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Zambrano gets tossed

Discussion in 'Baseball' started by JM15, May 28, 2009.

  1. JM15

    JM15 Moderator

    Likes Received:
    May 11, 2003
    Old Cary, NC
    It ain't preps but it is one of the "better" ejections so far this year...

    And of course he will get suspended for bumping the ump, but in case you guys missed it (or want to watch it over and over like I have), here is the clip:


    bumps blue
    gets tossed
    tosses the ump
    throws the game ball in the crowd
    throws his glove
    smashes gatorade coolers with bat
    show ends
  2. MClements

    MClements Full Access Member

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    Nov 11, 2008
    He was SAFE!

    However, if you get tossed. Get your moneys worth of fines. Destruction of property - get ad dollars from gatorade. Get Nike money for throwing glove - or Rawlings (not much because it was less product placement).

    If the baserunner was out - Pinella would have been tossed too.
  3. LKNbaseballfan

    LKNbaseballfan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 18, 2008
    I must have missed the bump by Carlos, as it looks like the ump turned into him......also what happened to the days of umps turning and walking away? Instead, now they get in the players and coaches faces trying to stare them down....
  4. karlrocket

    karlrocket Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 4, 2008
    Score One For Blue!

    When you slow it down, it does appear that the umpire made the right call. Hand slips in before tag made.
    Pinella sure has mellowed!
  5. nc2aump

    nc2aump Full Access Member

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    Jun 12, 2003

    Why is it when one of these $Million Dollar$ arrogant players shows his rear, that the umpire should have been the one to walk away? I can see that you have never been on the receiving end of one of these tirades. MLB needs to do more suspending and fining of these jerks, and then maybe some of it will calm down. Now I'll be the first to say that in some cases the official may have been in the wrong, but when that happens, they definitely get fined and possibly suspended. But also in MOST cases when a player or manager erupts, and the replay is shown, the official is usually right. I would love for everyone to have to strap on the equipment and uniform and officiate just one game. It might give people a newfound respect for those who do.
  6. karlrocket

    karlrocket Full Access Member

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    Nov 4, 2008
    No Thanks!

    I'm not strapping on any equipment! It would be hard for me to umpire behind the plate because I would be bobbing, weaving, ducking, cringing, and escaping everytime a 90 MPH fastball was thrown my way. Not to mention, my eyes would be closed & I would be bracing for impact.

    I have nothing but respect for umpires!:cheers2:
  7. OurPasttime713

    OurPasttime713 Full Access Member

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    Sep 17, 2007
    High Point, NC
    I'm not a big fan of the "You can't get mad at umps unless you're willing to ump yourself" idea.

    I didn't see the play in question, but I'm just talking about in general.

    I don't claim to have the knowledge necessary to be the President, but I can still criticize him if he does things I don't agree with or if he doesn't do his job right

    I don't have the ability to cook up a great 3-course meal, but if I go to a restaurant and receive poor food I am allowed to criticize the chef if he doesn't do his job right.

    I don't have the ability to get Major League hitters out, but if the pitcher for my favorite MLB team goes out and gives up 10 HR, I have the right to criticize him even though I couldn't have done better myself

    etc, etc, etc

    My point is, umpiring is these people's JOBS. They're SUPPOSED to be better at umpiring than the average Joe would be. I understand that it's tough, but you can't simply say that people aren't allowed to criticize umpires unless they want to strap the gear on and do it themselves. That logic makes no sense. They're not volunteers, they get paid.
  8. Capsbaseballlhp

    Capsbaseballlhp Full Access Member

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    Jun 1, 2007
    Maybe its just me but ejections like this from these "million dollar" guys is great for me. Because it shows there not just playing for the money there playing because they still love the game. If t was all for the money Zombrano just turns around pitches his pitch count and goes into the clubhouse when the day is over not caring if the cubs win or loose just caring if he gets paid. Good for you Z at least some people play with passion .
  9. nc2aump

    nc2aump Full Access Member

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    Jun 12, 2003

    I am not opposed to anyone criticizing when an official makes a bad call or misses a strike call, that is part of being a fan. My statement was that why should an official turn his back and walk away, when one of these idiots is showing his rear, then goes overboard by trashing everything in his path. It is up to the official to maintain so sort of order during games, and normally when you see an umpire react like this, it's due to the player or manager making the argument personal and no longer about the call. It's just like having an unruly 2 year old in a store that's not getting what he wants, and the parent finally has to go to that rear. Dealing with these overpaid egos is the same thing. Heck, when I'm not on the field working, I love to rib the officials, but when it becomes personal, then it's wrong
  10. OurPasttime713

    OurPasttime713 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 17, 2007
    High Point, NC
    Definitely, nc2aump.

    We're on the same page there. I have no problem with an ump getting right in a coach or player's face if that coach or player starts trying to show the ump up.

    My only comment was that I do expect umps to make the right calls, obviously not all the time because nobody is perfect, but most of the time. And I feel like I'm allowed to expect good performance from umpires even while admitting that I couldn't get out there and ump myself.

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