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Last Activity:
Jul 23, 2015
Jan 7, 2003
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Apr 28, 1972 (Age: 52)
Home Page:
Clovis, CA
Student Services Help Line, Fresno City College

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Fighting the stereotype, 52, from Clovis, CA

hasbeen99 was last seen:
Jul 23, 2015
    1. presidence99
      You go to the game?
    2. presidence99
      Matt Jones has looked good this preseason and appears to have kept a job on the Jags.
    3. jbghostrat
      so, what is your take on Oslten or however you spell his name. :)
    4. jbghostrat
      I found it on youtube. it was in 6 parts. The part about Maria's last little picture she drew...man!
    5. jbghostrat
      Eric, i saw the interview Larry King had with Stephen Curtis Chapman and his family. You ever get to see it, it's awesome.
    6. jbghostrat
      Thanks Eric! you're awesome!
    7. jbghostrat
      Eric, she's sending you a message on your myspace page so check it out. thanks brother!
    8. jbghostrat
      Well, be surprised! :) She's going to get in contact with you soon but she want me to let you know that although she don't necessarily feel those exact standards are right for everyone, she feels the basics of what you believe would be what she'd want if she were to marry.
    9. jbghostrat
      any way ak could have a copy of that? somehow?
    10. jbghostrat
      i listened to his radio show this morning and it's a documentary. Hey, didn't a while back you write on marriage between a Godly man and a Godly woman?
      btw, before you go to post a message, you should hit view conversation so that way it will show up on my visitor page and i'll know that you wrote back. :)
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  • About

    Apr 28, 1972 (Age: 52)
    Home Page:
    Clovis, CA
    Student Services Help Line, Fresno City College
    Born in Fresno, CA. Moved to Bentonville, AR when my parents divorced in 1976. I moved back to Fresno after 7th grade. I got married in 1994 and moved to Clovis (a suburb of Fresno). No kids, but we do have a niece and two nephews (by my sister).

    woodworking, reading, ministry


    "The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love." --Galatians 5:6

    "There are none so blind as those who will not see." --Jonathan Swift

    "We routinely disqualify testimony that would plead for extenuation. That is, we are so persuaded of the rightness of our judgment as to invalidate evidence that does not confirm us in it. Nothing that deserves to be called truth could ever be arrived by such means." --Marilynne Robinson, The Death of Adam, quoted in The Shack