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You never know?

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by Coach 27, May 18, 2006.

  1. chipper08

    chipper08 Junior Member

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    Feb 10, 2009
    Time to Grow Up

    Timely thread. I just witnessed this kind of behavior at a game last week. 2 different D-1 recruits on different teams. One throwing his bat and almost taking out a teammate on the ondeck circle after drawing a walk and another, a pitcher stomping around the mound and fussing for not getting the calls he wants. Both players have acted this way all season. I know that the coach has talked to one of the players. You hear excuses for them as they are such intense players and their passion for the game. Do these 2 D-1 recruits feel entitled to act this way? I don't know. I have seen that not all college bound players, whether D-1 or not, do not act like spoiled little boys when they don't get their way on the field. I know that they probably have acted this way all of their lives, whether on the baseball field or not. Their parents haven't done them any favors in tolerating or condoning it or making excuses for them. It does have a negative effect on their teammates as well as I have seen the domino effect when one player starts having an attitude when things don't go their way on the field and then someone else starts with the attitude. It is all about respect: respect for yourself, your teammates and coaches, your school, your parents, school and the game of baseball. Maybe it is a cry for attention, the wrong kind. If you don't nip this kind of behavior at a young age, it will just get worse and is embarrassing to watch in a middle or high school age player. It should end in Little League. It is a reflection of who you are and how you handle things. In other words, it is called maturity and character. And we all know some people in life who never quite get it or learn the world doesn't revolve around them all of the time and their needs. It's something a parent,family member or mentor has to instill first and foremost at an early age. Hopefully someone in their lives will step up and help these boys learn self-control or they will never handle the difficulties of everyday life.

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