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Why the push for college ball?

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by Double Dog Dare, Jun 15, 2006.

  1. Dukedog4

    Dukedog4 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2005
    Why do they play? Could it be because they love the game?

    You're saying that since there is no "future" in softball beyond college then why play college ball. OK. Why play HS or TB then since there is little $$ available for scholarships . . . . better to focus on the grades, right? Might it be that some kids love playing ball! Oh, I guess its Dad's fault that they do but I'll gladly take the blame for that one! My DD has been playing ball since she was seven years old . . . started in baseball. Has pitched year-round since she was ten. She doesn't know life without ball. Fortunately, for her, it has worked out well, at least to this point. Got to choose between several great schools (full rides) and really likes where she is. She's played for lots of coaches and learned from each. Something tells me that confidence gained from being in the circle in D1 softball will have benefits off the field later on.

    I recognize that college ball is not for everyone but it can be for anyone who really wants it. My DD team played Drexel U on their senior day this year. The starting pitcher for Drexel was a senior and was introduced along with her three year old daughter. I have no idea about the circumstances surrounding this but have to think that this young woman must really love the game. And that's it! Some girls simply love the game and, I think, that most who do are better for it!

    Life should be about more than paying the rent!
  2. rattdd

    rattdd Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 2, 2003
    Love of the game

    Amen, DukeDog! I couldn't have said it better myself!

    Yes, my daughter has good grades, and academics are not a problem, but she also has a drive and a passion for softball.
    It teaches discipline, sportsmanship, comraderie, and how to handle different kinds of situations that come along that she can use not only in softball, but in life.
    It has made our family stronger as we support each other thru the thick and thin!
    Friends, some of my best friends I met on the baseball and softball field.

    It is all in what you make of it!

    Good luck to all of the girls that have chosen the softball path whether you go beyond HS or not!:trophy:
  3. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 31, 2003

    Agree with the last two posters on this issue. Money seems to always come up when we talk of travel ball and yes it is costly. However, both my daughters played it and I continue to coach and support travel ball even after both my kids are out of it. I always knew where my girls were, whom they were with and what they were doing. Playing competitve softball taught many lessons: dealing with difficult people, working together for the ultimate goal, problem solving, controlling many different emotions, leadership, give and take, how to deal with politics, dealing with failure as well as success, lastly it is a "game" which should be played for enjoyment and if U reap other benefits, well they are a plus! One last comment, several Lady Blues have been able to attend private schools because of softball and would have had to attend major state supported schools with out the softball money. These schools offered small classrooms, more hands on assistance from professors, curriculumns that matched their needs which they could not get at the state schools. These kids will get an education geared to there needs and wants so at least in their case softball was more than a game, it was a partial ticket to their future career goals. Like everything in life there are two sides and their are multiple opinions but I say let each person decide what is right for them and be happy they are able to succeed. If U or yours does not want to play college ball or think it is not for U, don't do it but be happy for the ones that do and I am sure they will respect your path!
  4. Double Dog Dare

    Double Dog Dare Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 14, 2006
    Reset the Discussion...

    Not trying to ruffle any feathers....just was curious to see what some different opinions might be. I actually started thinking about it after reading a post by LBlues1 a week or so ago. He was talking generically about the girls that were showcasing in Rock Hill, but didn't look like they were having fun. I think the "intent" of his remarks was to show that softball is a game....and is supposed to be fun...even at the showcase level.

    Just wanted some opinions from the folks that showcase...both from people that made it to college (like Dukedog4) and from folks that didn't. Was it worth it?

    Softball is a great game....whether you choose to play beyond high school or not.
  5. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc

    wheather my dd made it to college to play or study, it was worth every minute of it. my wife and i figure we put out over 30k in the nine years that my dd played, supporting teams, financing families who were without, buying equipment, etc. we wouldnt trade it for the lottery. the girls who have adopted my wife and i are in constant contact, with us only having one child, our extended family was a welcome addition( it wasnt unusual for us to have eight or nine girls over for the weekend when we played local). we started out with fifteen girls, and only one will play ball in college. five had the opportunity and the offer, but declined to play. i guess its priorities, but still, the experiences, thrills, friendships and memories will last not only their lifetime, but ours too. and yes, the things they learned on the field will help them all later in life, many growing experiences were shared by all. i would rather they learned these lessons on the field, then somewhere else. was worth every penny, and i'd gladly do it again. i just dont know if i can get used to standing outside the fence, but its time to give it a try. :woot:
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2006
  6. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Nice post rattdd...and very true.
  7. softball_56

    softball_56 Full Access Member

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    Jun 6, 2006
    I agree with ratdd and dukedog. I wouldn't trade anything for these past 5 years. My dd's 80K she got from a dII school including academic and athletic money was just icing on the cake for us. If you are having fun and your family is growing closer as a result then by all means play travel. If not go to the beach or something else you enjoy. It's simply a matter of choice and nothing more.
  8. LBlues 1

    LBlues 1 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 31, 2003
    Not ruffled

    I think your idea was a good one and brought out a great deal of emotions and awesome post about all the other benefits softball in general brings the young ladies and parents! No reason that this GAME can't continue to be a source of enjoyment for years to come. Good luck to all the many teams out there, be safe, have fun, and always give your best! NO REGRETS
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2006
  9. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Yes, I agree with LBlues. This is a very good thread

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