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would you let your daughter play for this coach??

Discussion in 'Softball Forum' started by cheeze105, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    interesting discussion, actually i understand its not the umpires job to spot this, and think about it, if they did, the guy could just claim a substitution. this was an actual event, and when quizzed, the asst coach stated it had been going on all season. penalty will probably be firing and potential black listing....but think about it, if the girl had been caught doing this, the stigma of cheating would have probably been on her name for some time....not worth it for the kid, and this coach's career should be over by all means. i hear that he's got six or seven other coaches in their conference really upset over his tactics.

    wouldnt you be?
  2. JavelinCatcher

    JavelinCatcher Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 26, 2008
    Just curious...

    Would any of you actually pull your daughter off or encourage her to quit a team like this if they had given her a scholarship to play ball?

    Wouldn't that ultimately be her decision since it is a college team and she should make her own decision?
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2008
  3. eyesup

    eyesup Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 10, 2006

    good point javcatcher. My question is, where the heck is the AD in all this? If this coach has done this before and other conference coaches caught onto it like someone previously posted, I would guess a call would have been made to the offending coach's institution and a conversation would have been had between them.

    I have never ever seen a coach do something like this and I've been around the game as a coach for over 13 years. We do pay close attention to the runners on foul balls, subs, huddles, etc and never had a coach try to get one over on us. Besides all the obvious points everyone has made about the cheating, what about the sport itself? I am only still coaching because I truly love the game of fastpitch. It has blessed me quite a bit in helping me to learn good lessons and bad ones, but I am a better person for it. It has never crossed our minds as a staff anywhere to disrespect the game. How low can you get, really? Character, trust, loyalty, respect...where does crossing the line to win fit into those attributes of a person? It just doesn't and the team will be lumped into that negative category in time if it is allowed to continue.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2008
  4. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    good points, this coach just made a mockery of the game at the possible expense of winning. maybe at this point of softball, with all the ncaa rules, the courtesy and the ediquette, you just dont look for these type of things to happen and it took all the other coaches by suprise....some are probably really upset because they didnt look for things like this, others that someone would even think about putting a players reputation on the line for this. i couldnt ask a player to do this, i wouldnt think about that, heck, we have opportunities to bend the rules every day, in our case, we played three varsity and two jv games this week, but we stand by and enforce the three game limit per player per week, its cost us a game, and they want to play, but rules are there to benefit everyone and winning one game that way, isnt worth the thought that my kids would think its ok to cheat and have learned it from me....jmho
  5. Maxfli

    Maxfli Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 7, 2008

    "eyesup", you read my mind! After reading the first 3-4 reply on this, I wanted to know why the AD or someone from the university had failed to discipline the coach. I think we are all in agreement what level of respect this coach has for the game and his players (none) and his morals as a coach, but could this also say something about the AD and possibly even the university? I hope not, but the question has to be asked...
  6. fastpitchndad

    fastpitchndad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 29, 2008
    Cape Carteret, NC

    In the further discussion of this event, I assume this was at the college level. If it were to have happened in the highschool arena I'll offer an analogy.
    HS coaches are on staff at school and most likely a teacher, agreed?
    If he was giving his class a test and one of the students had to use the bathroom(timeout). Returning in that students place was someone else to finish the test. Would that coach consider it cheating? How much trouble would both students be in?
    I'm sure suspension would be forthcoming. In college it is an expulsion event. I actually witnessed this a 100 years ago in college.
    I certianly hope that behavior is the exception and no I wouldn't want my daughter playing for him.
  7. cheeze105

    cheeze105 Moderator Staff Member

    Likes Received:
    Oct 12, 2003
    gastonia, nc
    college level, yes. isolated to this specific coach, ad nor anyone else had an knowledge of it until it was exposed. girls were told to keep it hush hush....
  8. cmmguy

    cmmguy *

    Likes Received:
    Apr 27, 2006
    This is exactly why cheating in High School classes are rampant. Adults in every capacity are teaching kids that you have to cheat to win or get ahead.

    The coach in the original example should have been ejected for making a travesty of the game.
  9. fastpitchndad

    fastpitchndad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 29, 2008
    Cape Carteret, NC
    Tar, check.
    Bag of feathers, check.
    Rope, check.
    Rail, check.
    Crowd to help,????
  10. chachacha

    chachacha Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jul 14, 2006
    Below is rule 12 - 10e from the 2007 NCAA rule book.

    e. When, after a conference, base runners switch positions on the bases
    they occupied, the ball has been put back in play, and before the end of
    the half-inning.
    EFFECT—Each runner on the improper base shall be declared out
    and ejected. In addition, the head coach shall be ejected for
    unsportsmanlike behavior.

    Now, if this was an unreported sub: Rule 8 - 4

    4. If the unreported player is the base runner placed on second base in
    the tiebreaker or is a pinch runner, and a pitch (legal or illegal) has
    been thrown and:
    (a) The unreported player is on her original base when the violation
    is reported by the defensive team.
    EFFECT—“No pitch” is declared. The unreported player shall be
    called out and declared officially in the game.

    Also, here is how coaches are expected to behave: Notice E below:

    Coaches are expected to be leaders and must comply with the following
    principles and ethics:
    a. Develop and maintain a comprehensive knowledge of current NCAA
    softball rules.
    b. Ensure their players are legally equipped and properly attired for
    competition and practices.
    c. Confine discussion with the game officials to the interpretation of the
    d. Honor all game contracts and play through all tournament brackets as
    e. Comply wholeheartedly with the spirit and intent of the rules. The
    deliberate teaching of players to violate the rules is indefensible.
    f. Teach their players to respect the dignity and integrity of the game,
    opponents, officials, spectators and the institutions they represent.
    g. Prohibit team personnel from using profanity or making personal or
    malicious remarks toward opponents, officials and spectators.
    h. Refrain from any personal action that might arouse players or spectators
    to unsportsmanlike behavior.
    i. Be in control of their players at all times in order to prevent any
    unsportsmanlike act toward opponents, officials or spectators.
    j. Seek help from the on-site administrator or other appropriate individuals
    in controlling unruly students and spectators.
    k. Be courteous and display a dignified attitude toward the game and its

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