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Who are the teams that should have a strong year this year?

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by roc0720, Dec 22, 2004.

  1. redbirdfan

    redbirdfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 5, 2003
    "The threads about players in summer programs that are getting a bit too much. If everybody played in the copperheads org., I guess they are all college bound by what I see on the website."

    As Braves stated, the purpose of the Board is to promote players....and like it or not, a whole lot of that promotion happens from the summer seasons....and I, like everyone else have to right to brag/comment on the Copperhead organization, or any other organization that I have a justified knowledge on....Your opinion might be that there are too many comments on summer ball programs, my opinion might be that there is too many comments on legion or certain Charlotte high schools, but I am not going to post it if it might appear to others to come across as a negative or jealous comment.....Braves as well as NCBallFan do an excellent job of keeping players, coaches and programs being being trashed unnecessarily. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and these two guys let those opinions come thru by way of comments on the Board - as long as they are delivered in a classy, non-derogatory method....I would much rather them be too "overprotective" than not.
  2. tj21

    tj21 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2004
    .... "too many comments on legion"???

    Nahhh... :banana:
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2005
  3. bbrksfan

    bbrksfan Full Access Member

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    Oct 19, 2004

    I have to agree with BuddyPro, when all is said and done, it will be the unknowns that rise to the challenge. IMHO it will be the performance of those 7,8,9 hitters that make the difference on getting deep into the playoffs; or getting there at all. We all know that anyone can beat anyone on a given day.
    That is what I like about this game...
  4. Coach May

    Coach May Full Access Member

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    Oct 31, 2004
    Several things will make the difference. #1 your studs have to play like studs in the big games. That is not always the case. #2 you have to have some kids that step up and have great seasons that no one knows about. #3 you have to stay healthy. Especially on the hill and behind the plate. #4 you have to have chemistry. Players have to come out of the showcase mode where it is about promoting yourself and step into the HS season mode where it is about the team and just winning the game. #5 you have to have some luck. I have seen the teams to beat in Jan fail to make the playoffs because the studs were either too worried about living up to their reputations. Or the studs were satisfied because they had already inked that scholy. There are a ton of variables like Senior leadership etc. On paper there are certainly teams that should make a run. But because of the reasons posted here and more there will be other teams that make a run and more talented teams that do not.
  5. catamount36

    catamount36 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2003
    coach may, you are correct on all the above, plus you have to have some luck along the way.
  6. GamecockScout23

    GamecockScout23 Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 22, 2005

    I recently sat down to talk to some players from Glenn High School and I asked them who the strongest teams in the Piedmont-Triad 3A were and one player actually told me Parkland was supposed to have a good year. Does anyone know of any off-season changes that have taken place over there? I heard they picked up two guys from North Forsyth and one from New York... any more info anyone?
  7. vikes28

    vikes28 Hasbeen user

    Likes Received:
    May 20, 2003
    Rural Hall, NC
    Parkland picked up SR Dusty Joyce and JR Jon Helsabeck

    Both pitch and will help out, the kid from NY is big but raw

    would be nice if good talent would stop tranferrring to Glenn and give

    Coach Massie a chance to build.

    Where are the kids who want to be part of the building process
    instead of running for the wins ?(parents are to blame also)
  8. sutigers

    sutigers Junior Member

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    Mar 1, 2003
    As this thread has indicated, this board was developed to promote the players and teams. I feel it has succeeded to certain degree, but would also agree there are some players & teams that haven't been discussed a great deal. I'll throw out a few for discussion and leave it to everyone else to add their own. I'm most familiar with the SW4A so that's where this will go. I'll leave out South Meck as they have been covered fully. These are in no particular order.

    Providence: Loads of talent but return only 4 starters (Cory Dunning Sr. OF, David Scism Jr. OF, Keith Mauney Jr. IF, Mike Moore Sr C-IF) from the conference tournament championship team. The players stepping in have waited their turn behind a great senior group. While inexperienced in HS they all played big roles on high profile summer teams. I expect Dane Arneson (Sr.) RHP to have an excellent year. Mitch Besselievre (Sr.) RHP will also step up and give good innings. I like their LHP's also (Shane Small Jr. & David Mailman So.) If the pitching steps up they will compete to the end.

    Olympic: I really like their team and feel they will be a factor. They return 3 excellent pitchers, two of them lefty's. Thomas Hovis (Sr.) RHP-1B, Wes Waddell (Sr.) LHP & Greg Conrad (Sr.) LHP will keep them in games. I also like Jeremy Price (Sr.) C & Clay Smith (Sr.) 3B. It will be an added plus if Brandon Hill can return. I know we're all pulling for that to happen.

    Myers Park: Another team that should be strong. Their pitching will need to step up but they have an excellent #1 in Jeremy Mathis (Sr.) RHP. Ryan Rockecharlie (Jr) RHP gives them another good arm. I love their CF, Jack Myers (Jr) and Jack Magee (Sr) C-OF is a leader. Other solid players are David Castevens (Sr) IF, Scott Brewer (Sr) OF and Scotty Fry (Sr) 2B.

    East Meck: This team returns 7 starters from a team that made it to the conference championship game last year. Their depth is thin but with 8 seniors they have leadership. Returning starters are Taylor Bryant (Sr) RHP-IF-C, Joey Savago (Sr) C, Chip Smith (Sr) 3B, Justin Schumer (Jr) SS-RHP, Matt McNichol (Sr) LF, Ross Davidson (Sr) CF & Andy Hostutler (Sr) RF. They also return Brett Alter (SR) RHP, Jake Rayner (Sr) RHP & Brian Odell (Jr) RHP. If they stay healthy & pitching steps up they may compete.

    Butler: This team can be very good but need young players to step up. Their best player, Kevin Glass (Sr) RHP-C will need to carry them at times and is capable of it. They have 2 LHP, Scott Edwards (Jr) & Harrison Helms (Jr) that will give them quality innings. I like three of their younger players, Travis White (Jr) CF, Drew Gehringer (So) IF-OF & Shaun Wixted (So) IF. They will definitely be in the mix.

    All in all, these 5 will probably battle for 2 playoff spots. Should be interesting.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2005
  9. DodgerBlues

    DodgerBlues Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    Nice post, sutigers. It is good to see some of those names on here -- those guys will definitely play a part in the SW4A race. I've got a couple footnotes and additions for you.

    I'd add Andrew Huffstedler's name to the Providence list. I saw him at a Perfect Game event in Florida and he pitched well. At 6'4 or 6'5 he has the perfect body for a rhp and I look for his velocity to increase into the mid to upper 80s this year. He also has power at the plate. If Providence's pitching comes through, I look for Coach Hignight's team to finish second in the conference. IMO, there is not a better group of three hitters in the conference than Scism-Dunning-Moore.

    I would agree with your assessment of Olympic and would have them as the real sleeper this year except that Thomas Hovis's pitching days are over. Thomas was Olympic's number 1 last year, but a serious injury to his right shoulder this summer ended his pitching career. I hope he'll be able to play first base and hit this spring. Olympic has some nice players, but I don't believe they have the depth to compete for a playoff berth, especially without Hovis.

    My allegiance is to Myers Park and I'll preview them in more detail later, but for now I'd add senior lhp-of Cody Drake to the list. I suspect Drake will be the number 3 arm after Mathis and Brewer, but he has a very high ceiling and with some confidence has the potential to be the best left handed arm in the conference. He can also supply some left-handed offense. Two other seniors, Matt Satterfield (c-of) and Josh Gresham (2b), and another junior, Scott Matthews (if), could also help.

    I think East will be the team that surprises people this year. They seem to be getting overlooked, and that probably has Coach Greason licking his chops. Like you I really like their team, especially on defense. If Savago's arm is back so he can handle the catching duties, allowing Bryant to pitch and play other spots, I look for this team to give Providence and Myers Park a real run for the second and third spots. I love Chpper Smith's grit and determination (and his swing, too). I also think Brett Alter is the most underrated rhp in the conference. He can spot the ball as well as anyone and has great off-speed stuff.

    I don't know the Butler roster nearly as well as the others, but they should be back after falling off a little the last two years. I know they finished strong last year with a very impressive win at Myers Park, and their jv teams have competed well the last two years.

    As you say, it should be interesting and will be very competitive.
  10. GamecockScout23

    GamecockScout23 Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 22, 2005

    Thanks Vikes. Where did Joyce and Helsabeck play when they werent pitching? Any future for the transfers? I also know D.J. Mitchell had an injury over there, what is the story?

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