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Why the push for college ball?

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Double Dog Dare, Jun 15, 2006.

  1. Double Dog Dare

    Double Dog Dare Full Access Member

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    Jun 14, 2006
    Question to the softball people that know better than I do......why the push for college ball? What is the REAL payoff?

    With almost no possibility of getting a multi-million dollar contract after college, why do you do it? Wouldn't it make more sense to play at the highest level you can through high school and then go to college and put your efforts into pursuing a career that you can enjoy and pay the rent with for the rest of your life?

    Was hoping to get some different opinions....."love of the game" is the obvious answer. Would like a little more creativity and candor than that.
  2. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

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    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    good one

    hey, this ought to be a good one!!!!!! This is the argument my dd used to not play ball in college, and I had to agree with her take on this. But one thing I've always wanted to know . . . . I often pushed my dd to her limits to quench a drive inside of me, some desire i had as a kid and didnt accomplish, and tried to live it through her. Will any other parent admit this?????? and if you do admit it, how did your dd deal with it when she figured it out????
  3. BlueTrain

    BlueTrain Abused Registeree

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    Mar 3, 2006
    Hmmm....my DD plays (different sport, sorry) college basketball and uses it to help reduce her costs for her education....the time she devotes to working out, practice, etc also helps her manage her time better than if she wasn't playing ball......she also has no illusions of playing any type of bb after college, just using her talents to help keep her expenses down after college........plus she likes the competetion.
  4. Double Dog Dare

    Double Dog Dare Full Access Member

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    Jun 14, 2006
    Did she go full-ride in basketball BlueTrain? I can understand that....
    I wonder if the costs of developing a basketball player is cheaper than the costs of developing a softball player...showcase travel, general travel tourneys, equipment, lessons, camps, etc.

    And, Cheeze...to your point....I see a LOT of parents in stands complaining about why their kid can't hit a ball. Don't know about you, but hitting a round ball with a round bat is pretty darn hard to do! I'd love to see those folks stand in the box....and crowd the plate! Guess it's hard to remember that its a game and is supposed to be fun. Lblues1 wrote a little note to that effect a few days ago....would be curious to hear his take.
  5. wildmanone

    wildmanone Full Access Member

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    May 19, 2006
    Randolph County
    My dd loved the game she started playing rec ball at 10 and played middle school and high school along with 3 years on some travel ball usually 4 to 6 tounaments, her HS team made the final 4 in Raleigh 3 years lost 2 in 99 was state runner up in 2000 and state champion in 2001 she went on to play D3 for 4 years and got a degree in PE & athletic training she is now teaching and coaching and loves it, not a whole lot of $$$ but seems to be Happy
  6. bothsportsdad

    bothsportsdad Full Access Member

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    Aug 12, 2005
    this is a great point and I hope that a lot of parents on this board will take a long hard look at why they are doing what they do because financially this is a no brainer. We should all take the money we spend on travel ball put it in an education IRA and not take the tortured path of ifs, whys and what fors trying to get a scholarship. OK, so why is BSD doing it?

    I am using it as a means to an end for my daughter not an end unto itself. Our goal is not scholarship money. It is to get her admited to her FIRST college choice which is an instituation that does not even offer athletic scholarships but whose FP coach does have "slots". Academics naturally will play a huge role in what we are trying to do and she may get in without softball "help"

    I will flat out tell you this.. she will go to the best college she is admitted to regardless of scholarships offerred or not because unless you plan on a career as a softball coach the college you graduate from and the degree you attain will have much more impact on your life than ever playing softball in college.... let me tell you as well...there is plenty of money out there to attend college on. You do not have to rely on athletic scholarships. Make sure your daughter goes to a first rate academic instiution that will open doors for her for the rest of her life!
  7. BombsRedDad

    BombsRedDad Member

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    Jan 12, 2006

    Cheeze, you make a good point. I think a lot of parents (probably Dads in particular), try relive what could have been through the achievements of their dds. I played for years (mostly slow pitch) and was a decent player, but wouldn't embarass myself by trying to get on the field with a lot of these girls.

    My dd has much more natural ability than I ever had, but as she has gotten older, is not as "gung ho" as she was when she was younger. It is frustrating to see that potential not realized.

    Having said that, I hear a lot of comments about time, money, etc involved. My guess is that despite the comments, most of the parents in fact love the travel ball experience (I know I do!). At any rate, it would behoove us to remember that the girls are really making more of a sacrifice in this deal than we are. All of the time, energy and effort when there are so many other things they could be doing. It takes a big commitment on their part.

    College probably is the ultimate goal. For us when they are younger and hopefully for them as they get older. No matter what, If she stopped playing tomorrow, I think my dd will be a better person in the long run from the experience.

    Just my thoughts.
  8. EastOfRaleigh

    EastOfRaleigh Full Access Member

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    Jun 15, 2005
    pro ball

    been wanting to ask this , so this seems like a good place.

    Are there any girls out there that actually aspire to be professional fastpitch softball players?

    I know there's a pro league & I read about college players being selected & signing with the teams.
    I'm pretty certain that the pay is not a factor on this; it must truly be the love of the game!! & good training / experience if they also aspire to be a coach as a career.

    Like Cat Osterman & Kelly Finch, are they playing pro ball?
  9. MadisonDadofTayTot28

    MadisonDadofTayTot28 Full Access Member

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    Mar 3, 2006
    Marshall, North Carolina
    You are EXACTLY right cheeze. The one difference is not that I want her to try to relive my dream of being a pro athlete. I want her to use the talents that I see that she has to get an education towards HER dream.
    I don't care if it's a nurse, cop, stock broker, etc. I have a dream for her but she has to live her dream. I don't know what it is. I dn't think she even knows at this point. I would like to think that I am pushing her towards finding out, but I just don't know to tell you the truth. All I can do is hope. I hope that she is better than me. I hope that she is better than our surroundings. I hope that she will be happy. I hope that she wants to be a mother. I hope that she gets what she wants out of life. I hope that she has good memories of me. That is all an uncertainty. The one constant is hope. Without hope there is no dream or realization. Only wonderment or despair. I think parents understand that last point. That is why we push so hard maybe?
  10. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc

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