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Last Activity:
Jan 18, 2012
May 7, 2007
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Feb 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
A Ball Field Somewhere

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Full Access Member, 32, from A Ball Field Somewhere

SoftballCatcher04 was last seen:
Jan 18, 2012
    1. Mama Duck
      Mama Duck
      Yeag, just keep thinking that way, lol.
    2. Mama Duck
      Mama Duck
      She actually walked away from everything for a boy. Totally stupid move but she will have to live and learn I guess.
    3. Mama Duck
      Mama Duck
      How did you guys end up doing this weekend?
    4. Mama Duck
      Mama Duck
      How was this past weekend, sorry you have to put up with Guru now, but hope to see you soon. I think I am going to try and come to Salisbury or Burlington in the next couple of weeks since Shay is done playing. good Luck.
    5. Mama Duck
      Mama Duck
      Hey Casey,

      If you are looking to play some this fall. you may want to get in touch with John Corn and the Lady Lightning. I know that some think he can be a pain, but he is a great coach IMHO. Also, don't know where you ae looking to go, but Tusculum in Greeneville, TN is looking for a catcher for your year and I gave Fred your name. Hope things work out well for you and wanted to say you did great when I saw you Friday night.
    6. Mama Duck
      Mama Duck
      Cool, Have a couple of coach friends that are looking specifically at catchers and was wondering if I could give them your name.
    7. Mama Duck
      Mama Duck
      Hey Casey,

      Are you playing in the QDSS this weekend? And if so, which team are you on?
    8. stickwolf
      No Couldn't round up enough. ....I NEED SOFTBALL players and I got a bunch of social butterflies.....HaHa 13 freaking kids and can't get enough to play .....Sucks. Think we are going to have tryouts and shake this thing up a little bit. How have you guys done?? Haven't seen the mudslingers in awhile. we play in Marion next weekend. See Ya
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  • About

    Feb 3, 1992 (Age: 32)
    A Ball Field Somewhere
    Play Hard Or Go Home

    Carolina Curve Softball


    "While She Rests...I Work"

    "Sometimes You Have To Go Slow To Go Fast"

    KC Shue #4

    Curve Catcher #4