and KV are two gooduns on this years' squad!
  7. betterbatter

    betterbatter Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 1, 2005
    When you reach the higher levels of softball there is NO stigma surrounding the outfield. Programs (HS or travel) that fail to mature beyond that stupidity will remain mediocre. To have any chance of success without capable outfielders requires VERY dominate pitching (North Pitt is a good example). Not many teams are like that.

    It takes a good athlete lots of practice to become a competent outfielder. There are very few infielders who can step into an outfield and instantly be a great outfielder. Reading the ball off the bat and reacting correctly, diving catches, making a catch on a dead run at the fence, anticipating where to be for the correct infield back-up are but a few of the skills that take time to develop in the outfield.

    Good outfielders can make a good team great.
  8. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    seven teams in our conference, 24 players named all conference (believe thats right) some disparity in our system,
    1st place team 5 players
    2nd place team 6 players
    3rd place team 2 players
    4th place team 5 players
    5th place team 0 players
    6th place team 5 players
    7th place team 1 player
    trying to figure out how this happened, not balanced as you can see with 6th having more than 3rd or 5th
  9. Pop44

    Pop44 Full Access Member

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    Mar 24, 2004
    They didn't come out and say that, but basically, they said you should stick with it if you're going to play in college. Did say even if you're not in "your position", you're still getting experience.
  10. EnkaMom12

    EnkaMom12 Full Access Member

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    Mar 10, 2004
    Candler, NC
    Tell Steph to stick with it.
    Earning a spot as a starter on varisty her sophomore year is an accomplishment in itself. Tell her that Sarah wasn't a starter on varsity until her junior year.
    Tell her to work hard this summer, play travel ball and look forward to next season. Her time will come. High school ball is special and so much more fun than travel ball. She shoudn't miss out on it.

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