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Young Harris Collage in Georgia

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by BearBall17, Oct 12, 2004.

  1. BearBall17

    BearBall17 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 24, 2004
    My son received a call from the coach at YHC . First time
    that I have heard about this school. Does anyone have any
    comments good or bad on this school. It is located in northern
    Georgia. Thanks.
  2. NCBBallFan

    NCBBallFan Retired ex-moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    The sticks
    No personal experience: Young Harris has a national reputation as a very strong baseball program. There have been numerous threads about them over on the HSBBWeb. I'll provide you with the links.

    From reputation, I'd investigate carefully. The academic reputation and level of baseball that they play IS top notch. It may be a situation where it's just not for everyone. There are excellent alternatives here in NC.

    Young Harris Thread #1 - HSBBWeb

    Young Harris Thread #2 - HSBBWeb
  3. yardwork54

    yardwork54 Junior Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 13, 2004
    Excellent program. They have produced numerous pro baseball players.
  4. Braves

    Braves Watauga Pioneers #6

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    :xyzthumbs ...a baseball factory
  5. 02^04Mom

    02^04Mom Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 14, 2003

    check the other thread on HSBASEBALLWEB. #2

    Many guys do great at YH, my son thought he would too. To Much Junk. Again, if you have other options, look elsewhere.
  6. SouthPawDad

    SouthPawDad Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Gastonia, NC
    Check this past June's pro draft. I think there were 2-3 players drafted in the first 10 in the 1st round! Not positive about this but I was impressed by the overall number taken.
  7. 02^04Mom

    02^04Mom Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 14, 2003
    In 2003 Nick Markakis was taken in the 1st round, 7th pick overall. He had been drafted out of high school, 2001, in the 35th round, and again after his freshman yr at YH in the 23rd round. Billy Buckner was taken in the 9th round after his sophomore year, and in the 2nd round after his jr year at South Carolina.

    Joey Friddle was drafted after his Freshman yr in the 30th round in 2003, but not in 2004 and Chandler Miller was drafted in the 41st round in 2003, but he was injured and not drafted in 2004, he is at UABirmingham. Joey is at SC now, and may be drafted in 2005.

    Of his 14 players drafted I'm sure he is including Weston Burnette, who was drafted in the 33rd I think... too tired to look it up, went with the reds, was released, played for Blue Ridge CC, and Miles Carpenter, later rounds, then released. Another name just came to mind that I didn't know Ryan Fry, and I believe he is doing well.

    I am not saying it is a bad school, and alot of guys go there to keep their draft status. You figure you get a full ride, or very close.... hey I couldn't have FED my kid for what it cost me for him to go there.

    Make your own choice, some guys do well there, but not many are really happy with the junk.
  8. Papabear

    Papabear Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 23, 2003
    No Young Harris players were drafted in June. Playing time should factor into the equation in deciding on a college if you want to play. It's not an unfair question to ask a coach if he thinks you have a chance of playing right away. He should be able to give you an honest answer if he's seen you play. My son had a choice of walking on at a D1 school with no guarantee of playing time, or going to a D2 school and starting. It wasn't a hard decision for him to make because he didn't want to sit. :xyzthumbs
  9. 44Magnum

    44Magnum Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 1, 2003
    North Carolina
    I think a player should go somewhere where he is given the opportunity to play right away. Never should a coach promise a player that he will play right away. If a coach promises your child he will play, don't you think he will promise everyone he's recruiting they will start also? When everyone shows up then he will just push some of the ones he promised to the side and just play a select few. You may be one of the ones pushed to the side. Just do research and find the best fit for you. It may not be what everyone else likes, but if the boy is comfortable there then let that be where he goes. Also as a parent, try not to decide for the kid. Let him decide because he's the one that will be going there.
  10. Papabear

    Papabear Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 23, 2003
    44....A coach, at least an honest one, won't guarantee every recruit that he's going to start or even play. I can't imagine any coach being dumb enough to do that. If a coach is really interested in a recruit, he will tell him how and when he thinks he might fit into the program, whether it's an OPPORTUNITY to start or get substantial playing time right away, get your feet wet the first year, redshirt, etc. If the coach doesn't tell you, I would think that a recruit would certainly want to ask that question to help him in making a final decision on a school.

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