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Which is true?

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by momofplayer, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. momofplayer

    momofplayer Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 9, 2010
    A player is allowed up to four games per week as long as the fourth game is either played on Saturday, or it is part of a double header. Otherwise the limit is three games. Playing in a JV game and then a varsity game counts as two games. If the player is listed on the line-up card that is turned in to the umpires prior to the game, then she is considered to have participated in that game whether or not she actually plays on the field. Umpires do turn in all line-up cards so game participation can be verified.

    Players are also limited to 23 games per season, not including conference tournaments and state playoffs. They may participate in a 24th game if that game is declared to be an endowment game. Endowment game gate proceeds help fund the NCHSAA.

    The penalty for violation is forfeiture of the game. Violation can also result in the school being fined.

    A player may be added to the line-up card at any time during the game. It is therefore legal for a JV player to be held as an emergency reserve in the dugout without being charged with a game until she is actually added to the line-up. If a player is added after the line-up card is submitted, the head coach will receive a warning. A second occurrence during the same game results in the head coach being restricted to the dugout for the remainder of that game.

    Hope this information helps.

    NCSCA Website Administrator


    NUMBER OF REGULAR SEASON CONTESTS: No more than four per week, provided fourth single game is on a non school day for both. Four games in three days is still permissible without using a non school day. Total 23 games (including any games played in invitational tournaments). Note: In baseball and softball (due to daily limitations), it is permissible for an athlete to participate in a junior varsity and varsity game in the same day; however, any athlete is still subject to the weekly and seasonal limitations (four games a week, not to exceed three days, total of 23). Softball (team and individuals) is limited to four games a day. Junior varsity conference tournament games must count toward the 23-game limit; varsity conference tour- nament games are considered part of the state playoffs.

    Seems rather confusing to have two organizations with slightly different rules.
  2. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    still the same basic rules....23 plus endowment......no more than four a week.....jv games count as much as varsity......

    we came close to violating this due to players quitting on jv.......

    some people have a different view on this.....if you didn't play, it doesn't count as a game......not true, but some coaches just kinda make up their own versions I guess

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